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News Releases and Statements For 2005


December 2005

Dec. 23, 2005NIAID Researchers Show How Promising TB Drug Works
Dec. 22, 2005Effective Government/Industry Collaboration Bolsters Flu Vaccine Supply

November 2005

Nov. 30, 2005Statement from the National Institutes of Health on World AIDS Day
Nov. 25, 2005Agricultural Workers at Increased Risk for Infection with Animal Flu Viruses
Nov. 1, 2005Combination Microbicides Protect Monkeys Against HIV-Like Virus

October 2005

Oct. 12, 2005Acellular Pertussis Vaccine Proves Effective in Adults, Adolescents
Oct. 12, 2005NIAID Awards $47 Million in New Effort to Develop Medical Countermeasures Against Radiological and Nuclear
Oct. 11, 2005New Study on Childhood Asthma Shows Home-Based Interventions Are Cost-Effective
Oct. 11, 2005NIAID Launches First Phase II Trial of a “Global” HIV/AIDS Vaccine
Oct. 6, 2005Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director, NIAID, on National Latino AIDS Awareness Day, October 15, 2005
Oct. 5, 2005Unmasking the 1918 Influenza Virus: An Important Step Toward Pandemic Influenza Preparedness
Oct. 5, 2005Genomes of More than 200 Human Flu Strains Reveal a Dynamic Virus
Oct. 3, 2005Large Tularemia Vaccine Contracts Among New NIAID Biodefense Awards
Oct. 3, 2005Synthetic Protein Eases Arthritis Symptoms in Mice

September 2005

Sept. 28, 2005HHS News: NIAID and MedImmune Join Forces To Develop Potential Pandemic Influenza Vaccines
Sept. 7, 2005Emerging Staph Strains Found to be Increasingly Deadly and Deceptive
Sept. 7, 2005NIAID Scientists Characterize the Most Infectious Prion Protein Particles

August 2005

Aug. 9, 2005Survey Uncovers Surprising Attitudes Towards HIV Vaccine Research
Aug. 4, 2005Defective Gene Linked to Two Inherited Immune Deficiencies
Aug. 4, 2005New Agreement Will Speed Research Efforts on Microbicides for Women

July 2005

July 18, 2005Mouse Studies of Oseltamivir Show Promise Against H5N1 Influenza Virus
July 14, 2005Three Deadly Parasite Genomes Sequenced
July 14, 2005NIAID Funds Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI)
July 14, 2005Q & A - Center for HIV/AIDS Vaccine Immunology (CHAVI)
July 6, 2005Scientists Discover How Nipah Virus Enters Cells

June 2005

June 27, 2005Cancer Drug Slows Poxvirus in Mice
June 24, 2005New Food Allergy Research Consortium Focuses on Peanut Allergy
June 22, 2005NIAID Scientists Unveil Mechanism Behind Resistance to Severe Malaria
June 14, 2005Promising New TB Drug Enters Clinical Trial
June 2, 2005Variant Prion Protein Causes Infection But No Symptoms
June 1, 2005Experimental Shingles Vaccine Proves Effective in Nationwide Study
June 1, 2005New NIAID Grants Strengthen National Biodefense and Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Network

May 2005

May 24, 2005Scientists Observe Infectious Prion Proteins Invade and Move Within Brain Cells
May 19, 2005Human Cells Can “Silence” HIV Genes
May 18, 2005National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
May 18, 2005Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., Director, NIAID on HIV Vaccine Awareness Day, May 18, 2005
May 12, 2005International Team Determines Geographic Origin of Leprosy
May 12, 2005Sabin Gold Medal Awarded to Vaccine Developer Dr. Albert Z. Kapikian
May 10, 2005NIAID Awards First $27 Million Using New Bioshield Authorities
May 5, 2005Scientists Reveal How Disease Bacterium Survives Inside Immune System Cell
May 5, 2005Excess Oxygen Worsens Lung Inflammation in Mice

April 2005

April 27, 2005Promising New West Nile Therapy Cures Disease in Mice
April 18, 2005NIAID Begins Clinical Trial of West Nile Virus Vaccine
April 14, 2005Scientists Discover How Ebola Virus Infects Cells

March 2005

March 27, 2005Novel Therapy Tested in Mice Could Chase Away Cat Allergies
March 26, 2005NIAID Initiates Trial of Experimental Avian Flu Vaccine
March 24, 2005Statement by Christine F. Sizemore, Ph.D., and Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., NIAID, on World TB Day, March 24, 2005

February 2005

Feb. 15, 2005NIAID Seeks Applicants to Lead Clinical Trials Units for Revamped HIV/AIDS Networks
Feb. 15, 2005Statement on the Impact of Influenza Vaccination on Seasonal Mortality in the US Elderly Population
Feb. 11, 2005International Trial of Two Microbicides Begins
Feb. 7, 2005Statement of Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. Director, NIAID on National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Day
Feb. 4, 2005National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness and Information Day 2005
Feb. 3, 2005Substance Protects Resilient Staph Bacteria
Feb. 1, 2005New Way To Block Pox Shows Promise In Lab Study

January 2005

Jan. 27, 2005NIH Names Four to NIAID Advisory Council
Jan. 24, 2005NIAID Begins Enrolling Volunteers for Novel HIV Vaccine Study
Jan. 6, 2005Scientists Discover Key Genetic Factor in Determining HIV/AIDS Risk


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