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Vendor Handbook

The purchasing division is here to assist you in competitively obtaining city business. The following information has been prepared as a brief introduction to doing business with the City of Albuquerque. Should you have questions that are not answered here, please do not hesitate to call the Purchasing Division at (505) 768-3319. Carefully review all procurement documents you receive and if you should have any concerns, questions, or comments do not hesitate to contact us immediately.


A. Purpose

The purpose of this manual is to acquaint you with the procedures used for carrying out purchasing by the City of Albuquerque. If you have questions that are not answered in this general guide, call or visit the Purchasing Division at:

Purchasing Division
Department of Finance & Management
One Civic Plaza (7th Floor)
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102
(505) 768-3319

B. What the City of Albuquerque Buys

The City of Albuquerque is continuously looking for responsible vendors to supply goods and services. If your prices are competitive and your service is reliable, you may have the ability to conduct business with the City of Albuquerque. The City of Albuquerque purchases more than $100,000,000 worth of products and services through the Purchasing Division each year. Additionally, in excess of $100,000,000 is expended for public works projects administered through the Capital Implementation Program Division. The products procured through the Purchasing Division range from ANIMAL FOOD through LADDERS to WRENCHES. A commodity listing can be obtained by contacting the Purchasing Division at (505) 768-3319.

C. Purchasing Policy

Due to the substantial amount of money involved, purchasing for the City of Albuquerque is guided by several established policies. These policies are:

  1. To conduct all purchasing in accordance with the City of Albuquerque Public Purchases Ordinance and Purchasing Rules and Regulations.
  2. To obtain, when needed, the quantity and quality of product or service that meets the needs of the City at the best obtainable price.
  3. To maximize competition, and provide all interested and qualified vendors with the opportunity to offer their products or service to the City of Albuquerque.
  4. To treat all vendors equally and fairly.

D. Who Purchases for the City of Albuquerque

The Purchasing Division is the central purchasing authority for all purchases with the exception of public works contracts. Major construction and architectural and engineering services are handled by the Capital Implementation Program Division.

Vendors shall not make sales which of $500 or less without being provided a "Small Purchase Order" by the department or a "Purchase Order" approved and issued by the Purchasing Division. Purchases which exceed $500 shall only be made if the vendor is provided a properly executed "Purchase Order" issued by the Purchasing Division. Employees outside of the Purchasing Division do not have the authority to commit City of Albuquerque funds in excess of $500.

The Purchasing Division is located on the 7th floor of the Albuquerque/Bernalillo County Government Center, One Civic Plaza, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102. The Purchasing Division is headed by the Purchasing Officer.

E. Office Hours

The Purchasing Division is open for business from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, with the exception of legal holidays observed by the City of Albuquerque. Visiting hours for vendors are the same as indicated above. Appointments are not necessary but help in scheduling the time of Purchasing Division personnel and provide you, the vendor, with the optimum uninterrupted time during your visit.

F. Staff Directory

The following is a list of contacts in the Purchasing Division who may assist you:

  • Purchasing Officer: (505) 768-3320
  • Purchasing Supervisor: Vacant
  • Contracting Supervisor: (505) 768-3341
  • Internal Services Supervisor: (505) 857-8670
  • General Information: (505) 768-3319

Senior Buyers are assigned specific commodities. View a listing of commodities assigned to Senior Buyers. This listing is also available upon request from the Purchasing Office.

G. Written Correspondence

Direct all correspondence to:

Purchasing Division
City of Albuquerque
P.O. Box 1293
Albuquerque, NM 87103

How to be Placed on the Vendor List for the City of Albuquerque

All vendors who are interested in conducting business with the City of Albuquerque are encouraged to contact the Purchasing Division at (505) 768-3328 or (505) 768-3319 for the most recent information on how they can obtain or access solicitations issued by the City Purchasing Division.

How the Procurement Process Works

A. An Overview of the Process

The information provided here describes, in simplified form, the procurement process used by the City of Albuquerque. The process begins with the development of a requisition by the using department and ends with the acceptance of the goods and/or services by the user department.

B. Procurement Based on Public Purchasing Ordinance

The Public Purchases Ordinance is the governing document for the procurement of goods and services for the City of Albuquerque. The ordinance is specific in describing the method of purchase throughout a wide dollar value range.

Departments have been delegated the authority to expend up to $500, utilizing the Small Purchase Order system, without processing the requirement through the Purchasing Division. Vendors are cautioned not to split a Department's orders to accommodate the $500 monetary limit. Additionally, Vendors are required to obtain identification from the individual(s) making the purchase.

All requirements with a dollar value in excess of $500 and up to $10,000 require that oral quotations be obtained prior to making the procurement. These procurements must be processed through the Purchasing Division and issued a purchase order prior to delivery of goods or services.

Procurements that are in excess of $10,000 require that a formal competitive process be followed except as otherwise allowed by the Public Purchases Ordinance. This involves publishing legal notices that include the solicitation number, date of opening or closing and the requirements of the City. These solicitations normally allow a 4-6 week period between mailing and the stipulated opening or receiving date. All formal solicitations (bids & requests for proposal) are received by the City Clerk's Office. Offerors are encouraged to attend bid openings on the date and time published.

Following the public opening of bids, an evaluation takes place and a formal Recommendation of Award (ROA) is made. The ROA inclusive of a tabulation of offers received is mailed to all offerors who responded. The tabulation will indicate, if applicable, the reason why a vendor is not recommended to receive an award.

Requests for Proposals, after the closing date, are submitted to an appointed ad hoc evaluation committee for evaluation and subsequent recommendation. Upon approval of the recommendation by the Mayor (or designee) or City Council if applicable, the offerors are notified.

Offerors are afforded a protest period, wherein an offeror may make a written inquiry to the Purchasing Officer as to the manner of the award. If no inquiries are made during the protest period, a purchase order or letter or award is issued to the recommended or approved offeror(s).

Other methods of procurement include purchases made against GSA and/or State Purchasing Contract holders, professional/technical service contracts, sole source purchases, rapid procurement and emergency purchases.

All the aforementioned methods of procurement are outlined in the Public Purchasing Ordinance. These procurement methods discussed in detail are the most common and widely used methods.


It is the responsibility of each offeror submitting an offer to be knowledgeable as to all taxes they are required to consider in formulating their offers.

All offers, unless the solicitation specifies otherwise, will be inclusive of all applicable taxes as determined by the vendor.

The City will not be responsible for taxes not included in offers submitted.

Inspection of Goods and Services

All goods and/or services provided to the City are subject to inspection. If any items or articles are found not to meet requirements of the specifications, the lot or any faulty portion may be rejected with any associated cost to the City being borne by the offeror. Additional remedies available to the City for vendor non-compliance include but are not limited to debarment or suspension, execution on bonds if applicable and contract cancellation.


In those instances where a solicitation requires a bid bond, it is required that the offeror submit the bid bond in the amount specified with its offer.

Performance bonds, when required, are due after notification of award (due date established in the notification). Failure to submit performance bond as required will disqualify vendor for award of contract.

All bonds required will be in the form of a surety issued by a firm properly licensed to do business in the State of New Mexico. Cashiers checks, letters of credit, cash, or personal checks are not acceptable. Offers which do not comply with this requirement will be rejected.


In accordance with the City of Albuquerque Code of Ethics and good purchasing practices, City employees may not accept gifts or any type of entertainment, regardless of the value. Vendors are requested to cooperate in this regard.

Capital Implementation Program (CIP) Division

The Capital Implementation Program (CIP) Division is charged with the responsibility to implement City plans and policies for capital facilities, structures, and nonstructural improvements. An integral part of this responsibility includes contracting for all major construction and architectural and engineering services.

All major construction projects are advertised and subsequently awarded based on a competitive bid basis. Professional service contracts for architectural or engineering services are awarded based on negotiations with selection criteria focusing on need versus qualifications.

Minor construction, including minor renovations and pre-fabricated structures, although normally handled by the CIP Division, may be handled by the Purchasing Division in which case the City bid list will be utilized.

Questions regarding the Capital Implementation Program are to be directed to the CIP Division, P.O. Box 1293, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 or calling (505) 768-3830. You are welcome to visit the CIP Division located at City/County Government Center, One Civic Plaza, 7th Floor.

Sales Contacts with City Agencies

It is requested that you make the purchasing division your first contact. Purchasing Division staff can acquaint you with the appropriate procurement procedures and direct you to those agencies most likely to utilize your products or services. Only Purchasing Division personnel are authorized to commit the City of Albuquerque for the purchase of goods and services in excess of $500. No payment will be made for goods and/or services rendered without a properly authorized and executed purchase order (includes Small Purchase Orders). Contacts made with City agencies should be solely for the purpose of providing information and/or literature.

Orders, unless being placed against a previously awarded contract which is in force, will not be taken. Orders taken after the course of the normal day, weekends or holidays should be placed only if an emergency situation exists. Such orders should reflect the person placing the order, employee number, department, division and telephone number.

In any situation, the vendor is responsible for verifying the identity of the person placing an order prior to issuing any merchandise or providing any service. The City will not be responsible for liabilities incurred by non-authorized agents.


The Accounting Division, Department of Finance and Management, as a part of their accounting management function, is charged with the responsibility of making payment to vendors for liabilities incurred by the City.

It is the objective of the Accounting Division to issue payment within ten (10) working days after receipt of all necessary documentation. Documentation required prior to making payment is as follows:

  1. Purchase Order issued by the Purchasing Division or Small Purchase Order (under $500) or Purchase Order Release No. (if purchase is against a valid contract) issued by a City Department.
  2. Invoice from Vendor (invoices are audited to insure completeness and accuracy).
  3. Payment authorization from the receiving department.

To assist the Accounting Division in making prompt payment, vendors are required to submit their invoices immediately following the delivery of goods or services as follows (prices on invoices must match the purchase order):

  1. Invoices shall be made to the "City of Albuquerque" and be sent in duplicate to:
    Accounting Division
    City Of Albuquerque
    P.O. Box 1985
    Albuquerque, NM 87103
  2. Invoice must reference the appropriate purchase order and/or release number, itemized quantities, description of goods and/or services unit prices and total price. Inquiries regarding payment status should be directed to the Accounts Payable Supervisor (505) 768-3425. Inquiry should be initiated by the vendor if payment has not been received within thirty (30) days after delivery to the City of goods and/or services.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. May an offeror see copies of offers prior to award? If so, where?

A vendor may not review bid responses prior to the public openings. These documents become public record after the bid opening, and may be inspected in the Purchasing Division office following said opening.

Requests for Proposal responses are not made public until such time that a recommendation has been made by the ad hoc evaluation committee and approved by the Mayor or designated representative.

2. What are the most frequently considered factors involved in determining a responsive offer and a responsible offeror?

A "responsive offer" means an offer to furnish goods, services or construction in conformity with standards, specifications, terms, conditions, and all other requirements established in a competitive solicitation.

A "responsible offeror" is an offeror who has the financial resources, personnel, facilities, integrity, and overall capability to complete a particular City of Albuquerque contract successfully.

3. What preferences are considered by the purchasing division?

Local Preference - Vendors from the "Greater Albuquerque Metropolitan Area" submitting offers are provided a preference of 5% over non-local vendors. Vendors must complete and qualify for the preference by completing the "Local Preference Certification Form" and submitting such with their offer.

Residence Preference - A Resident Preference will be considered in those cases where there were no certified local offers or such were determined to be non-responsive or responsible. To qualify for this preference, a vendor must have been issued a certified Resident Preference Number by the State Purchasing Division and it must be provided with their offer. Vendor's are encouraged to make application for such certification. Contact the Office of the State Purchasing Agent at (505) 827-0472.

Recycling Preference - A preference for recycled material will be afforded those vendors who submit offers on recycled material when the preference is so stated in the solicitation. The amount of preference is based on the commodity group. If no preference amount is stated, the award will be made without consideration of a preference.

4. Who manages surplus property?

Surplus property is managed by the Internal Services Section, Purchasing Division, which is responsible for scheduling auctions held generally twice a year. These auctions usually highlight surplus vehicles the City will put up for sale.

Throughout the year, the Purchasing Division may also dispose of surplus property through competitive sealed bidding.

All the above requirements are fully advertised and when applicable, legal notices are posted.

5. To whom are questions about surplus property referred?

Questions regarding this category are best directed to the Internal Services Supervisor, Internal Services Section, Purchasing Division, City of Albuquerque (505) 857-8670.

6. How can I get my product approved?

There is generally no pre-qualification of products conducted by the City of Albuquerque. Product approval or evaluation is normally done after the procurement document is received and opened.

7. May I submit an offer if I don't handle the brand listed in the procurement document?

Yes, if the solicitation specified "a brand name or equal", you may offer an alternative or "equal" brand. "Or equal" products will be evaluated after offers are received, based on literature or samples submitted and any required testing for the product. Failure to submit responsive literature and/or samples may be cause for rejection of your offer.

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