HUD and PD&R Data Sets HUDUSER Survey
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fy 1996 income limits
and section 8 fair market rents

Click here to obtain a national data file with all counties and county subparts.

Click here to obtain state-level median family income estimates.

Click here to learn how HUD income limits are calculated.

Click here to learn how median family incomes are estimated.

To view information for a given county or to download information for a specific State, go to the U.S. map below and click on the State you are interested in. The file format is described below the map.

A-F G-L M-N O-T U-Z States All

A-F | G-L | M-N | O-T | U-Z | STATES | ALL

Click here to see the file layout.

The data files provide county-level data. Income limits and FMRs are the same for all parts of a metropolitan area. In New England, a county may be split among metropolitan areas and have a nonmetropolitan part. You must use state, county, and metropolitan area codes to find the income limits or FMRs for a New England township.

Similar information is available for FY 1997, FY 1998, FY 1999, revisions to FY 1999, FY 2000, and FY 2001.

The file layout is as follows:

Line#      Spaces         Content


1	    5-6          State FIPS code

 	    8-9          State abbreviation

 	  10-13          FIPS county code

 	  14-41          County name

 	  42-47          HUD MSA code (usually same as Census code)

 	  54-80          MSA/PMSA name (or NONMETRO categorization)

2	   1-54          Descriptive name field

 	  55-60          FY 1996 Area Median Family Income for a

                	         metropolitan area or for a nonmetropolitan county


3          1-30          Descriptive name field

           31-36          1-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

           37-42          2-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

           43-48          3-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

           49-54          4-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

           55-60          5-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

           61-66          6-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

           67-72          7-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

           73-78          8-person HUD Very Low-Income limit

4          1-30          Descriptive name field

           31-36          1-person HUD Low-Income limit

           37-42          2-person HUD Low-Income limit

           43-48          3-person HUD Low-Income limit

           49-54          4-person HUD Low-Income limit

           55-60          5-person HUD Low-Income limit

           61-66          6-person HUD Low-Income limit

           67-72          7-person HUD Low-Income limit

           73-78          8-person HUD Low-Income limit

5          1-49          Descriptive name field

           50-54          Efficiency Fair Market Rent

           55-60          1-bedroom Fair Market Rent

           61-66          2-bedroom Fair Market Rent

           67-72          3-bedroom Fair Market Rent

           73-78          4-bedroom Fair Market Rent


Content updated on 08/23/06   Back to Top Back to Top

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