GFDL - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

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Weather and Atmospheric Dynamics

Improve our understanding of atmospheric circulations ranging in scale from hurricanes to extratropical storms and the general circulation, with an emphasis on extreme weather events and the interplay between weather phenomena and climate variability and change, using comprehensive high resolution atmospheric modeling and idealized dynamical studies.

Current Research Topics


Hurricane Floyd

Hurricane Modeling

Investigate hurricane sensitivity to climate change using a variety of tools, including global models, regional models, and the GFDL hurricane forecast system. Continue to improve the GFDL hurricane forecast system and its operational implementations.
Recent Papers


ZETAC Simulation

High Resolution Modeling

Develop high resolution atmospheric models for improved simulations of the atmospheric climate, and for studies of regional climate change and of extreme weather.

Recent Papers


Turbulence Simulation

General Circulation Dynamics

Study a variety of idealized general circulation models to develop our understanding of the atmospheric climate and help optimize GFDL's atmospheric model development efforts, with an emphasis on the interplay between the atmospheric hydrological cycle and the general circulation.

Recent Papers