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Congressman Ron Klein, who represents Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, was sworn in to the United States Congress on January 4th, 2007. An experienced leader with a solid record of service, Ron has developed a reputation for working in a bipartisan manner to find common sense solutions that will improve the lives of Florida’s families.

Ron fought for meaningful homeowner’s insurance reform as a senator in the state legislature, and brought his passion for the issue to Congress. As a Member of the Financial Services Committee, which has jurisdiction over the insurance sector, Ron was asked by Chairman Barney Frank to lead the insurance reform effort. Working with his colleagues from South Florida, Ron successfully passed H.R. 3355, the Homeowners’ Defense Act, in 2007. This bill will provide real relief for Florida, where the cost of homeowners’ insurance has become too often out of reach.

Ron is also a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, where he is working to promote our national security by ending our dependence on foreign oil, assessing our Middle East policies, fighting for accountability in Iraq and promoting a responsible foreign policy based on cooperation with our international allies. Drawing on his expertise as Vice Chair of the Middle East Subcommittee, Ron introduced H. Res. 1111, which requires all future U.S. funding to Iraq for reconstruction, fuel, and training costs be a loan. Ron also sits on the subcommittee on the Western Hemisphere and the subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade.

Born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1957 to a public school teacher and a small business owner, Ron learned early on from his parents that with a good education and solid work ethic, one can accomplish almost anything. Ron graduated from The Ohio State University in 1979, and received his Juris Doctor from Case Western Reserve University Law School in 1982. That same year, Ron married the former Dori Dragin, and together they moved to Boca Raton, Florida in 1985, where he continued practicing law and involving himself in various community service activities.

Motivated to help improve the quality of life in South Florida, Ron ran for and was elected to the Florida House of Representatives in 1992. During his tenure in the House, Ron built an impressive reputation for his work improving education, toughening criminal justice laws, providing greater access to healthcare, and expanding use of technology in the public and private sectors. One of Ron’s proudest accomplishments in the House was the passage of the Holocaust Education Act, which mandated the teaching about the lessons of the Holocaust in all of Florida’s public schools.

Elected to the State Senate in 1996, Ron’s hard work earned him the positions of Minority Whip and eventually Senate Democratic Leader. In the Senate, Ron helped create a panel to study end of life care and a commission to study geriatric medicine. One of Ron’s important achievements was the 1998 passage of the Jimmy Ryce Act. Named after a nine year old Miami boy who was kidnapped, raped and murdered, this legislation keeps violent sexual predators off the streets.

Ron and his wife Dori reside in Boca Raton. They are the proud parents of two children, Brian, 22 and Lauren, 19.