Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF16.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF16.101 General.
TEXT PDF16.102 Policies.
TEXT PDF16.103 Negotiating contract type.
TEXT PDF16.104 Factors in selecting contract types.
TEXT PDF16.105 Solicitation provision.
TEXT PDF16.201 General.
TEXT PDF16.202 Firm-fixed-price contracts.
TEXT PDF16.202-1 Description.
TEXT PDF16.202-2 Application.
TEXT PDF16.203 Fixed-price contracts with economic price adjustment.
TEXT PDF16.203-1 Description.
TEXT PDF16.203-2 Application.
TEXT PDF16.203-3 Limitations.
TEXT PDF16.203-4 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF16.204 Fixed-price incentive contracts.
TEXT PDF16.205 Fixed-price contracts with prospective price redetermination.
TEXT PDF16.205-1 Description.
TEXT PDF16.205-2 Application.
TEXT PDF16.205-3 Limitations.
TEXT PDF16.205-4 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF16.206 Fixed-ceiling-price contracts with retroactive price redetermination.
TEXT PDF16.206-1 Description.
TEXT PDF16.206-2 Application.
TEXT PDF16.206-3 Limitations.
TEXT PDF16.206-4 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF16.207 Firm-fixed-price, level-of-effort term contracts.
TEXT PDF16.207-1 Description.
TEXT PDF16.207-2 Application.
TEXT PDF16.207-3 Limitations.
TEXT PDF16.301 General.
TEXT PDF16.301-1 Description.
TEXT PDF16.301-2 Application.
TEXT PDF16.301-3 Limitations.
TEXT PDF16.302 Cost contracts.
TEXT PDF16.303 Cost-sharing contracts.
TEXT PDF16.304 Cost-plus-incentive-fee contracts.
TEXT PDF16.305 Cost-plus-award-fee contracts.
TEXT PDF16.306 Cost-plus-fixed-fee contracts.
TEXT PDF16.307 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF16.401 General.
TEXT PDF16.402 Application of predetermined, formula-type incentives.
TEXT PDF16.402-1 Cost incentives.
TEXT PDF16.402-2 Performance incentives.
TEXT PDF16.402-3 Delivery incentives.
TEXT PDF16.402-4 Structuring multiple-incentive contracts.
TEXT PDF16.403 Fixed-price incentive contracts.
TEXT PDF16.403-1 Fixed-price incentive (firm target) contracts.
TEXT PDF16.403-2 Fixed-price incentive (successive targets) contracts.
TEXT PDF16.404 Fixed-price contracts with award fees.
TEXT PDF16.405 Cost-reimbursement incentive contracts.
TEXT PDF16.405-1 Cost-plus-incentive-fee contracts.
TEXT PDF16.405-2 Cost-plus-award-fee contracts.
TEXT PDF16.406 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF16.500 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF16.501-1 Definitions.
TEXT PDF16.501-2 General.
TEXT PDF16.502 Definite-quantity contracts.
TEXT PDF16.503 Requirements contracts.
TEXT PDF16.504 Indefinite-quantity contracts.
TEXT PDF16.505 Ordering.
TEXT PDF16.506 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
TEXT PDF16.601 Time-and-materials contracts.
TEXT PDF16.602 Labor-hour contracts.
TEXT PDF16.603 Letter contracts.
TEXT PDF16.603-1 Description.
TEXT PDF16.603-2 Application.
TEXT PDF16.603-3 Limitations.
TEXT PDF16.603-4 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF16.701 Scope.
TEXT PDF16.702 Basic agreements.
TEXT PDF16.703 Basic ordering agreements.

