Title 48--Federal Acquisition Regulations System



TEXT PDF11.000 Scope of part.
TEXT PDF11.001 Definitions.
TEXT PDF11.002 Policy.
TEXT PDF11.101 Order of precedence for requirements documents.
TEXT PDF11.102 Standardization program.
TEXT PDF11.103 Market acceptance.
TEXT PDF11.104 Use of brand name or equal purchase descriptions.
TEXT PDF11.105 Items peculiar to one manufacturer.
TEXT PDF11.106 Purchase descriptions for service contracts.
TEXT PDF11.107 Solicitation provision.
TEXT PDF11.201 Identification and availability of specifications.
TEXT PDF11.202 Maintenance of standardization documents.
TEXT PDF11.203 Customer satisfaction.
TEXT PDF11.204 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
TEXT PDF11.301 Definitions.
TEXT PDF11.302 Policy.
TEXT PDF11.303 Special requirements for printing and writing paper.
TEXT PDF11.304 Contract clause.
TEXT PDF11.401 General.
TEXT PDF11.402 Factors to consider in establishing schedules.
TEXT PDF11.403 Supplies or services.
TEXT PDF11.404 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF11.500 Scope.
TEXT PDF11.501 Policy.
TEXT PDF11.502 Procedures.
TEXT PDF11.503 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF11.600 Scope of subpart.
TEXT PDF11.601 Definitions.
TEXT PDF11.602 General.
TEXT PDF11.603 Procedures.
TEXT PDF11.604 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses.
TEXT PDF11.701 Supply contracts.
TEXT PDF11.702 Construction contracts.
TEXT PDF11.703 Contract clauses.
TEXT PDF11.801 Preaward in-use evaluation.

