Representative Henry A. Waxman 30th District of California

Other Issues - Animal Welfare

Rep. Waxman believes that it is our moral obligation to ensure that animals are treated humanely, and has consistently supported legislation to strengthen protections for domestic and laboratory animals and wildlife. He is a longtime proponent of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) and continues to work hard to ensure the highest possible level of funding for the ESA and its species listing efforts.  In the 111th Congress, Rep. Waxman has cosponsored the following animal welfare legislation: 

H.R. 503, the Prevention of Equine Cruelty Act, would stop the slaughter of both domestic and wild horses for human consumption. 

H.R. 1018 would amend the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act to limit euthanasia and sales of wild free-roaming horses and burros.

H.R. 556, the Southern Sea Otter Recovery and Reseach Act, would establish a program of research, recovery, and other activities to provide for the recovery of the southern sea otter populations along the coast of California.

In the 110th Congress, Rep. Waxman cosponsored a number of bills to protect animals that are used for fighting or exhibition, bred for commercial sale or hunted:

The Animal Fighting Prohibition and Enforcement Act (P.L. 110-22) strengthens the Animal Welfare Act by making it a felony to participate in unlawful fighting ventures.

The Downed Animal and Food Safety Protection Act (H.R. 661) would require that downed livestock be euthanized humanely.

The Dog and Cat Fur Prohibition Enforcement Act (H.R. 891) would prohibit the importation of dog and cat fur.

The Inhumane Trapping Prevention Act (H.R.1691) would prohibit the killing of animals with steel-jawed leghold traps.

The Polar Bear Protection Act (H.R. 2327) would prohibit the importation of polar bear parts obtained in a sport hunt.

The Computer-Assisted Remote Hunting Act (H.R. 2711) would end the practice of hunting wild animals from home computers.

The Bear Protection Act (H.R. 3029) would halt the practice of importing, exporting or selling bears' internal organs.

The Federal Dog Protection Act (H.R. 3327) would prohibit dog fighting ventures and would make it a crime not only to sponsor a dog fight but also to attend one.

Haley’s Act (H.R. 1947) would make it unlawful for animal exhibitors and dealers to allow direct contact between the public and big cats such as lions and tigers. (The measure would not apply to accredited zoos.)

In addition, Rep. Waxman has worked to secure full funding for the implementation of existing animal welfare programs, such as the Animal Welfare Act.