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Keep Albuquerque Beautiful

An affiliate of Keep America Beautiful since 1982, Keep Albuquerque Beautiful is dedicated to community education on all solid waste management issues and alternatives through litter control, beautification, and graffiti eradication activities. These activities are geared toward increasing awareness and changing attitudes through public information.

Keep Albuquerque Beautiful is part of a national network, the Keep America Beautiful System. They are respected for their success in litter prevention and recognized by the Wirthlin Public Opinion Survey as the most credible source for environmental information. KAB's grassroots leaders are increasingly being asked to take an active role in long-term solid waste disposal planning. In KAB's tradition of public education, we provide objective, nonpartisan information to the public on all solid waste disposal alternatives.

Local KAB training programs include the following:

  • Waste: A Hidden Resource
  • Waste-in-place
  • Waste in the Workplace
  • School, Civic, and Business Workshops
  • Responsible Retailing

Activities and events coordinated by KAB include the following:

  • Great American Clean-up
  • Summer Youth Employment
  • Neighborhood Streetscape
  • Litter Patrols
  • City-wide Video
  • Clothing collection
  • Litter-Free events
  • School presentations and activities
  • Murals
  • Volunteer opportunities

Funding Opportunities

KAB offers funding opportunities for various groups and projects to improve the aesthetics and cleanliness of the community. Please Call 761-8334 for further information on KAB's funding opportunities.

Environmental Education

Schools, neighborhood associations and community groups may call to schedule:

  • Presentations
  • Field Trips to the city's Landfill
  • Recycling Center or Composting facility
  • Environmental Teacher Training Seminar

Topics Include Integrated waste management; Reduce, Reuse, Recycle; Beautification; Litter and Graffiti Prevention.

Financial Support

The City of Albuquerque maintains a strong affiliation with Keep America Beautiful and provides financial support for the Overall management of the Keep Albuquerque Beautiful program. The State of New Mexico under the New Mexico Litter Control and Beautification Act makes grant funds available to New Mexico counties, cities and towns for the purpose of litter control and beautification. Each New Mexico vehicle registration fee includes 50 cents annually for the support of the NM Litter Control and Beautification grant. KAB has received a grant for operating its programs and activities for the past eighteen years.

Executive Board

Keep Albuquerque Beautiful is comprised of an Executive Advisory Board and five subcommittees. Members of the board and these committees are active members of the Albuquerque and serve as citizen representatives.

  • Annabell Gallegos, Coordinator
  • Dennis Bonfantine, President
  • Cliff Richardson, Vice-President
  • Vacant, Chair, Municipal
  • Margaret Dike, Chair, Education
  • Vacant, Chair, Community Activities

Annual Events and Volunteer Opportunities

Great American Clean-up
City-wide Video Contest
Clothes Collection

City-wide Video Awards and Volunteer Recognition
Clothes Collection

Summer Youth Employment Program

Fall Clean-up

Balloon Fiesta Recycling Project

America Recycles Day

Telephone Book Recycling

Environmental Teacher Training Seminar
Tours/Presentations offered year-round

To find out more about any of these programs or events, call Keep Albuquerque Beautiful at (505) 761-8334

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