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JGI’s Education Program was conceived to develop educational programs and tools, centered on large-scale DNA sequencing and its bioinformatic analysis, that will begin to fill a void in life sciences training in these areas as recommended by the National Research Council in 2005. It is expected that these programs and tools will be useful to a range of institution types, from research universities to community colleges, recognizing that faculty at smaller schools are often unfamiliar with bioinformatics and genome-scale research. The products also have the potential for adaptation to high-school outreach programs.

JGI's Education Program is led by Cheryl Kerfeld


Student Research

Undergraduate Research in Microbial Genome Annotation

Tools for undergraduates to annotate microbial genomes as part of the GEBA project.

The ASM/DOE-JGI Bioinformatics Institute

JGI, in partnership with the American Society for Microbiology and Hiram College, offers workshops for undergraduate faculty for teaching bioinformatics.

Undergraduate Research in Microbial Characterization

Opportunities to participate in genomics research in microbial characterization.

Undergraduate Research in Microbial Functional Genomics

Research opportunities for undergraduates in microbial functional genomics.

Sequencing Training Program (STP)

Educational institutions can apply for high throughput DNA sequencing capacity.


Learning About Genomics

Bioenergy at DOE JGI

Learn how JGI is helping to address the challenge of converting plant materials into liquid fuels.

Virtual tour: Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing

A Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) video production describing the Whole Genome Shotgun Sequencing process at the JGI. This video is viewable on YouTube in three parts: Part1(chapters 1-5), Part 2 (chapters 6-8), Part 3 (chapters 9-14).

A Historical Timeline: Cracking the Code of Life

The history of genomics, from Darwin to the completion of the Human Genome Project.

Assembly Exercise

Make your own genome assembly, and discover reads, contigs, quality scores, and BLAST

How Sequencing is Done

Learn about the steps in JGI's process of whole-genome shotgun sequencing.

An Introduction to Genomics: The Human Genome and Beyond

What is genomics? Find out about the subject, its applications, and how it works with DNA.

Educational Links

Information and opportunities from partner institutions and other genomics-related centers.