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Office of the Chief Information Officer

Doing Business with the Department of Energy

The Department of Energy (DOE) obligates over $20 billion each fiscal year in contracts and financial assistance agreements.  The purpose of this page is to provide interested parties with "one-stop shopping" for information on business and financial assistance opportunities, including points of contact at the Department's contracting activities at Headquarters and in the field.

Assistance is provided regarding Federal regulatory and internal Department of Energy's acquisition policies, contact information for each DOE Procurement Director at Headquarters and the field, and possible subcontracting opportunities, as well as information on perspective financial assistance recipients of DOE financial assistance awards.

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act)

Learn more about the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 at Recovery.gov.

Learn more about what the Department of Energy is doing regarding the Recovery Act by accessing the Department of Energy's Recovery Act web site.

The Department will submit business opportunity notices to the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) and Grants.gov web sites, as required by the Recovery Act, and will clearly indicate which notices are related to the Recovery Act.  In order to respond to these notices, contractors and/or recipients will need to register with both the Deparment of Energy's e-Center and FedConnect as soon as possible.

The Department of Energy is currently moving to the Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System (STRIPES), which is an automated procurement and financial assistance system. FedConnect, a communications portal between contractors/recipients and STRIPES, will replace the Department of Energy's e-Center, and will be used to retrieve your submission. 

During the transition to STRIPES, including responding to opportunities provided by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, please register with both the Department of Energy's e-Center and FedConnect to ensure you can submit your proposal, bid, or application to either site.

Department of Energy's e-Center

The Department of Energy's e-Center is the web site for information on doing business with the Department of Energy, including viewing current business opportunities, registering to submit proposals, bids and applications, and obtaining information and guidance on the acquisition and financial assistance award process.

Note: The following contracting offices are not currently using STRIPES and will obtain proposal and bid submissions from the e-Center: Richland, Office of River Protection, Savannah River, the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Service Center, Western Power Administration, Southeastern Power Administration, and Southwestern Power Administration.


FedConnect is a commercial system that is being used in conjunction with the Strategic Integrated Procurement Enterprise System (STRIPES), and will replace the e-Center for viewing current business opportunities, registering to submit proposals, bids and applications, and responding to solicitations.

During the transition to STRIPES, please register with both FedConnect and the e-Center.

Note: Currently, the following Department of Energy web sites have been deployed on STRIPES and obtain proposal and bids submissions from FedConnect:  Headquarters Procurement Services in Washington, DC; Office of Environmental Management's Consolidated Business Center (EMCBC); Idaho; the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPRO); Oak Ridge; the Naval Reactors Laboratory; the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL), Chicago (March 2009) and Golden (March 2009).

Submission of Unsolicited Proposals

The Unsolicited Proposal web site at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) is the Department of Energy's central focal point for all unsolicited proposals.

Strategic Sourcing

Please visit the Complex-wide Strategic Sourcing  page to obtain information on contracts available for use by all U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) activities. In addition, subject to the specific ordering procedures of each award, facility contractors may be eligible to use these instruments.


Training is provided in the form of a digital video titled, "Doing Business with the Department of Energy DVD".

You will need the latest version of RealOne Player to view this DVD. After RealOne Player has been successfully installed, either click on the URL above or cut and past the URL above into RealOne Player to view the DVD.

Procurement and Asssistance Data System (PADS) Online

PADS is the Department of Energy's central repository of contractual information for all unclassified procurement and financial assistance awards.  The data found in PADS On-line have been specifically selected based on hundreds of information requests that flow through DOE each year.  Not all of the PADS data are selected for display on PADS ON-LINE.

If you need to to read the instructions on how to use PADS Online, go to the Instructions for PADS ON-LINE now.

If you do not need to to read the instructions on how to use PADS Online, go to PADS ON-LINE now.

Review of Funding Proposals Referred to as "Earmarks"

The FY 2007 Revised Continuing Resolution (P.L. 110-5, SEC. 112) contained language stating, "Any language specifying an earmark in a committee report or statement of managers accompanying an Appropriations Act for fiscal year 2006 shall have no legal effect with respect to funds appropriated by this division." As a result, a February 2 guidance memorandum from the Secretary's Chief of Staff was issued stating that only those (earmarks) with meritorious proposals or programs that meet the Department's missions and objectives should receive FY 2007 funding. Additionally, OMB Director Rob Portman released a February 15 guidance memorandum similarly stating that agencies should fund activities (earmarks) based on specific criteria and merit-based decision-making. The Department of Energy considers the evaluation of all funding proposals very important and, with the extra emphasis placed on earmarks in FY 2007, each DOE program office will review all unsolicited proposals carefully. For more information on a particular activity, please contact the appropriate DOE program office.


Search for Justification and Approval Documents through Federal Business Opportunities (FBO). Note - Specify the Department of Energy and  "Justification and Approval" as the Opportunity/Procurement Type

Department of Energy's Acquisition Forecast

Contracting Offices Listing

Doing Business with Major DOE Contractors

Electronic Commerce Procedures - Standard Terms and Conditions

Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization 

Policy & Guidance

 Financial Assistance
Federal Financial Assistance Opportunities at the Department of Energy (pdf)


Information and Forms for Financial Assistance Applicants and Recipients

OMB's Grant Page

Policy & Guidance


Link: The White House Link: USA.gov Link: Privacy Program Link: E-gov Link: Information Quality (IQ) Link: FOIA Program
U.S. Department of Energy | 1000 Independence Ave., SW | Washington, DC 20585
1-800-dial-DOE | f/202-586-4403