Representative Henry A. Waxman 30th District of California


Rep Waxman’s Washington and Los Angeles offices accept resumes from college students interested in interning for academic credit. Los Angeles interns gain firsthand knowledge about how a Congressional office provides constituent services and interacts with the community. Washington interns handle administrative duties and have an opportunity to learn more about the legislative process.

Note: Applications for Summer 2009 are now closed (4/17).  Applications for Fall and beyond are still open.  Thank you for your interest!

To apply for a Los Angeles internship, please contact:

Office of Rep. Henry Waxman
8436 West Third Street, Ste 600
Los Angeles, CA 90048
Phone: 323.651.1040

To apply for a Washington internship, please contact:

Office of Rep. Henry Waxman
2204 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: 202.225.3976