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Journal Articles

Holden, J.M. and Lemar, L.. E.  2008.  Assessing vitamin D contents in foods and supplements: challenges and needs.  American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.  88(Suppl.):551S-553S. 

Dwyer, J.T., Picciano, M.F., Betz, J.M., Fisher, K.D., Saldanha, L.G., Yetley, E.A., Coates, P.M., Milner, J.A., Whitted, J., Burt, V., Radimer, K.,  Wilger, J., Sharpless, K.E., Holden, J., Andrews, K.W., Roseland, J.M., Zhao, C., Schweitzer, A., Harnly, J., Wolf, W.R., Perry, C.R.  (2008)  Progress in developing analytical and label-based dietary supplement databases at NIH’s Office of Dietary Supplements.  Journal of Food Composition and Analysis.  Volume 21. S83-S93.

Haytowitz, D.B., Pehrsson, P.R., and Holden, J.M.  (2008) The National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program:  A Decade of Progress. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 21(Supp. 1):S94-S102.

Roseland, J., Holden, J., Andrews, K., Zhao, C., Schweitzer, A., Harnly, J., Wolf, W., Perry, C.R., Dwyer, J.T., Picciano, M.F., Betz, J.M., Saldanha, L.G., Yetley, E., Fisher, K., Sharpless, K. (2008) Dietary supplement ingredient database (DSID): preliminary USDA studies on composition of adult multivitamin-mineral supplements.Journal of Food Composition and Analysis  21(Supp. 1):S69-S77

Andrews, K.W., Schweitzer, A., Zhao, C., Holden, J.M., Roseland, J.M., Brandt, M., Dwyer, J.T., Picciano, M.F., Saldanha, L.G., Fisher, K.D., Yetley, E., Betz, J.M., and Douglass, L. (2007) The caffeine content of 53 weight loss, energy, or sports performance dietary supplements commonly purchased in the US.Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 389:231-239.

Dwyer, J.T., Holden, J., Andrews, K., Roseland, J., Zhao, C., Schweitzer, A., Perry, C., Harnly, J., Wolf, W.R., Picciano, M.F., Fisher, K., Saldanha, L.G., Yetley, E.A., Betz, J.M., Coates, P.M., Milner, J.A., Whitted, J., Burt, V., Radimer, K., Wilger, J., Sharpless, K., Hardy, C.J. (2007) Measuring vitamins and minerals in dietary supplements for nutrition studies in the USA. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 389:37-46.

Phillips, K.M., Patterson, K.Y., Wolf, W.R., Sharpless, K.E., and Holden, J.M. 2007. Reference Materials to Evaluate Measurement Systems for the Nutrient Composition of Foods:Results from USDA's National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program. Anal. Bioanal. Chem., 389:219-229. DOI 10.1007/s00216-007-1366-0

Póo-Prieto, R., Haytowitz, D.B., Holden, J.M., Rogers, G., Choumenkovitch, S.F., Jacques, P.F., and Selhub.J.  2006.  Use of the Affinity/HPLC Method for Quantitative Estimation of Folic Acid in Enriched Cereal-Grain Products.  J. Nutr. 136(12): 3079-3083.

Harnly, J.M., Doherty, R.F., Beecher, G.R., Holden, J.M., Haytowitz, D.B., Bhagwat, S., Gebhardt, S.   2006.  Flavonoid Content of U.S. Fruits, Vegetables, and Nuts.  J. Agric. Food Chem.  54(26):9966-9977.

Phillips, K.M., Ruggio, D.M., Ahsraf-Khorassani,M., Haytowitz, D.B.  2006.  Difference in Folate Content of Green and Red Sweet Peppers (Capsicum anuum) Determined by Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 54(26):9998-10002.

Pehrsson, P., Perry, C., Cutrufelli, R., Patterson, K., Wilger, J., Haytowitz, D., Holden, J., Day, C., Himes, J., Harnak, L., Levy, S., Wefel, J., Heilman, J., Phillips, K., Rasor, A. 2006. Sampling and initial findings for a national study of fluoride in drinking water. J. Food Comp. Anal. 19:S45-S52.

Peterson, J., Beecher, G.R., Bhagwat, S.A., Dwyer, J., Eldridge, A., Gebhardt, S.E., Haytowitz, D.B., Holden, J.M. 2006. Flavanones in oranges, tangerines (mandarins), tangors, and tangelos: a compilation and review of the data from the analytical literature. J. Food Comp. Anal. 19:S66-S73

Peterson, J., Beecher, G.R., Bhagwat, S.A., Dwyer, J., Gebhardt, S.E., Haytowitz, D.B., Holden, J.M. 2006. Flavanones in grapefruit, lemons, and limes: A compilation and review of the data from the analytical literature.J. Food Comp. Anal. 19:S74-S80

Gebhardt, S.E., Holden, J.M. 2006. Consequences of changes in the Dietary Reference Intakes for nutrient databases.  J. Food Comp. Anal. 19:S91-S95.

Lemar, L., Haytowitz, D.B., Bingham, M., Cutrufelli, R., Thomas, R. 2006. The Nutrient Data Laboratory Web site gets a new look.  J. Food Comp. Anal. 19:S96-S99.

Dwyer, J.T., Picciano, M.F., Betz, J.M., Fisher, K.D., Saldanha, L.G., Yetley, E.A, Coates, P.M., Radimer, K., Bindewald, B., Sharpless, K.E., Holden, J., Andrews, K.,Zhao, C., Harnly, J., Wolf, W.R., Perry, C.R. 2006. Progress in development of an integrated dietary supplement ingredient database at the NIH Office of Dietary Supplements. J. Food Comp. Anal. 19:S108-S114.

Tarrago-Trani, M.T., K.M. Phillips, K.M., Lemar, L.E., Holden, J.M. 2006. New And Existing Oils And Fats Used In Products With Reduced Trans Fatty Acid Content. J. Amer. Diet. Assoc. 106:867-880.

Wu, X., Beecher, G.R., Holden, J.M., Haytowitz, D.B., Gebhardt, S.E., Piror, R.L.  2006.  Concentration of Anthocyanidins in Common Foods in the United States and Estimation of Normal Consumption.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 54:4069-4075.

Phillips, K.M., Patterson, K.Y., Rasor, A.S., Exler, J., Haytowitz, D.B., Holden, J.M., Pehrsson, P.R. 2006. Quality-control materials in the USDA National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP). Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 384(6):1341-1355

Chun, J., Lee, J., Ye, L., Exler, J., Eitenmiller, R.R.  2006.  Tocopherol and tocotrienol contents of raw and processed fruits and vegetables in the United States diet.  J.  Food Comp. Anal. 19:196-204

Ferreira, D.W., Haytowitz, D.B., Tassinari, M.A. Peterson, J.W., and Booth, S.L.  2006.  Vitamin K Contents of Grains, Cereals, Fast-Food Breakfasts, and Baked Goods.  J. Food Sci.   71(1):66-70.

Elder, S.J. Haytowitz, D.B., Howe, J., Peterson, J.W., Booth, S.L.   2006.  Vitamin K contents of meat, dairy and fast foods in the US diet. J. Agric. Food Chem.   54:463-467.

Koontz, J.L., Phillips, K.M., Wunderlich, K.M., Exler, J., Holden, J.M., Gebhardt, S.E., Haytowitz, D.B.  2005.  Comparison of Total Folate in Foods Determined by Microbiological Assay at Several Experienced U.S. Commercial Laboratories.J.  AOAC.  88(3):805-813.

Holden, J.M., Bhagwat, S.A., Beecher, G.R., Haytowitz, D.B., Gebhardt, S.E., Eldridge, A.L., Dwyer, J., and Peterson, J.  2005.  Development of a Database of Critically Evaluated Flavonoids Data:  Application of USDA’s Data Quality Evaluation. J.  Food Comp. Anal. 18:829-884. 

Damon, M., Zhang, N.Z., Haytowitz, D.B., Booth, S.L.  2005.  Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1 Content of Vegetables.  J. Food Comp and Analysis.  18:751-758.

Phillips , K.M., Wunderlich , K.M.,  Holden , J.M., Exler , J.,Gebhardt , S.E., Haytowitz , D.B., Beecher , G.R., and Doherty , R.F.  2005.    Stability of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate in frozen fresh fruits and vegetables   Food Chemistry.  92(4):587-595.

W u, X., Beecher, G. R.,  Holden, J.M., Haytowitz, D.B., Gebhardt, S.E., Prior. R.L.  2004.  L ipophilic and Hydrophilic Antioxidant Capacities of Common Foods in the United States .  J. Agric. Food Chem.  52, 4026-4037

Weizmann, N., Peterson, J.W., Haytowitz, D., Pehrsson, P.R., de Jesus, V.P. and Booth, S.L.  2004.  Vitamin K content of fast foods and snack foods in the US diet.  J. Food Comp. Anal.17:379-384.

Wu, X., Gu, L., Holden, J., Haytowitz, D.B., Gebhardt, S.E., Beecher, G., Prior, R.L., 2004.  Development of a database for the total antioxidant capacity in foods:  a preliminary study.  J. Food Comp. Anal.  17:407-422.

Dismore, M.L., Haytowitz, D.B., Gebhardt, S.E., Peterson, J.W., Booth, S.L.  2003.  Vitamin K content of nuts and fruits in the US diet.  J. American Dietetic Association.  103(12):1650-1652

Dumont, J.F., Peterson, J., Haytowitz, D, Booth. S.L. 2003.  Phylloquinone and dihydrophylloquinone content of mixed dishes, processed meats, soups, and cheesesJ Food Comp Anal,16(5):595-603.

Pehrsson, P.R., Haytowitz, D.B., Holden, J.M.  2003.  The USDA's Food and Nutrient Analysis Program:  update 2002.  J. Food Comp. Anal.  16(3):331-341.

Miller-Ihli, N.J., Pehrsson, P.R., Cutrufelli, R.L. and Holden, J.M. 2003. Fluoride content of municipal water in the United States: what percentage is fluoridated?  J Food Comp Anal, 16(5):621-628

Li, B.W., Andrews, K.W., and Pehrsson, P.R. 2002.  Individual Sugars, Soluble, and Insoluble Dietary Fiber Contents of 70 High Consumption Foods, J Food Comp Anal, 15(6):715-723

Holden, J.M., Bhagwat, S.A, and Patterson, K.Y.  2002.  Development of a Multi-Nutrient Data Quality Evaluation SystemJ Food Comp Anal, 15(4):339-348.

Peterson, J.W., Muzzey, K.L., Haytowitz, D., Exler, J., Lemar, L. and Booth, S.L. 2002.  Phylloquinone (Vitamin K1) and Dihydrophylloquinone Content of Fats and Oils.  J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc.  79(7):641-646.

D. B. Haytowitz, P. R. Pehrsson, J. M. Holden. 2002. The Identification of Key Foods for Food Composition Research. J. Food Comp. Anal.15(2):183-194.  Appendix A

Pehrsson, PR, Haytowitz, DB, Holden, JM, Perry, CR, and Beckler, DG. 2000. USDA’s National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program: Food Sampling. J Food Comp Anal, 13:379-389

Haytowitz, DB, Pehrsson, PR, and Holden, JM. 2000. Adapting Methods for Determining Priorities for the Analysis of Foods in Diverse Populations. J Food Comp Anal,13:425-433.

Perry, C.R. Beckler, D.G., Pehrsson, P., Holden, J. 2000. A National Sampling Plan for Obtaining Food Products for Nutrient Analysis.  2000 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods.  American Statistical Association.  p267-272

Holden, J.M., Eldridge, A.L., Beecher, G.R., Buzzard, I.M. Bhagwat, S.A., Davis, C.S., Douglass, Larry W., Gebhardt, S.E., Haytowitz, D.B., and Schakel, S. 1999. Carotenoid Content of U.S. Foods: An Update of the Database. J. Food Comp. Anal. 12:169-196.

Schakel, S.F., Buzzard, I.M., and Gebhardt, S.E. 1997.  Procedures for Estimating Nutrient Values for Food Composition DatabasesJ. Food Comp. Anal. 10:102-114.

Haytowitz, D.B., Pehrsson, P.R., Smith, J., Gebhardt, S.E., Matthews, R.H. and Anderson, B.A. 1996. Key Foods: Setting Priorities for Nutrient Analyses. J. Food Comp. Anal.9(4):331-364.


Nutrient Composition in Ground Pork using Regression Techniques.  J. Williams, K. Patterson, J. Howe (Retired), C. Snyder, K. Boillot, P. Lofgren, L. Thompson, A. Luna, A. Nalawade, L. Douglass, J.   Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting + Food Expo.  Anaheim, CA.  June 6-9, 2009

Estimation of the Vitamin D Content of Foods for the Assessment of Dietary Intake.  S.E. Gebhardt, R. Thomas, J. Exler, L. Lemar, and J. Holden.  International Conference on Diet and Activity Methods.  Washington, D.C.  June 5-7, 2009

Assessment of Sources and Dietary Intake of Isoflavones in the U.S. Diet.  D.B.Haytowitz and S. Bhagwat.  Experimental Biology2009.  New Orleans, LA.  Apirl 17, 2009.

Total Fat, n-3 Fatty Acids and Vitamin D3 in Selected Fish Species Sampled Under USDA’s National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP).  J Exler, WC Byrdwell, JM Holden, LE Lemar, KY Patterson, PR Pehrsson, and KM Phillips.  Experimental Biology2009.  New Orleans, LA.  Apirl 18-22, 2009.

Vitamin D and Selected Fatty Acids in U.S. Infant Formulas.  P.R. Pehrsson, L.E. Lemar, K.Y. Patterson, and J. Exler.  33rd National Nutrient Databank Conference.  New Orleans, LA.  Apirl 17, 2009.

Nutrient Content of Single-Muscle Pork Cuts.  J. Williams, J.Howe, C. Snyder,  K. Boillot, B. Hendericks, P. Lofgren, D. Buege, J. Holden.  33rd National Nutrient Databank Conference.  New Orleans, LA.  April 17, 2009

Methods of Imputation Used in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.  Gebhardt, S.E. and Thomas, R.G.  32nd National Nutrient Databank Conference, May 12-14, 2008.  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Variability in the Vitamin D3 Content of 2% Milk from a Nationwide United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Sampling.  KY Patterson, K.Y., Phillips, K.M., Horst, R.L., Byrdwell, W.C., Exler, J., Harnly, J.M., Holden, J.M., Lemar, L.E., Pehrsson, P.R., and Wolf, W.R.  32nd National Nutrient Databank Conference, May 12-14, 2008.  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

The Mineral Content of US Drinking and Municipal Water. Pehrsson, P.R., Patterson, K.Y., and Perry, C.  32nd National Nutrient Databank Conference, May 12-14, 2008.  Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

USDA Database for the Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) of Selected Foods.  Bhagwat, S., Haytowitz, D.B. Holden, J.M.  American Institute for Cancer Research Launch Conference. November 1-2, 2007.  Washington, D.C.

Fat content of ground beef: comparison of actual (analytical) to label claim.   Howe, J.C., Trainer, D., Holden, J.M.  Douglass, L.A.   Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C. 

Determination of Cooking Yields and Nutrient Retention Factors of Choline in Meat Products.  Showell, B.A., Howe, J.C., Williams, J.R., Holden, J.M., Zeisel, S.  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C.

Nutritional Impact of Whole Grain Ingredients on the Composition of Ready-to-Eat Breakfast Cereals and Baked Products.  Lemar, L. and Holcomb, G.  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C

Moisture and fat content of extra crispy fried chicken skin from breast, thigh, drum and wing.  Melissa S. Nickle, Juliette C. Howe, Rena L. Cutrufelli, Joanne M. Holden, Leslie D. Thompson, Ana Marie Luna, Larry Douglass.  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C.

Analytical Antioxidant Content in Selected Adult Multivitamin/mineral (MVM) Supplements
C Zhao, KW Andrews, AL Schweitzer, J Roseland, JM Holden, C Perry, L Douglass, JT Dwyer, MF Picciano, K Fisher, LG Saldanha, E Yetley.  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C.

Selection of adult multivitamin/mineral products for comprehensive analytical nutrient content study for the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Database (DSID).  J Roseland, KW Andrews, C Zhao, AL Schweitzer, JM Holden, C Perry, JT Dwyer, MF Picciano, K Fisher, LG Saldanha, E Yetley, L Douglass.  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C. 

Variability of Four Nutrients Evaluated in Adult Multivitamin/Mineral (MVM) Products.  A Schweitzer, K Andrews, J Roseland, C Zhao, J Holden, C Perry, L Douglass, J Dwyer, MF Picciano, K Fisher, L Saldanha, E Yetley.  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C. 

Nutrient Comparison between Enhanced and Natural Fresh Pork.  Juhi Rohatgi Williams, Juliette C. Howe, Denise Trainer, Joanne M. Holden, Ceci Snyder, Karen Boillot, Phil Lofgren, Dennis Buege, Larry Douglass.   Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C. 

Updating USDA’s Key Foods List Using NHANES 2003-04 Data.  D.B.Haytowitz, P.R.Pehrsson, and J.M.Holden,  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C. 

Nutrient content and variability in newly obtained salmon data for USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference.  Jacob Exler, Pamela R. Pehrsson.  Experimental Biology 2007.  April 28- May 2, 2007.  Washington D.C.  

Caffeine-containing ingredients in dietary supplements: guarana, kola nut, yerba mate, tea, and cocoa.  Roseland, J.M., Holden, J.M., Schweitzer, A., Andrews, K.W., Zhao, C., Brandt, M., Woo, J., Dwyer, J., Picciano, M.F., Saldanha, L.G., Betz, J.M., and Douglass, L.W. 2006 American Dietetic Association Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo, Honolulu, Hawaii. September 16-19, 2006.

Sources of Flavonoids in the U.S. Diet Using USDA’s Updated Database on the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods. Haytowitz, D.B., Bhagwat, S., Harnly, J., Holden, J.M., Gebhardt, S.E.International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Cancer. Washington, DC. July 13-4, 2006.

Nuts and Seeds as Sources of Alpha and Gamma Tocopherols. R.G. Thomas and S.E. Gebhardt.International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Cancer. Washington, DC. July 13-14, 2006.

Nutrient content and nutrient retention of selected mushrooms. Haytowitz, D.B.  Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting + Food Expo. Orlando, Fl. June 25-28, 2006.

Nutritional changes in fresh pork cuts between 1991-2005.  Williamns, J., Howe, J., Trainer, D., Holden, J., Snyder, C., Boillot, K., Lofgren, P., Buegee, D., Douglass, L. . Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting + Food Expo. Orlando, Fl. June 25-28, 2006.

Comparison of the nutrient content of commercially-prepared rotisserie chicken to roasted chicken. Showell, B., Howe, J., Holden, J., Thompson, L., Luna, A., Mueller, S., Douglass, L. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting + Food Expo. Orlando, Fl. June 25-28, 2006.

Adding Variables to the USDA National Nutrient Database to be Able to Assess Intakes of Added Vitamins E and B12.  Gebhardt, S.E., Holden, J.M., Haytowitz, D.B.  Sixth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods.  Copenhagen.  April 27-29, 2006

Prevalence of Vitamins E and B12 in Dietary Supplements reported in National Health and Nutrition Examination  Survey (NHANES).  Holden, J., Zhao, C., Roseland, J., Andrews, K.W., Schweitzer, A., Perry, C.R., Wolf, W., Harnly, J., Dwyer, J.T., Picciano, M.F., Saldanha, L.G., Fisher, K., Betz, J.M., Yetley, E., Radimer, K., Wilger, J.  Sixth International Conference on Dietary Assessment Methods.  Copenhagen.  April 27-29, 2006

Evaluation of Quality Control Information on Food Composition Data from Journal Publications.  Patterson, K.Y., Bhagwat, S.A., and Holden, J.M.   BERM 10.  Chareleston, SC.  April 30-May 4, 2006.

Caffeine, theobromine and theophylline content of commonly purchased weight loss and sports performance enhancing dietary supplements.  Andrews, K.W., Schweitzer, A., Zhao, C., Holden, J., Roseland, J. Brandt, M., Spease, C., Woo, J., Dwyer, J., Picciano, M.F., Saldanha, L.G., Fisher, K., Vbetz, J.M., Yetley, E.  Experimental Biology 2006. San Francisco, CA. April 1-5, 2006.

Caffeine content of commonly purchased weight loss and sports performance enhancing dietary supplements.  Schwetzer, A., Zhao, C., Andrews, K.W., Holden, J., Roseland, J., Brandt, M., Woo, J., Dwyer, J., Picciano, M.F., Saldanha, L.G., Fisher, K., Betz, J.M.   Maryland Dietetic Association, Towson, MD. March 31, 2006.

Reassessment of household measures and weights for selected fruit in the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Thomas, R.G., and Gebhardt, S.E.  Maryland Dietetic Association, Towson, MD. March 31, 2006

Importance of an Analytical Database for Dietary Supplements in the Assessment of Nutrient Intake. Zhao, C., Schwetzer, A., Andrews, K.W., Roseland, J., Holden, J. Perry, C., Harnly, J., Wolf, W., Dwyer, J., Picciano, M.F., Betz, J., Saldanha, L., Yetley, E., Fisher., K. Radimer, K., Wilger, J.  American Association of Cancer Research, Washington DC. April 1-5, 2006

Effect of cooking on nutrient content, cooking yields, and nutrient retentions of Beef Value Cuts . J Howe, B Showell, J Holden, D Buege International Congress of Meat Science and Technology . Baltimore, MD.  August 7-12, 2005.

Nutrient Comparisons for Different Ham Product s JR Williams, JC Howe, D T rainer, D Buege, SH Zeisel, JM Holden.  Institute of Food Technologists 200 5Annual Meeting + Food Expo.  New Orleans, LA.  July 16-20, 200 5.

Antioxidant Supplements Reported in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 99-00 C Zhao , KW Andrews , J M Holden , AL Schweitzer, J Roseland , J Harnly, W Wolf, JT Dwyer, MF Picciano , JM Betz, LG Saldanha , E Yetley  K Fisher , K Radimer.  International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Cancer .  Washington, DC.  July 14 -15, 2005 .

Update of USDA Database for the Flavonoid Content of Selected Foods .  SA Bhagwat, DB Haytowitz, J Harnly, JM Holden International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition, and Cancer .  Washington, DC.  July 14 -15, 2005 .

The following papers were presented at the Experimental Biology 2005 in San Diego, CA, April 2-6, 2005.

The following papers were presented at the 29th National Nutrient Databank Conference in San Diego, CA, April 1, 2005.

Participant Knowledge of Fluoride in Drinking Water Based on a National Survey.  J. Wilger, R.Cutrufelli, P. Pehrsson, K.Y. Patterson, J. Holden.  Society for Nutrition Education 37th Annual Meeting.  Salt Lake City, Utah.  July 17-21, 2004

Betaine Concentration of Common Foods in the USJ.R. Williams, J. Howe, S.H. Zeisel, M. Mar, J.M. Holden. Institute of Food Technologists 2004 Annual Meeting + Food Expo.  Las Vegas, Nevada.  July 12-16, 2004.

Phylloquinone (Vitamin K) and dihydrophylloquinone content of fast food pizza. D.B. Haytowitz, R. Kanabar, S. Booth. Institute of Food Technologists 2004 Annual Meeting + Food Expo.  Las Vegas, Nevada.  July 12-16, 2004.

The following papers were presented at the Experimental Biology 2004 in Washington, DC, April 17-21, 2004.

The following papers were presented at the American Dietetic Association's Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition in San Antonio, Texas, October 25-28, 2003

The following papers were presented at the The 117th AOAC INTERNATIONAL Annual Meeting & Exposition in Atlanta, Georgia, September 14-18, 2003.

The following papers were presented at the joint meeting of the 5th International Food Data Conference and the 27th National Nutrient Databank Conference in Washington, D.C., June 30 - July 3, 2003.

The following papers were presented at the Experimental Biology 2003 in San Diego, California, April 11-15, 2003.

The following papers were presented at the American Dietetic Association's Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, October 19-22, 2002.

The following papers were presented at the 26th National Nutrient Databank Conference in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, June 6-8, 2002:

Flavonoid Content of Vegetables  [Poster]. D.B. Haytowitz, A.L. Eldridge, S. Bhagwat, S.E. Gebhardt, J.M. Holden, G.R. Beecher, J. Peterson, and J. Dwyer.  International Research Conference on Food, Nutrition and Cancer.  July 17-18, 2003.  Washington, D.C.

Phylloquinone (Vitamin K) content of vegetables and vegetable products. [Poster]. D.B. Haytowitz, J. Peterson, S. Booth. 2002 IFT Annual Meeting and Food Expo.  June 15-19, 2002. Anaheim, California.

Enhanced Formulation Estimations in USDA National Nutrient Databank.  [Poster].  L.E. Lemar, R. Cutrufelli, and G. Holcomb.  American Association of Cereal Chemists.  October 14-18, 2001.  ( one page version)

USDA's National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program: Progress Report.  [Poster]  J.M. Holden, D.B. Haytowitz, P.R. Pehrsson, J. Exler, and D. Trainer.  17th International Congress of Nutrition.  Vienna, Austria.  August 27-31, 2001.

USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference Provides Comprehensive Food Composition Data on Fats and Fatty Acids. [Poster].  Linda E. Lemar. American Institute for Cancer Research. 11th Annual Research Conference on Diet, Nutrition and Cancer. July 16-17, 2001

Last Modified: 08/13/2009
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