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President and Chief Scientist of Malin Space Science Systems
"When I was young, I promised myself that I would never work at a job that wasn't fun. I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to keep this promise."
Ph.D., Geology and Planetary Science, California Institute of Technolgy, Pasadena, Calif.
Picture of Michael Malin
Michael Malin
Chief Scientist, Malin Space Science Systems

Mars' Chief Photographer

I began my graduate studies at Caltech right after the launch of Mariner 9. During the summer of 1971, I worked with mission designer Norm Haines on designing initial imaging sequences to match his mission design. When the spacecraft got to Mars, there was a global dust storm, so our work didn't really matter. I worked in the Space Flight Operations Center logging in pictures over the Christmas holidays, when the first images with decipherable features were received. I continued to help plan images until the spacecraft ran out of attitude control gas during the summer of 1972. All three chapters of my Ph.D. dissertation were based on my studies of Mars using Mariner 9 images.

My Job
The most challenging part of my job is thinking up new instruments for future missions. There is tremendous competition to provide instruments for up-coming spaceflights, and the things that limit what we can do - size, weight, power, and cost - added to the intensity of the competition, add to the challenge.

Getting Started
I decided to work in a space-related field when I was very young. Exactly when I cannot remember, but I clipped articles from newspapers that described rocket flights several years before the first satellites were orbited (when I was 5 or 6 years old). Throughout my education, I studied as much science as I could, in class, by going to the public library and reading, and by visiting the Griffith Park Planetarium (in Los Angeles, where I grew up). I continued to keep a scrapbook of newpaper and magazine articles until I went to college.

At first, I wanted to be an astrophysicist (a combination of astronomer and physicist), but in college I became interested in the geology of other planets, and pursued that direction of study. During my undergraduate studies at the University of California at Berkely (I received a bachelors of arts degree in physics, with a minor in English literature), I worked for two professors who were studying samples brought back from the Moon, and when I went to graduate school (at the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena), I worked with a professor who was part of the Mariner 9 camera team and the leader of the Mariner 10 camera team.

Mike Malin
Mike Malin
After I graduated with my Ph.D. (in Geology and Planetary Science), I worked for four years at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where I was able to participate in both the Viking and Voyager missions in a support role. I left JPL in the late 1970's, when the space program entered a period of reduced spaceflights, and taught geology at Arizona State University in Tempe. There I broadened my research experience by collaborating with other scientists who studied the Earth rather than other planets, and I began research programs studying volcanoes (I was at Mount St. Helens within a month of its major eruption in 1980), water erosion processes in deserts (in parts of Arizona and Utah, and in Iceland), and wind erosion (in Iceland and Antarctica).

All of these research topics are relevant to Mars, which remained the planet in which I was most interested, although I also conducted planetary science studies of Venus, Mercury, the Moon, and the satellites of Jupiter during this period.

My Hobbies
There is a real danger in having a job that is as much fun as mine: I am addicted> to my work. I don't have any hobbies, since my job lets me do many things I might otherwise do as a hobby (for example, I make computer animations and go hiking and camping). I do enjoy fly fishing and sailing, but haven't figured out a way to relate this to my work - yet!.

The Things I Like Best and Least About My Job
When I was young, I promised myself that I would never work at a job that wasn't fun. I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to keep this promise. The best thing about my work is that it involves so many different things- things like writing, speaking, traveling, studying, hiking and camping.

If I get bored or frustrated with any given job, I can put it aside for a while and work on something else. Often I can work on several things at the same time. And all are fun.

The thing I like the least about my job is that there is so much work to do that I can't do it all myself. I have had to learn to let other people do things instead of me. I don't like this since usually it was something I wanted to do myself. Working with a team is much harder than working alone. However, teams can do much more than individuals, and so the rewards can be much greater when everyone works well together. And it can be fun having others with whom you can share ideas and experiences.

Things I Read When I was a Kid
As a kid, I read a lot of science fiction and science books. I particularly like science fiction that was well-based in science (I still don't care much for fantasy books). My favorite authors were Robert Heinlein, Andre Norton, Issac Asimov (writing both as Asimov and Paul French), and Arthur C. Clarke. I believe these books helped develop my imagination while keeping me from total flights of fantasy.

People Who Influenced Me
I have been lucky to have a large number of people influence me. The most important person was my mother, who encouraged me to always do the best I could, and who also continually challenged me to do better. My father died when I was seven, so my mother really was the guiding light in my life.

I attended an elementary school in North Hollywood, California (a suburb of Los Angeles) that specialized in "special education" classes for kids with physical or other handicaps, but which also provided regular classes for their brothers and sisters. I had two teachers there (Mrs. Judith Newman in the second grade and Mrs. Mildred Christiansen in the sixth grade) who greatly encouraged me, and provided the extra challenge to work harder. In junior high, my ninth grade science teacher (Mr. Robert Hayes) let me try out experiments after school; this was my first experience with research. As a physics undergraduate at Berkeley, two faculty (Buford Price and John Reynolds) and three of their post-doctoral fellows for whom I worked (Calvin Alexander, Dennis O'Sullivan and Wolf Kaiser) showed me how to do REAL research, and with another professor (Kinsey Anderson) who provided independent research funds for a lunar photogeology project, changed the entire direction of my professional life (from physics and astronomy to planetary science).

It was in graduate school, however, that I met and worked with the men who had the most influence on my professional life: Bruce Murray, Robert Sharp and Eugene Shoemaker. Murray was my research advisor, and the four years I was his student were the most exciting and productive of my career. Sharp is a living legend, one of the greatest geologists of this century, and his guidance by example, in particular in jointly conducted research, was the most important to how I developed as a professional scientist. Shoemaker is the "father" of planetary geology, and I was fortunate to be the teaching assistant for his lunar geology course during the first few years after the lunar landings completely changed our view of the moon. From Gene I discovered it was okay to have fun while other people paid you to work.

A Little More About Me
I am a native Californian- born, raised, and educated. I have only lived outside the state once, for 11 years when I taught at Arizona State University in Tempe . I moved back to California after I left ASU in May 1991. Today, I live near the ocean in La Jolla, California, a suburb of San Diego. The offices of my company, Malin Space Science Systems, are nearby.

Contributions to Mars Exploration

2007 Mars Scout
I am the Principal Investigator on two proposals that were submitted in response to the 2007 Mars Scout announcement of opportunity. One proposal requests NASA support to fly the MARCI (Mars Color Imager) wide angle camera on the French Mars Orbiter 2007 mission, so that we can study cloud motions from two times of day to track wind motions. The other proposal is to land vehicles on Mars at very specific places to study layered rocks and gullies, following-up on two of the Mars Orbiter Camera's most important discoveries.

2005 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
I am the Principal Investigator on the MRO MARCI, a reflight of the wide angle camera that was lost on MCO. I am also the Team Leader for the Context Camera, which will acquire images at a scale of about 6 meters per pixel to provide context for the smaller, but higher-resolution HiRISE (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) and CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer) experiments.

2003 Mars Exploration Rover Mission
I am a Co-Investigator on Steve Squyres' ATHENA science payload.

2001 Mars Odyssey
I am a Co-Investigator on Phil Christensen's THEMIS (Thermal Emission Imaging System) experiment. My company built the visible imaging system (VIS) portion of THEMIS. Before it was canceled, I was the Team Leader for the Descent Imaging Team for the 2001 Lander. My company built that camera under contract to JPL.

1999 Mars Polar Lander
I was the Principal Investigator on the Mars Descent Imager or MARDI. MARDI would have acquired 10-20 images of the surface of Mars from altitudes of about 8 km to about 10 m above the surface, with scales of about 8 m/pixel to about 1 cm/pixel.

1998 Mars Climate Orbiter
I was the Principal Investigator on the Mars Color Imager, or MARCI, a two-camera system designed to observe the color of Mars at a number of wavelengths for atmospheric and surface geology. MARCI's medium angle camera would have acquired 40 m/pixel, 40 km wide swaths in 10 different colors; MARCI's wide angle camera would have acquire daily global images at 7-10 km/pixel in 5 colors in the visible and 2 colors in the ultraviolet (to look for ozone and water vapor processes). My company, Malin Space Science Systems, built the MARCI hardware and wrote the software that ran on the spacecraft computer.

1996 Mars Global Surveyor
I was (and am) the Principal Investigator on the Mars Orbiter Camera (also called MOC), a reflight of the Mars Observer Camera lost when Mars Observer failed three days before reaching Mars in 1993. The MGS MOC has been a remarkable success, finding what appear to be recent gullies, sequences of layered sedimentary rock as large as the Colorado Plateau, and showing many examples of the complexity of Martian geology. The spacecraft and camera completes 5 years of in-orbit operations in September 2002. I am also a Co-Investigator on Phil Christensen's Thermal Emission Spectrometer experiment.

1996 Mars Pathfinder
I was a Participating Scientist on the Patherfinder mission, selected for my expertise in catastrophic floods derived from my research in Iceland. I chaired the Geology Science Operations Group, which had responsibility for planning and evaluating imaging sequences for geology, and providing the Principal Investigator (Peter Smith) with information for directing the overall experiment.

1992 Mars Observer
I was the principal investigator on the Mars Observer Camera (MOC). MOC included three cameras in one: a high resolution (we call it "narrow angle") camera capable of acquiring images at a scale of 1.5 m/pixel and two wide angle cameras (one viewing through a red filter, the other through a blue filter) to monitor global weather.

1975 Viking 1-2
I didn't play an active role during the conduct of the Viking missions, but afterwards I co-authored a scientific paper on the landing sites (with Robert Sharp of Caltech).

1971 Mariner 9
Designed imaging sequences.

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