
ACT is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides more than a hundred assessment, research, information, and program management services in the broad areas of education and workforce development.

In 2005, ACT began offering multimedia services appropriate for the classroom, homeschool students, business and industry, and on-the-job instruction at the Office for Distance Learning Resources.

Each year, we serve millions of people in elementary and secondary schools, colleges, professional associations, businesses, and government agencies, nationally and internationally. ACT has offices across the United States and throughout the world.

Interactive Map of ACT Main Campus
in Iowa City, Iowa

Though designed to meet a wide array of needs, all ACT programs and services have one guiding purpose: helping people achieve education and workplace success.

Our Mission
Helping people achieve education and workplace success

Our Values

  • Excellence in all aspects of our work
  • Mutual respect, fairness, and visionary leadership
  • Diversity in people and ideas
  • Individual growth and development
  • Courteous, responsive, ethical relations with clients and colleagues
  • Conscientious citizenship and constructive engagement in civic life
  • Partnerships with other organizations