Erie County Government - Official website of the Erie County, NY Government

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Government of Erie County, New York

Erie County District Attorney's Office

Grand Jury Bureau

Grand Jury Bureau

The Grand Jury Bureau staff assists all felony attorneys in scheduling cases for Grand Jury presentation, and works with the Office of the Commissioner of Jurors to ensure the smooth operation of the two Grand Juries that are empanelled each court term in Erie County. The Grand Jury Bureau Chief supervises the bureau and also advises prosecutors on presentation procedures and techniques. The Bureau Chief personally presents a number of cases to the Grand Jury each year and also coordinates the work of Grand Jury Stenographers. Each month, the Grand Jury Bureau Chief assists with Grand Jury empanelment, administers a legal charge and orients the Grand Jury officers regarding their duties. The Bureau Chief handles weekly Grand Jury reports and related administrative duties involving the preparation of indictments and dismissals for these reports.