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Eberline Services Hanford, Inc.

Eberline Services Hanford, Inc. Logo 
Eberline Services Hanford, Inc. is a preselected subcontractor to Washington Closure Hanford on the River Corridor Closure Project. Eberline Services Hanford, Inc. specializes in health physics, industrial hygiene and safety. The following is a list of specialized services:
  • Provide qualified health physics and industrial hygiene technicians
  • Provide qualified safety and health professionals
  • Provide health physics and industrial hygiene services
  • Institute and conduct a safety and health technician training program
  • Develop and provide radiation survey measurement instruments

Address: Eberline Services Hanford, Inc.
2620 Fermi Ave
Richland, WA 99354
President: Darren Boone
E-Mail: dmboone@wch-rcc.com
  Last Updated: 09/08/2008 02:54 PM
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