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Klein Pushes Forward on Domestic, Foreign Policy Issues Affecting South Floridians

Boca Raton, FL – Congressman Ron Klein (FL-22) zigzagged the district, working on domestic and foreign policy issues affecting South Floridians this week. During more than two dozen meetings and events this week, he continued advancing the conversation on health care, the Homeowner’s Defense Act, clean energy, supporting veterans and foreign policy dealing with Iran.


Congressman Klein traveled throughout the district and made his health care listening tour a priority. Klein spoke about reform and answered specific questions at town halls and forums in Boynton Beach, Parkland and West Palm Beach. In addition, to addressing constituents, Congressman Klein spoke with doctors at roundtable sessions at JFK Medical Center, Palm Beach Gardens Medical Center and the Palm Beach Medical Society. Congressman Klein also met with Rotary Clubs and Chambers of Commerce in the district and had informative and extensive exchanges with constituents at each of the meetings.


“It is helpful to hear from constituents, and all stakeholders involved in the health care conversation,” Klein said. “After three health care town halls and dozens of meetings and forums in the district, with constituents, doctors, nurses, health care providers, I continue to receive valuable feedback and ideas to take back to Washington. As we continue the dialogue, I look forward to upcoming meetings with constituents and fielding questions during Wednesday night’s health care telephone town hall.”


With hurricane season active, Congressman Klein discussed the creation of a national catastrophic risk pool through the Homeowner’s Defense Act at the COWBRA meeting and explained how pooling the risk through private markets would help Florida and states around the country impacted by a variety of natural disasters. He met with local business owners as well as state and local health officials to coordinate response to the H1N1 flu. He also met with Bob Terwilliger, CEO of AccuDial Pharmaceutical Inc., a medical company revolutionizing the children’s medicine market by creating a rotating label on children’s medication that will bases doses on a child’s weight — not age. Congressman Klein also discussed U.S. foreign policy and the strategy and tactics in dealing with Iran, at the Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County during a speech and question-and-answer session.


As part of his “Congressman in Your Community” tour in Coral Springs, Congressman Klein met with religious leaders and spoke at the Chamber of Commerce. He also discussed clean energy and toured Roofing Concepts Unlimited, a solar roofing contractor, and the first commercial business to run on solar power in Coral Springs.


Congressman Klein’s work continues this weekend, as he is scheduled to participate in the celebration of the Indian New Year, meet with Taiwanese local business leaders and show support for “Shopping for Soldiers’ Needs’” organization.


“One of the most rewarding parts of serving the 22nd district is the August work period, because I can travel the district to meet with constituents and focus on issues that affect us all,” Klein said.

