Erie County Government - Official website of the Erie County, NY Government

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This site is designed to be your window into Erie County government, making it easier for you to locate any information and/or service you need.


Throughout the Erie County website you will find that clicking on the Erie County seal in the header or footer of web pages will return you to the main homepage.

Within the header of Erie County web pages, below the County seal, there are a useful collection of links:

  1. Elected Officials – includes the Comptroller, the County Clerk, the County Executive, the District Attorney, the Legislature and the Sheriff
  2. Doing Business - consists of resources for organizations seeking to do business with the County of Erie, information for businesses, and bid information
  3. Living in Erie County – local information about the County, for residents and potential residents. Examples of links are Public Safety, Auto Bureau, Tax Services, Parks & Recreation, and Health & Human Services.
  4. Municipalities – includes a listing of all known official City, Town, and Village web sites in Erie County.
  5. Recreation & Tourism – contains information about things to do and see in Erie County, including resources and links to such places as the Buffalo-Niagara Convention & Visitors Bureau, various places of interest, and places to visit in Erie County.
  6. Site Map – details the organization of the Erie County website, categorically or alphabetically.

To make searching easier, there is a search field at the top of every page within Erie County's website.

The footer of web pages is included at the bottom of every page. The footer includes links such as Home (returns you to the main page), Help (this page), Site Policy, Site Map, and Search. To access these helpful links, simply scroll to the bottom of any Erie County web page.

Additional Software

Many documents on the website are in Adobe Acrobat .pdf format, which will be indicated by an icon ( ) or a text notation ((pdf)). These documents require the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view or print. This software is available as a free download from Adobe.

External Links and Downloads

All external links and downloadable files will open in a new browser window. If you have popup blocking software installed, you may need to hold CTRL on your keyboard while clicking these links.