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You are here: Home Albuquerque Progress Report Goal 2 - Public Safety 15 - Safe homes for pets 15.1 Number of Dogs/Cats Euthanized per 1,000 Population
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15.1 Number of Dogs/Cats Euthanized per 1,000 Population

Goal 2 - DCC 15 - Indicator 15.1

This indicator is part of Safe homes for pets.

Indicator description:

This indicator notes the number of dogs and cats which are euthanized each year in Albuquerque and also in peer cities, after adjusting for population. This indicator does not attempt to differentiate between animals which are adoptable as opposed to those which are sick, vicious or otherwise unsuitable to be adopted, but only notes the number of animals which are euthanized as adjusted for population. There will always be some animals which are not suitable for adoption, either due to health or behavioral concerns. Some shelters euthanize otherwise adoptable animals after a set time or due to space considerations, although the City of Albuquerque has not euthanized adoptable animals for some time. Albuquerque also accepts animals from outside the jurisdiction. It is not known whether peer cities accept animals from outside their jurisdiction.

Indicator 15_1a

Why is this indicator relevant?

Each year, in the United States an estimated 27 million cats and dogs are born. Between 5 and 8 million are euthanized because homes are unable to be found for them, or because they have health or behavioral problems making them unsuitable for adotion. One way to reduce the number of animals is the routine procedure of spaying and neutering dogs and cats. Albuquerque City Ordinance now requires that most adult dogs and cats be spayed or neutered. Animals are also required to be microchipped for identification, which results in more animals being returned to their owners.

Data Sources:

City of Albuquerque, Animal Welfare Dept. Performance Plan, FY/08; 2007 US Animal Shelter Killing Report Card, Animal People.

Indicator 15_1b

What can we tell from the data?

  • Albuquerque's rate of animals euthanized per 1,000 citizens has dropped over the past 4 years.
  • Compared to peer Southwest cities, Albuquerque is about average for the number of animals which are euthanized for every 1,000 residents.


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