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Insurance Reform

The impact of rising homeowners’ insurance premiums, reduced coverage, and policy cancellations is a problem Floridians know all too well. But this is no longer just a Florida problem. With the risk of major natural disasters striking many parts of the United States, including tornadoes, earthquakes, wildfires, hurricanes and great floods, property insurance rates are skyrocketing through the United States.

In these difficult economic times, it is clearer than ever that we need real reform, and an innovative approach to spread the risk throughout the country. That is why Congressman Klein drafted a common sense plan, named The Homeowners’ Defense Act of 2009, to help spread the risk and bring down costs for everyone.

In this photo: Congressman Klein studies hurricane tracking maps during a visit to the National Hurricane Center in Miami.

The Homeowners' Defense Act was drafted to address the growing crisis in the availability and affordability of homeowners’ insurance. Thirty-two states across the nation have established some form of residual market insurance plan to address availability and affordability. States around the country are increasingly assuming the burden of insuring homeowners who have been cancelled. 

This proactive approach focuses on providing an opportunity for states to responsibly plan for disasters ahead of time, while also offering emergency relief for those states that may be lower-risk regions. By planning ahead of time, states can reduce their catastrophe losses and get homeowners back on their feet as quickly as possible following a disaster.




  • South Florida Sun-Sentinel - New federal legislation would give South Florida homeowners an insurance break
  • Palm Beach Post Editorial - Relief for Florida, nation



Click here to read more or view photos

  • Palm Beach Post -  Insurance testimony in West Palm Beach aims to change laws
Homeowners' Defense Act Detailed Description ( 05/22/09 09:07 AM PST )
Homeowners' Defense Act ( 05/21/09 01:08 PM PST )