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Out Shopping


Many of the choices you make when you shop have an environmental impact.

3 Things You Can Do:

  1. Shop local whenever possible.
  2. Sell or donate reusable items.
  3. Learn about Community Supported Agriculture.

Sustainability - Take ActionMotivated to do more?

Here's a full list of actions you can take to promote a sustainable life in Albuquerque:


Action Benefits


Energy Supply
Air Quality
Greenhouse Gas
Emission Reduction
Waste Reduction Water Supply
and Quality
Land and Wildlife
Shop local whenever possible to reduce transportation pollution. The Green Directory can help!   Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Sell or donate reusable items instead of throwing them away.   Sustainability - Air   Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Learn about Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) and sign up for one in Albuquerque. Here's a list of local markets and farmers.   Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Recycle aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic, cardboard, and newspapers. Learn about Albuquerque's Recycling Program >>   Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Buy products with reusable or recyclable packaging, and try to find products with reduced packaging. Less packaging means less energy used to manufacture new and bigger containers.   Sustainability - Air   Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Buy products made of recycled content, such as recycled paper for your computer printer.   Sustainability - Air   Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Next time you buy something small, tell the clerk you don't need a bag.   Sustainability - Air   Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Instead of choosing paper or plastic bags at the store, take your own fabric bags or recycled bags with you when you go shopping.       Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Buy fresh foods instead of frozen. Frozen food uses 10 times more energy to produce.   Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming      
Buy organic foods as much as possible. Organic soils capture and store carbon dioxide at much higher levels than soils from conventional farms. Plus, the lack of toxic chemicals on organic farms make them more land- and animal-friendly.     Sustainability - Global Warming Sustainability - Waste Reduction   Sustainability - Land and Wildlife
Buy rechargable batteries.       Sustainability - Waste Reduction    
Choose less toxic cleaning products and paints.   Sustainability - Air Sustainability - Global Warming Sustainability - Waste Reduction Sustainability - Water Sustainability - Land and Wildlife

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