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Could Life on Earth Have Come From Ceres?
Could Life on Earth Have Come From Ceres?
The dwarf planet Ceres is rarely mentioned as a candidate for habitability, but the possible presence of an ocean and hydrothermal vents suggests it is plausible. Could it have seeded the young Earth?Read More...
Examining a SLIce of the Arctic
Research... at a Glance
Examining a SLIce of the Arctic
NASA-funded researchers have trekked to the arctic island of Svalbard in order to study how life survives in ice.Read More...
Carbon Dioxide Discovered on Extrasolar Planet
Research... at a Glance
Carbon Dioxide Discovered on Extrasolar Planet
The discovery of CO2 in the atmosphere of extrasolar planet HD 189733b was announced this week in Nature News.Read More...
Comet Dust Reveals Unexpected Mixing of Solar System Material
Research... at a Glance
Comet Dust Reveals Unexpected Mixing of Solar System Material
A new analysis of dust from the comet Wild 2, collected in 2004 by Stardust, has revealed an oxygen isotope signature that suggests an unexpected mingling of rocky material between the center and edges of the solar system.Read More...
Life Without the Sun
Research... at a Glance
Life Without the Sun
An ecosystem discovered 2.8 kilometers underground in South Africa two years ago has now been shown to comprise only a single species of microbe, existing on energy from radioactivity, completely independently of the Sun.Read More...
Life in Extreme Environments Educator Conference
Life in Extreme Environments Educator Conference
Astrobiologists, planetary scientists and astronomers joined together for a presentation on the latest information on our expanding understanding of the abodes of life on our planet and the prospect of life beyond Earth.Read More...
New 2008 NASA Astrobiology Roadmap Available
Research... at a Glance
New 2008 NASA Astrobiology Roadmap Available
The NASA Astrobiology Roadmap provides guidance for research and technology development across the NASA enterprises that encompass the space, Earth, and biological sciences.Read More...
Silicate Mineralogy on Mars Indicates Wet Past
Research... at a Glance
Silicate Mineralogy on Mars Indicates Wet Past
Using data from the CRISM instrument on NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, astrobiologists from NAI's SETI Institute and Marine Biological Laboratory teams present findings of silicate mineralogy.Read More...
Marine Subsurface is a Distinct Microbial Habitat
Research... at a Glance
Marine Subsurface is a Distinct Microbial Habitat
Metagenomic analysis indicates that the subsurface environment is the most unique studied to date, distinct in its microbial make-up from the surface waters.Read More...
Moon Samples Found to Contain Water
Research... at a Glance
Moon Samples Found to Contain Water
Using new techniques, scientists have discovered for the first time that tiny beads of volcanic glasses collected from two Apollo missions to the Moon contain water.Read More...
Moon Samples Found to Contain Water
Research... at a Glance
Moon Samples Found to Contain Water
Using new techniques, scientists from NAI's Carnegie Institution of Washington Team have discovered for the first time that tiny beads of volcanic glasses collected from two Apollo missions to the Moon contain water.Read More...
Extraterrestrial Nucleobases Found in the Murchison Meteorite
Research... at a Glance
Extraterrestrial Nucleobases Found in the Murchison Meteorite
Carbon-rich meteorites such as the Murchison are thought to be responsible for delivering biologically-relevant organic material to the young Earth.Read More...
NASA's Astrobiology Program:  Life in the Universe
NASA's Astrobiology Program: Life in the Universe
NASA's Astrobiology Program addresses three fundamental questions: How does life begin and evolve? Is there life beyond Earth and, if so, how can we detect it? What is the future of life on Earth and in the universe?Read More...
NASA's Astrobiology Program:  Life in the Universe
NASA's Astrobiology Program: Life in the Universe
NASA's Astrobiology Program addresses three fundamental questions: How does life begin and evolve? Is there life beyond Earth and, if so, how can we detect it? What is the future of life on Earth and in the universe?Read More...
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