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International Services


GIPSA offers various international assistance programs that keep America's grain flowing to our international customers.


Our educational programs include briefings for international trade teams and government representatives on the U.S. grain market and national inspection system; as well as site visits to GIPSA field offices, onsite laboratories at export grain elevators, and GIPSA's Technical Center in Kansas City, Missouri.


Individuals or companies exporting grain, oilseeds, or related commodities from the United States should be aware of this important information about registration, quality and weight certification, phytosanitary certification, shipper's export declaration (SED), embargoes, and ag exporter assistance.


To facilitate the marketing of U.S. grain and related products, GIPSA offers various marketing documents to address importing countries' requirements.


A buyer can report a grain weight or quality discrepancy that arises between origin and destination through the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) agricultural representative at the U.S. Embassy located in their country.


GIPSA may institute collaborative studies and surveys to address repeated discrepancies between contracted quality or quantity and product received in a comprehensive manner.

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