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Need Help Paying For Your Medicines?

Need Help Paying For Your Medicines?

Did You Know?

In 1980, PhRMA's member companies invested $2 Billion in research and development of medicines.

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Global Health Progress

Global Health Progress

SMARxT Disposal

SMARxT Disposal

PhRMA Code

PhRMA Code

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Your Opinion Matters    

Straight Talk From PhRMA's Billy Tauzin

Straight Talk From PhRMA's Billy Tauzin

In the coming weeks, Congress could determine the future of high-tech bioscience in the U.S.    > MORE

Keeping America Healthy

Keeping America Healthy

Health in High Definition

Healthcare Now Updates

Healthcare Now Updates


diabetictest.jpgReport Shows Record Number of Medicines
Currently In Development to Treat Diabetes

A new report shows that America’s pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies are testing a record 183 new diabetes medicines. The medicines listed in the report are being tested in human clinical trials or are awaiting approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

> Learn More


petri_dish_web.jpgRecord Number of Medicines Being
Developed to Treat Causes of Cancer

Responding to President Obama’s call for “a cure for cancer in our time,” PhRMA delivered a new report showing America’s pharmaceutical research and biotechnology companies are testing a record 861 new cancer medicines and vaccines.

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richfante.jpgReform Must Protect U.S.
Lead in Medical Innovation

The U.S. health care system leads the world in medical innovation. Strengths of the current system include many of the world's top physicians, access to cutting-edge medicines and state-of-the-art technology.

> Click here to read more


healthcaredollar.jpgPrescription Medicines Account for Only
One-Tenth of Every Health Care Dollar

While the use of prescription medicines is growing because of the increased role medicines play in treating disease and helping patients to live longer, healthier lives, the cost of prescription medicines represents just over 10 cents of every health care dollar spent in the United States.
> Learn more