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LRO and LCROSS:  Leading the Quest to Find Water on the Moon
LRO and LCROSS: Leading the Quest to Find Water on the Moon
Two new spacecraft are carrying the most sophisticated instruments to date to the hunt for water ice on the Moon.Read More...
Active Mercury
Active Mercury
A NASA spacecraft gliding over the surface of Mercury has revealed that the planet's atmosphere, magnetosphere, and its geological past display greater levels of activity than scientists first suspected.Read More...
Galaxies and the Distant Universe
Galaxies and the Distant Universe
This month's International Year of Astronomy activities go wide with a look at galaxies, including our own.Read More...
GRAIL is a future NASA mission that will probe the moon's gravity field.Read More...
Explore The Sky: Night & Day
Explore The Sky: Night & Day
In March, the celebration of the 2009 International Year of Astronomy continues with observing the sky by night and by day. Now is the perfect time to get outside and observe our celestial neighbors.Read More...
The Kepler Telescope
The Kepler Telescope
The Kepler Telescope, set to launch no earlier than March 6, 2009, will be the very first mission capable of finding Earth-sized planets within our own galaxy.Read More...
IYA March Object of the Month: Saturn
IYA March Object of the Month: Saturn
Our solar system's ringed giant has been a consistent source of surprises for 400 years.Read More...
Our Solar System: Galileo's Observations of the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and the Sun
Our Solar System: Galileo's Observations of the Moon, Jupiter, Venus and the Sun
February 15th marked the 445th birthday of Galileo Galilei, whose observations of our solar system and the Milky Way revolutionized our understanding of our place in the Universe.Read More...
Europa Jupiter System Mission Backgrounder
Europa Jupiter System Mission Backgrounder
Learn more about Jupiter's intriguing moon Europa and past and future efforts to explore it with robotic spacecraft.Read More...
Titan Saturn System Mission Backgrounder
Titan Saturn System Mission Backgrounder
Learn more about Saturn's intriguing moon Titan and past and future efforts to explore it with robotic spacecraft.Read More...
Hot on the Trail of Cold Volcanoes
Hot on the Trail of Cold Volcanoes
The Cassini spacecraft is revealing even more intriguing evidence for icy volcanoes on Titan through its radar-mapping instrument.Read More...
Titan:  Frozen in Time or Constantly Evolving?
Titan: Frozen in Time or Constantly Evolving?
Once thought to be frozen in time, new evidence hints that Saturn's giant moon Titan remains geologically active.Read More...
IYA February Object of the Month: Earth's Moon
IYA February Object of the Month: Earth's Moon
Earth's Moon has remained one of the most fascinating objects in our solar system for centuries.Read More...
IYA February Feature: Our Solar System
IYA February Feature: Our Solar System
Our solar system continues to deliver surprises 400 years after Galileo Galilei used his telescope to get the basics sorted out.Read More...
IYA January Object of the Month: Venus
IYA January Object of the Month: Venus
For a planet named in honor of mythology's ultimate supermodel, Venus sure is camera shy.Read More...
Tracking Global Climate Change: NASA's New Jason-2
Tracking Global Climate Change: NASA's New Jason-2
Launched into Earth orbit June 20, 2008, OSTM/Jason-2 is producing information and maps that are already helping scientists to track and understand how and where our oceans are warming, and how our global climate may change.Read More...
Hydrologic Cycles On Earth And On Titan :  A Comparable Paradigm
Hydrologic Cycles On Earth And On Titan : A Comparable Paradigm
Studying climate-related processes on Titan can help scientists understand and predict changes in Earth's hydrological cycle.Read More...
Cassini Equinox Mission
Cassini Equinox Mission
With NASA's Cassini prime mission concluded, the Cassini Equinox Mission begins.Read More...
It's a Moon Thing
It's a Moon Thing
There is a shift in the way scientists are studying these outer planetary systems -- by targeting specifically their unique and mysterious moons.Read More...
Magnetospheres:  Plasma of the Solar System
Magnetospheres: Plasma of the Solar System
We often hear about magnetic fields on Earth as well as surrounding other planets. Also known as magnetospheres, what exactly are they and how do they affect our universe?Read More...
The Charged Particle Environment of Titan
The Charged Particle Environment of Titan
Since planetary magnetospheres throughout the solar system are composed of highly charged ions and electrons, it is natural to be intrigued by the effects of that magnetosphere on the planet's satellites, such as those on Saturn's largest moon Titan.Read More...
Taking Another Look at Europa
Taking Another Look at Europa
New research and enhanced remote sensing techniques are bringing scientists closer to being able to explore Europa's tantalizing ice-covered ocean and determine its potential for harboring life.Read More...
Hyperion:  Return of the Sponge Moon
Hyperion: Return of the Sponge Moon
Since its discovery, Hyperion had been distinguished only by its irregular shape and chaotic rotation.Read More...
Enceladus' Stressed out Tiger Stripes
Enceladus' Stressed out Tiger Stripes
Enceladus may contain enough interior friction to heat ice, creating huge geysers. That liquid water makes Enceladus a promising place to look for extraterrestrial life.Read More...
The Enigma of Iapetus:
The Enigma of Iapetus: "The Moon with a View"
The mysterious moon, with a walnut-shaped appearance due to its equatorial mountain ridge and brightness contrast have intrigued scientists for decades, and holds possible keys to the ancient chemical origins of the solar system.Read More...
Life Under the Ice?
Life Under the Ice?
Move over, Mars. Jupiter's moon, Europa, may be the most promising site for extraterrestrial life in our solar system.Read More...
The Clues to What Lies Beneath
The Clues to What Lies Beneath
Considering that not a single instrument has landed on Europa, it's remarkable how much scientists have discovered about what lies under its icy surface.Read More...
Noxious Lightning
Noxious Lightning
Lightning is more than light and noise: It's an intense chemical factory that affects both local air quality and global climate.Read More...
International Polar Year on Earth and Beyond
International Polar Year on Earth and Beyond
The International Polar Year is an international effort to focus attention on the Earth's polar regions.Read More...
The Asteroids and Comets They Are A-Changin'
The Asteroids and Comets They Are A-Changin'
It wasn't so long ago that Comets were comets and asteroids were asteroids. Things were simple - life was good. No longer!Read More...
Jupiter's Magnetosphere: The Largest in Our Solar System
Jupiter's Magnetosphere: The Largest in Our Solar System
A magnetosphere is the region of space surrounding a planet, which is dominated by its magnetic field rather than the solar wind.Read More...
Saturn's Largest Sphere
Saturn's Largest Sphere
The outer planets are much more than large gaseous planets. They are highly complex systems of interacting components. However, most would not recognize the largest, yet mostly invisible part of Saturn's system, its magnetosphere.Read More...
The Mountains of Saturn's Mysterious Moon Iapetus<BR><BR>
The Mountains of Saturn's Mysterious Moon Iapetus

Observations from the Cassini spacecraft have found an Iapetus mystery.Read More...
Tohil Mons: The Ionian Mountain that Defies its Very Existence
Tohil Mons: The Ionian Mountain that Defies its Very Existence
A mysterious mountain peak named Tohil Mons - a mountain that shouldn't exist.Read More...
Discovering Mercury: The 2006 Transit
Discovering Mercury: The 2006 Transit
Mercury provides clues to the formation of the solar system.Read More...
Birthplace of Hurricanes
Birthplace of Hurricanes
Learning the details of storm formation.
Remembering Katrina - Learning and Predicting the Future
Remembering Katrina - Learning and Predicting the Future
Many valuable lessons are learned from last years devastating hurricane.Read More...
Volcanism on Io
Volcanism on Io
Io exhibits volcanic activity on a global scale.
Ice In An Unlikely Place: Mercury
Ice In An Unlikely Place: Mercury
Evidence for ice on Mercury from Earth-based RADAR imaging.
Europa: Searching For the Ocean Deep
Europa: Searching For the Ocean Deep
The search for life in our solar system continues.
Moonquakes: Understanding our Seismically-Active Neighbor
Get Involved with Stardust
Get Involved with Stardust
Internet users can help search for dust grains in Stardust's aerogel.Read More...
How to Bring a Comet Home
How to Bring a Comet Home
The Stardust spacecraft finally returned to Earth with some precious cargo.Read More...
Observing Stardust's Sample Return to Earth
Observing Stardust's Sample Return to Earth
NASA's Stardust Sample Return Capsule and Entry Path Visible in NorthwestRead More...
Beware the Mars Hoax
Beware the Mars Hoax
Earth and Mars are converging for a close encounter--but not as close as some people think.Read More...
Weather, Weather, Everywhere?
Weather, Weather, Everywhere?
The seasons that occur on other planets are extremely different from the traditional weather that we experience here on Earth.Read More...
Explosive Volcanic Eruptions on the Moon
Explosive Volcanic Eruptions on the Moon
Dark Mantle Deposits would be ideal locations for future human colonies on the Moon.Read More...
Dirty Ice on Mars
Dirty Ice on Mars
Instruments on the Odyssey spacecraft show that a lot of dirty ice sits within a meter of the surface in the south polar latitudes of Mars.Read More...
Night of the Two Moons
Night of the Two Moons
Separated by more than a billion miles, Saturn's mysterious Titan and Earth's moon came together for a night in October.Read More...
Titan's Surface Revealed
Titan's Surface Revealed
Piercing the smog enshrouding Titan, new images from Cassini reveal an exotic surface covered with a variety of materials.Read More...
Blue Moon Rising
Blue Moon Rising
July 2004 has two full moons, which means one of them is a Blue Moon. But will it really be blue? Believe it or not, scientists say blue-colored moons are real.Read More...
James Cook and the Transit of Venus
James Cook and the Transit of Venus
The best reason to watch the transit of Venus on June 8, 2004 is history.Read More...
Jupiter: Mythology and Man's Early Musings
Jupiter: Mythology and Man's Early Musings
Modern science has somewhat demystified Jupiter, but our fascination with this giant world dates back thousands of years.Read More...
Was Galileo Wrong?
Was Galileo Wrong?
Could a fundamental assumptions of modern physics be wrong? Scientists are going to find out by bouncing laser beams off the Moon.Read More...
Phases of the Moon
Phases of the Moon
What is the relationship between the phase of the Moon and the time it rises or sets? Can you see a crescent at midnight? For how many hours will a full Moon be visible?Read More...
Europa's Salty Surface
Europa's Salty Surface
Pictures of Jupiter's moon Europa taken by the Galileo spacecraft during the past couple of years have suggested to scientists that there is now, or was in the past, an ocean beneath the satellite's frozen crust.Read More...
Big Mountain, Big Landslide on Jupiter's Moon, Io
Big Mountain, Big Landslide on Jupiter's Moon, Io
Caught in a tug of war between the gravitational fields of Jupiter and the next moon out (Europa), Io is heated incessantly by tidal stresses.Read More...
Uranus, Neptune, and the Mountains of the Moon
Uranus, Neptune, and the Mountains of the Moon
The tardy formation of Uranus and Neptune might have caused the intense bombardment of the Moon 3.9 billion years ago.Read More...
Origin of the Earth and Moon
Origin of the Earth and Moon
The formation of the planets was a violent process.
New Data, New Ideas, and Lively Debate about Mercury
New Data, New Ideas, and Lively Debate about Mercury
A hundred scientists gathered to share new data and ideas about the important little planet closest to the Sun.Read More...
The Missing Moon of Sedna
The Missing Moon of Sedna
Astronomers examining Hubble Space Telescope images
Mercury Unveiled
Mercury Unveiled
Mercury, the second smallest planet and the closest one to the Sun, may appear to some as a drab, colorless, heavily-cratered world. Not so.Read More...
Damage by Impact -- the Case at Meteor Crater, Arizona
Damage by Impact -- the Case at Meteor Crater, Arizona
Just how often does a devistating impact event occur on Earth? We'll examine the potential hazards.Read More...
Measuring Temperature Reading
Measuring Temperature Reading
Measuring length is far simpler than measuring temperature.
What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum? What is Infrared? How was the Infrared Discovered?
What is the Electromagnetic Spectrum? What is Infrared? How was the Infrared Discovered?
Light (or radiation) is made up of vibrating waves of electrical and magnetic fields.Read More...
INSPIRE is a non-profit scientific, educational organization whose objective is to bring the excitement of observing natural and manmade radio waves in the audio region to high school students and others.Read More...
Searching Antarctic Ice for Meteorites
Searching Antarctic Ice for Meteorites
Silver anniversary season: The vigorous life and times of the ANSMET team at Meteorite Hills resulted in a new set of 336 meteorites collected off the ice.Read More...
Rules for Identifying Ancient Life
Rules for Identifying Ancient Life
J. William Schopf (University of California, Los Angeles) has spent many years examining ancient rocks on Earth to identify the oldest fossils.Read More...
Europa and Titan: Oceans in the Outer Solar System?
Europa and Titan: Oceans in the Outer Solar System?
Europa and Titan are the best possible candidate locations for life in the outer Solar System.Read More...
Ring Around the Black Hole
Ring Around the Black Hole
New observations are shedding light on how black holes acquire mass.Read More...
A Polarized Universe
A Polarized Universe
Our universe is so cool you gotta wear polarized shades.Read More...
More Hidden Black Hole Dangers
More Hidden Black Hole Dangers
Satellite observations now strongly suggest that black holes spin and pull space along for the ride.Read More...
Mapping the Baby Universe
Mapping the Baby Universe
NASA's MAP mission will map the cosmic microwave background in unprecedented detail.Read More...
Journey to the Center of a Neutron Star
Journey to the Center of a Neutron Star
Astronomers are using whatever means possible to probe the ultradense interiors of neutron stars.Read More...
How to Build a Supermassive Black Hole
How to Build a Supermassive Black Hole
Recent Chandra observations suggest that monster black holes form from the merger of their smaller brethren.Read More...
The Gamma-Ray Burst Next Door
The Gamma-Ray Burst Next Door
New evidence suggests that life-threatening explosions are closer than we thought.Read More...
Fun Times with Cosmic Rays
Fun Times with Cosmic Rays
Who would have thought cosmic rays could be so hip?Read More...
Baby Stars in Orion Solve Solar System Mystery
Baby Stars in Orion Solve Solar System Mystery
Hyperactive young stars in the Orion Nebula may help explain exotic isotopes in the solar system.Read More...
The First Rock in the Solar System
The First Rock in the Solar System
An aggregate of corundum, hibonite, and perovskite may be among the first rocks to form in the Solar System.Read More...
The Center of the Galaxy
The Center of the Galaxy
For centuries it was believed that the Earth was the center of the universe.Read More...
Apparition of Comet Hale-Bopp
Apparition of Comet Hale-Bopp
In an era where the celestial realm was the realm of the gods, the sudden appearance of an unknown object which dominated the night sky was terrifying.Read More...
Uncharted Meteors
Uncharted Meteors
The solar system is littered with clouds of dust--some of them uncharted. Earth might encounter one someday.Read More...
A World on the Edge
A World on the Edge
Sedna, a small planet-like object far beyond the orbits of Pluto and Neptune, may be the first sighting on an object on the edge of the mysterious Oort Cloud.Read More...
An Untold Rock Story
An Untold Rock Story
A shiny gray rock called hematite may help tell the story of past water on Mars. Mars Rover Opportunity is exploring a hematite-rich region of the Red Planet.Read More...
Maximum Impact
Maximum Impact
Sometimes asteroids and comets punch holes in planets - also called craters.Read More...
New Spin on Asteroids<BR><BR>
New Spin on Asteroids

What makes some asteroids spin in sync? Surprisingly, it's sunlight.Read More...
Infrared: Catch the Wave
Infrared: Catch the Wave
Scientists and couch potatoes agree: Infrared is hot.
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