Health and Wellness

Health and Wellness

Lieutenant Governor Barbara O'Brien brings over 16 years of experience advocating for health care for at-risk children, working to reduce smoking, passing Amendment 35, bringing the State Child Health Plan to Colorado and promoting integrated services from mental health to support for children with special needs.  Within "the Colorado Promise" there are commitments to create universal access to health insurance, promote prevention and early intervention, and place an emphasis on wellness. In addition to working with the 208 Commission, Governor Ritter has specifically charged the Lieutenant Governor with promoting health and wellness across the state, being the spokesperson for the Child Health Plan +, increasing the rate of immunizations and informing the public about health policy leading to meaningful change. Lieutenant Governor O'Brien is working to align public resources and government agencies with common goals and promote collaboration between them to increase the health and wellness of all of Colorado's citizens. As Chair of the Governor's P-20 Education Council (preschool - graduate school) the Lieutenant Governor is positioned to emphasize the importance of a wellness agenda within the education system because of the link between physical activity and improved student achievement.  Other health and wellness efforts include:


Chairing the Metro Denver Health and Wellness Commission

Nearly 80 community leaders from all sectors serve on the Commission including business, government, nonprofits and education.  The mission is to "Promote policies and programs that support a culture of healthy eating and active living in schools, worksites and communities".  The Commissions Strategic Plan identifies three primary initiatives:  Healthiest Schools/Early Childhood Programs, Healthiest Communities, and Healthiest Worksites. 


Chairing the  Colorado Commission of Indian Affairs

Working with the two Colorado Tribes, Southern Utes and Ute Mountain Utes, tribal councils, state departments and the Commission as a whole the Lieutenant Governor's Office is coordinating the development of a health and wellness agenda to help reduce obesity, diabetes and heart disease and to increase awareness of the benefits of healthy eating habits and physical activity.


Co-Chairing the Immunization Advisory Committee

Working with the  Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment  and the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Ned Colange, the goal is to increase the immunization rate from 83% to 90% of two year olds.


Spokesperson for the Colorado Child Health Plan + (CHP+)

In collaboration with the  Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing  and the State Child Health Plan (SCHP) Coalition the Lt. Governor works on the reauthorization of the SCHP program at the federal level and promotes the Colorado CHP+ program to enroll currently eligible but not enrolled children.


For more information contact:


Chief of Staff, Bruce Atchison