Erie County Government - Official website of the Erie County, NY Government

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Office of Budget

Greg Gach, Director

Click a graph to open a larger image in a new window

Where Your Tax Dollars Go

Graph: Where Your Tax Dollars Go

The 2008 Budget totals $1,453,151,181.

Where the Dollars Come From

Graph: Where the Dollars Come From

The pie chart apportions 2008 revenues totaling $1,453,151,181 into eleven major revenue categories.

Growth in average annual cost of Medicaid per property taxpayer since 1999

Graph: Growth in average annual cost of Medicaid per property taxpayer since 1999

Full Time Position Count
2004 - 2008 Adjusted Numbers

Graph: Full Time Position Count

There are 774 fewer positions in the 2008 Budget when compared to 2004. This represents a 14.98% decrease. ECMCC full time positions are not included for the purpose of providing comparable numbers.

Mandated vs. Non-Mandated County Share

Graph: Mandated vs. Non-Mandated County Share