Air Force Magazine

Daily Report

This Month in Air Force Magazine

     Editorial: The No-Brainers of Robert S. McNamara
     The Irregular Air Battle
     Fighting Under Missile Attack
     2009 Space Almanac
     Airpower Classics: Mosquito
     ...and more inside.

The President's Corner
     Note from AFA President -- Afghan, Education, Holiday cards/ornament
August 14, 2009 -- We hear a lot about Afghanistan ... and GEN McChrystal developing a new strategy and might ask for more troops. I thought it might be useful to point out how many are there now...More

     Note from AFA President -- UAV/RPV, 4 business items
August 8, 2009 -- AFA Members, two weeks ago, I sent you a note ( about UAVs...More

     Note from AFA President -- 2010 Budget, Afghanistan x 2
August 1, 2009 -- [T]his week I ran across perhaps the best document I have seen to date on the FY2010 budget. It is a CRS document...More

     Note from AFA President -- F-22, Schlesinger, Predator
July 25, 2009 -- AFA Members, Congressional Staffers, Civic leaders, and DOCA members, as you may know, this week the Senate voted to strip F-22 funds from the Authorization bill. Following that, both Chairmen of the House and Senate Appropriations Committees announced they would follow suit...More

     Note from AFA President -- F-22
July 14, 2009 -- AFA members, Congressional staffers, Civic leaders, and DOCA members, there is a fight going on in Washington about the F-22. In short, the Obama Administration thinks 187 aircraft are enough, while many in Congress think we need more...More


Previous Notes from the President

Latest from AFA

AFA Salutes 2009 Outstanding Airmen of the Year
August 20, 2009 -- Arlington, VA – The Air Force Association today saluted the 2009 Outstanding Airmen of the Year...More...


AFA Announces 2009 National Aerospace Awards
August 19, 2009 -- Arlington, VA – The Air Force Association (AFA) is pleased to announce award recipients for the National Aerospace and Specialty Awards programs...More...


AFA: Don’t Change TRICARE Commitment
August 5, 2009 -- Arlington, VA – The Air Force Association (AFA) today urged that TRICARE be fully preserved, and kept separate from of any national public option health care plan...More...


Air Force Association announces the 2009 Ferretti Scholarship
July 30, 2009 -- Arlington, VA – The Air Force Association (AFA) today announced the 2009 recipient of the Lt. Col. (Ret.) Romeo and Josephine Bass Ferretti Scholarship for $2,500 is Amelia Tracy of Enosburg Falls, Vermont...More...

Legislative Update

This Week In Airpower History
    Thursday, August 25, 1932 -- Amelia Earhart becomes the first woman to complete a nonstop transcontinental flight, Los Angeles to New York City.
    Saturday, August 26, 1967 -- Badly injured after his North American F-100F is shot down over North Vietnam, Maj. George E. "Bud" Day is captured and severely tortured. He escapes and is recaptured. Released in 1973, Day is awarded the Medal of Honor for his conspicuous gallantry.
    Thursday, August 26, 1976 -- First women enter USAF pilot training.
    Monday, August 28, 1944 -- Eighth Force's 78th Fighter Group claims the destruction of an Me-262, the first jet to be shot down in combat.
Page last updated: Monday, August 24, 2009 10:30:50 AM


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