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Please take this opportunity to explore the Web site to find out information about the Department of Energy's (DOE) counterintelligence program, counterintelligence in general, and your responsibilities regarding counterintelligence as a DOE/NNSA contractor employee, subcontractor, or consultant.

OCI Podcast

Did you watch the motion picture Breach? Listen to David G. Major, retired FBI counterintelligence expert and President of the Centre for Counterintelligence and Security Studies, discuss the validity of the new film Breach based upon his personal interaction with Robert Hanssen, a senior FBI agent who spied for the Soviets/Russians. Not only will you discover the role that lead character Eric O'Neill actually played in Hanssen's apprehension, but you will also learn the inner workings of the FBI as related to the Hanssen espionage case and see how they compare to the movie's portrayal.

PodCast Download: CICENTRE Breach Movie Review  (MP3 - 57Mb) - [Right-Click: Save Target As]


:: Terrorism 101 ::

What is terrorism? When are terrorists most vulnerable to detection by you? Do you understand Islam? How did Usama bin Laden and al Qaida rise to power? What was Operation Bojinka? Do you know about the recent terrorism cases in the Pacific Northwest?

Terrorism awareness is critical to the safety of our site, community, and nation. OCI offers a free, unclassified presentation covering all of these topics and more to all DOE, contractor, and civic group organizations. To schedule a presentation for your organization, please contact OCI at 509-373-1865.


This Web site contains information from, and links to, a variety of counterintelligence sources, both official and unofficial and should not be deemed as official DOE policy unless so stated. For more information, questions, or comments about this Web site, please contact your local CI Office