National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
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Tuberculosis (TB)

Services for Researchers

Available Research Programs at NIAID




Investigator initiated grant applications in all areas of TB and HIV/TB research. Response to currently active Initiatives for fundamental and translational science in MDR/XDR-TB.NIAID’s Biodefense & Emerging/Reemerging Infections Programs that include Category C organisms; Partnership initiatives for the development of product candidates:


Screen for and test new drug candidates in in vitro microbiological assays and in animals.Screening, microbiological activity, animal testing and preclinical development of new TB chemotherapeutics:
B. Laughon
C. Sizemore
B. Spinelli
M. Kurilla
M. Ussery
M. Nasr
Evaluate the pharmacology of existing and new drug candidates in animal models of TB disease.In vitro and in vivo PK/PD models, testing of individual drugs and drug regimensB. Laughon
Characterize the biochemistry, virulence, in vitro and in vivo growth characteristics and pathogenicity of drug resistant Mtb strainsAnimal models of Mtb infection and disease, histopathology, generation and testing of mutant strains
C. Sizemore
Characterize the genome and drug resistance markers of drug resistant Mtb strainsSequencing, molecular genetics, bioinformatics
M. Giovanni
Partner with on-going clinical trials access human specimens for the evaluation of new diagnostic tests relevant to MDR/
B. Laughon
M. Makhene
Correlate human immune response genes with susceptibility to Mtb infection and disease for TB and MDR/XDR-TBPopulation Genetics ContractN. Nabavi
Extend TB T cell epitope prediction algorithms to include common HLA molecules found in MDR/XDR-TB endemic regionsEpitope Discovery contractsA. Deckhut Augustine
Expand TB T cell epitope discovery efforts to include MDR/XDR-TB infected persons and household contactsEpitope Discovery contract.A. Deckhut Augustine
Compile existing B cell and T cell epitope information from Mtb strains to identify points of possible variation and inform diagnostic developmentImmune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource
A. Deckhut Augustine
Accelerate production of CD1b molecules for tetramer production and characterization of host immune responses to vaccines or natural infections with all forms of TB.NIH Tetramer Facility
A. Deckhut Augustine
Test addition of vaccine candidates to chemotherapy in animal models of TBMurine and guinea pig models of infection and disease, immune assays
C. Sizemore
Evaluate adjuvant candidates in therapeutic and preventive studies in animals.Adjuvant Discovery Program
Murine and guinea pig models of infection and disease, immune assays
D. Winter
C. Sizemore
Support analysis of human immune responses to and immunopathology of TB to inform surrogate marker and vaccine development.Human Immunology CentersH. Quill
Access to appropriate NIAID Clinical trials contractsLeverage resources through participation in on-going trials with new product candidates (vaccines, diagnostics, drugs)M. Makhene
NIAID DIR clinical protocolsTemplate protocols for MDR and XDR tuberculosis NCT00341601, NCT00425113, NCT00374517M. Paulson

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