Amber Waves cover, June 2009
Amber Waves: The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America

June 2009

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Data Feature Heading
Photo: Exterior of a medical building

by Carol Jones, Timothy Parker, and Mary Ahearn

New health information technologies hold promise
for improving health care in remote areas.

Podcast icon Includes audio podcast

Photo: New resort homes
Baby Boom Migration Tilts Toward Rural America

by John Cromartie and Peter Nelson

Baby boomers, poised to retire, are expected to increase rural and small-town populations, bringing both additional benefits
and costs.

Photo: Collage of mailbox and internet cable

Broadband Internet Service Helping Create
a Rural Digital Economy

by Peter Stenberg, Mitch Morehart, and John Cromartie

Rapid growth in broadband service is providing economic and
societal benefits to rural areas.

Photo: Corn field

Full Throttle U.S. Ethanol Expansion Faces
Challenges Down the Road

by Paul C. Westcott

New technologies, supporting infrastructures, and greater demand will be needed to meet the country’s ambitious mandate to increase biofuel use.