Welcome to the Employment Development Department

First Level Appeal

An employer has the right to appeal EDD's decision to pay a claimant. A claimant has the right to appeal EDD's decision to reduce or deny benefits. An appeal must be submitted within 20 calendar days of the mailing date of our Notice of Determination and/or Ruling, DE 1080CZ. Mail your appeal to the return address shown on the decision notice. Include the following information:

  • Your name
  • The name of your business if you are the employer
  • Address and telephone number
  • Social Security number if you are a claimant
  • Employer account number and the claimant's social security number if you are an employer
  • The name and mailing address of any representative
  • The reason for your appeal
  • A copy of EDD's decision that you wish to appeal or the date of the decision
  • Any request for language assistance or special accommodation

The Office of Appeals notifies individuals of the time and place of hearing at least 10 days in advance. An Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) conducts the hearing, giving employers and claimants a chance to present their evidence.

The ALJ will issue a written decision to all interested individuals. The decision includes information about Filing a Second Level Appeal to the California Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board (Appeals Board.)

Listed below are some of the reference materials we use to make our decisions:

You can access the Employment Development Department Appeal Form, DE 1000M on this Web site if you wish to file an appeal. The appeal form is also included with each disqualification notice that we mail. Mail your completed appeal form to the address on the disqualification notice.