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Job Descriptions


Position Series/number: Economist Series, 0110
Grade Scale: GS-14 & 15

Job Description

Economists at the NIH perform research into economic phenomena, analysis of economic data, and the preparation of interpretive reports.  They provide advice on economic matters to NIH management and plan and carry out projects and surveys for collecting detailed public health and other research data.  Economists apply forecasting techniques, select appropriate models and software or develop specialized computer programs, and evaluate and interpret results.  Economists use statistical formulae for determining sample size; procedures for sample selection; methods of organizing data collection and reporting; procedures for data verification, processing and tabulation; and the principles and policies governing the analysis and coordination of findings.  Economist positions require professional knowledge of economics and a variety of economic models; ability to adapt existing models and techniques or to develop innovative methods and techniques for the analysis and interpretation of data; and knowledge of computer science and its application to economic methodologies and data analysis.

Minimum Requirements

How to Apply

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This page was last reviewed on April 16, 2009.
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