Infants Can Choke On Plastic Decals From Baby Walkers and Other Products

Consumer Product Safety Commission

Infants Can Choke On Plastic Decals From Baby Walkers and Other Products

CPSC Document #5083
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) knows of incidents in which young children peeled off and choked on plastic labels and decals from baby walkers. The CPSC also has reports of young children choking on plastic labels and decals from other products. Fortunately none of these incidents resulted in deaths but the potential exists for a tragedy to occur.

Parents and other child care providers are strongly urged to pull off and throw away all plastic labels
and decals from baby walkers and other juvenile products to prevent choking. However, do not remove permanent paper warning labels. Parents also should throw away loose plastic labels and decals from other products to which the children may have access.

Infants can choke on plastic labels peeled off baby walkers and other products.

Pull off and throw away plastic labels and decals.
Decals on Toy and Baby Walker