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United States Peace Corps Volunteers Promote Economic Development and Environmental Conservation
December 19, 2007 – In a ceremony in Queretaro twenty new Peace Corps volunteers were inducted into service. Representatives from Mexico’s National Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Secretariat of the Environment and Natural Resources (SEMARNAT), also attended the ceremony. The program is now entering its fourth year and the induction of these new volunteers brings the total number in Mexico to 55. (complete text)

Non-Immigrant Visa Fees to Increase World-wide on January 1, 2008
December 13, 2007 – On January 1, 2008, the fee to apply for any non-immigrant visa to enter the United States, including tourist, business, student and other visas, will increase to $131 dollars world-wide. This same fee increase will also apply to Border Crossing Cards (commonly known as “Laser Visas”) for applicants in Mexico. (complete text)

Garza: Gulf Cartel Arrests in Tamaulipas Demonstrate Calderon’s Determination and Results
December 12, 2007 – "I congratulate President Calderon and the Mexican government on the arrests yesterday of Marco Antonio Ramirez del Rio, number three in the Gulf Cartel, and two associates, which once more demonstrate the Calderon administration’s firm determination to confront the drug cartels head-on." (complete text)

Treasury Designates Financial Empire of Key Mexican Money Launderer Blanca Margarita Cazares Salazar
Washington, D.C, December 12, 2007 – The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated Mexican money launderer Blanca Margarita Cazares Salazar (Blanca Cazares) and 19 companies and 22 individuals in Mexico that are part of her financial network as specially designated narcotics traffickers subject to economic sanctions pursuant to the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act. (complete text)Statement by the White House Press Secretary

Bilateral Cooperation Nets $1,140,000 in False Currency
December 12, 2007 – Garza: "This action followed a joint operation in May of this year in which several leaders of this criminal organization were arrested in the U.S. and in Mexico. I applaud the ongoing cooperation between U.S. and Mexican law enforcement and banking authorities, and am confident that it will lead to further arrests and ultimately disband this and other international counterfeiting rings." (complete text)

Travel Document Entry Requirements for U.S. and Canadian Citizens to Apply at Land and Sea Borders from January 31, 2008
December 5, 2007 – Adult travelers from the U.S., Canada, and Bermuda without a valid passport will be required to present both proof of citizenship, such as a birth certificate, and proof of identity, such as a driver’s license, when entering the United States through land and sea ports of entry. (complete text)

SENTRI and FAST Lanes Help Business, Tourism and Security
December 4, 2007 – Garza: “Both the SENTRI program and the FAST lanes are excellent examples of cross-border cooperation that improves the lives of people on both sides of the border by minimizing the delays for individuals and companies to get where they need to go and to improve businesses and lives.” (complete text)

Ambassador Presents “Hilos del Cielo” to First Lady Margarita Zavala
November 30, 2007 – “This beautiful book documents sacred vestments from the Sacristy of the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City, which for too long have been in storage and out of the public view.... I hope this book is received by the Mexican people with a token of my esteem and gratitude for the blessings bestowed upon me during my time in Mexico.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Welcomes the Visit of Senate Majority Leader Reid and Delegation on Security Cooperation and Economic Development
November 30, 2007 – “This visit by Senator Reid and his fellow Senators will fortify the strong ties between our two great nations. The time they dedicated to meet with ordinary Mexican citizens, small business people and farmers from Tabasco, further underscores the close ties that bind our people. On both an official and personal level this visit was a great success, which I hope will be the first of many such exchanges over the coming year.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces $1.7 Million in Additional Aid For Flood-stricken Areas
November 16, 2007 – “With today’s announcement, U.S. assistance to the people of Tabasco and Chiapas totals over $2.1 million dollars.... the people of the United States stand by our Mexican neighbors during this tragedy.” (complete text)

Remarks by Ambassador Garza at the 90th Anniversary Of the American Chamber of Commerce
November 15, 2007 – “Tonight, I’d ask you to raise a glass and join me in asking God to bless not only the United States, Mexico, and the American Chamber, but also to continue to give strength and courage to those who are committed to building bridges of understanding between our two countries, not walls of separation.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza and Wife Visit Flood-stricken Areas With Directors of U.S. and Mexican Red Cross
November 9, 2007 – “As Mariasun and I flew over flood-stricken areas today with Mexican Red Cross President Daniel Goñi Díaz, American Red Cross President Mark Everson, and Assistant Administrator for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United States Agency for International Development Paul Bonicelli... we were moved by the amazing cooperation between Mexicans and teams from the U.S. and elsewhere, providing critical assistance and helping the residents of Tabasco and Chiapas find their way to safety and begin the process of restoring the flooded areas and rebuilding their lives.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Additional Aid For Flood-stricken Areas
November 8, 2007 – “We continue to work closely with Mexico to provide relief to those stricken by flooding in Tabasco and Chiapas. The United States Embassy’s Agency for International Development (USAID), through the Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, announced today it would provide an additional $120,000 dollars in material support to relief efforts.” (complete text)

President Bush Calls President Calderon
November 5, 2007 – “Presidents Bush and Calderon reiterated their commitment to the far-reaching, close and cooperative bilateral relationship between neighbors and friends, who share not only co-responsibility confronting problems, but also the desire to help one another when our citizens are in need.” (complete text)

United States Provides Emergency Disaster Relief for Tabasco and Chiapas
November 5, 2007 – “Our hearts go out to the victims of the devastating floods in the states of Tabasco and Chiapas. As a symbol of our solidarity, the people of the United States will provide $300,000 dollars in emergency assistance to aid disaster relief efforts in these two states.” (complete text)

Garza: Drug seizure, with an estimated value of over US$400 million, also highlights the need for U.S. Congressional action
November 1, 2007 – “Along with my colleagues in the U.S. law enforcement community, I commend the Calderon administration, including PGR, SSP, SEDENA, Marina, and Customs, who have demonstrated their steadfast dedication and courage in the face of daily assaults by drug lords. Our persistent bilateral cooperation is the key to many recent victories, and will lead to further successes against organized crime.” (complete text)

Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte Visits Mexico City
October 29, 2007 – Garza: “This visit comes at an historic moment in the U.S.-Mexico partnership, as we begin broader discussions on the Merida Initiative strengthening and making more secure the region on both sides of our shared border.” (complete text)

Mexico's Security Efforts Deserve Strong Support
October 22, 2007 – Garza: “President Bush has taken the first step by requesting funding directed specifically towards security cooperation with Mexico and Central America. The U.S. Congress will now need to act on this crucial security proposal. We have the opportunity and the responsibility to stand together with our neighbors and demonstrate our strong commitment to break the backs of the drug cartels, disrupt the flow of narcotics and related cash that endangers our shared borders, and free our respective societies from drug-related violence.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces $5 Million Dollars for the Environment
Ceremony Marks Completion of Parks in Peril Program

October 15, 2007 – Garza: “The U.S. government is committed to bilateral cooperation on environmental issues with Mexico. Today I am pleased to announce an additional $5 million dollars to support conservation, forestry, and global climate change programs this year. These new activities complement ongoing efforts focusing on renewable energy, pollution reduction, watershed management and community conservation.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Congratulates Mexican Government on Significant Seizure of Cocaine
October 5, 2007 – Garza: “I congratulate the government of Mexico and President Calderon for another victory today in the battle against drug traffickers and criminals, a very significant seizure of approximately 10 tons of cocaine and the detention of seven individuals in Tampico, Tamaulipas.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Congratulates Mexican Congress on Passage of Law to Combat Trafficking in Persons
October 3, 2007 – Garza: “The United States stands ready to cooperate with Mexico in taking steps to put an end to these practices, in our own lands and abroad. Trafficking is a global problem that tears apart families and communities and tramples on human dignity. By recognizing trafficking in persons as a crime, Mexico is pushing this issue into the forefront and addressing these forms of modern slavery head-on.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza honors 175 years of Cooperation in Matamoros, Tamaulipas
September 21, 2007 – Garza: “This region is a perfect example of the strong ties that connect our countries. We have faced difficult situations in the past and overcome them based on our commitment to each other as partners, friends, and, in many cases, family. I congratulate and honor those who have worked hard to tear down barriers between us and who have worked towards making our relationship stronger and more productive.” (complete text)

Welcoming remarks made by Ambassador Garza at
reception for the National Conference of Western Attorneys General

September 19, 2007 – “When we talk about security, there is no doubt that bilateral cooperation is the key. We intend to continue and expand our cooperation with Mexico and I encourage you all to keep up the good work in diligently fighting crime.” (complete text)

Assassination of Hidalgo Public Security Secretary
September 19, 2007 – Garza: “I send my sincere condolences and those of my colleagues at the Embassy to Mr. Souberville's family and friends. Despite his tragic death, our two governments remain committed in this shared battle. The fight will go on.” (complete text)

Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement Will Enhance Security and Efficiency
September 18, 2007 – Garza: “I am pleased to announce that, today, the United States and Mexican governments signed a Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement to expand our longstanding relationship and cooperation on aviation safety. This is another major step by our two governments to increase commercial cooperation while increasing security and safety standards.” (complete text)

The United States Commemorates the Sixth Anniversary of the
September 11th Terrorist Attacks in a Ceremony at the U.S. Embassy

September 11, 2007 – Garza: “Some have suggested it is no longer appropriate to commemorate 9-11; that six years have passed and that we should now let it go. I say we must remember history, to avoid repeating it. Today, let us honor the memory of all who have died by pledging to do whatever is necessary to prevent a reoccurrence of this terrorist outrage in any country.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Cross-Border Truck Initiative
September 6, 2007 – Garza: “This initiative is an important step toward completing NAFTA’s promise of expanded economic opportunity and prosperity throughout North America.... Every time our nations cooperate to overcome another obstacle to free trade, we strengthen our relationship and improve the lives of our citizens.” (complete text)

U.S. Government Provides $250,000 In Relief for Hurricane Dean Victims
September 4, 2007 – Garza: “Mexican authorities are taking measures to hasten recovery in the affected regions. The American people are here to offer our Mexican neighbors relief aid and support during these challenging times in Dean’s aftermath, just as they offered us generous assistance after Hurricane Katrina.” (complete text)

Mexican Authorities Arrest Juan Carlos de la Cruz Reyna, Narcotrafficker Wanted by U.S. and Mexican Authorities
August 29, 2007 – Garza: “The United States government remains strongly committed to working together with our Mexican partners, to enhance our bilateral cooperation in the common struggle against the scourges of drug trafficking and organized crime, which are threatening citizens on both sides of our border.” (complete text)

Breaking Record of Criminal Extraditions to U.S. by Mexico, Accused Methamphetamine Trafficker Is Extradited
August 28, 2007 – Garza: “I applaud President Calderon and all Mexican law enforcement agencies for supporting this strong U.S.-Mexico partnership against crime that crosses our borders, and look forward to continuing and building upon our already strong bilateral efforts to bring criminals to justice.” (complete text)

Second audio notice - Hurricane Dean heading towards central/northern Mexico
August 21, 2007 - Jeff Galvin, Deputy Press Attaché of the U.S. Embassy, recorded an audio version of the Aug. 21 Warden Notice in an abridged form. (complete text)

Hurricane Dean Approaching Quintana Roo
August 17, 2007 - The U.S. Mission in Mexico issued a warden notice advising U.S. citizens of the impending arrival of Hurricane Dean to the Yucatan Peninsula. Judith Bryan, Press Attaché of the U.S. Embassy, recorded an abridged version of said Warden Notice. (complete text)

Bilateral Strategic Plan on Customs Will Enhance Security and Facilitate Trade
August 13, 2007 – Garza: “The customs-trade partnerships and the enhanced border management resulting from this Bilateral Strategic Plan will improve the lives of citizens on both sides of the border." (complete text)

Extradition of Former Police Officer Wanted for Drug Smuggling and Money Laundering
August 10, 2007 – Garza: “Any police officer, anywhere, who breaks the law and abuses the confidence of the citizens he or she has sworn to protect must be brought to justice. Rodriguez Mata’s extradition to face criminal charges in Texas is yet another example of successful cooperation between United States and Mexican law enforcement officials to combat drug trafficking." (complete text)

U. S. Treasurer Anna Cabral’s Visit to Mexico Highlights Cooperation for Access to Financial Services
August 1, 2007 – Garza: “These services, which provide saving and credit opportunities, are the pillars of financial independence. Bringing these services to everyone throughout Mexico is critical for supporting social and economic development, eliminating poverty, and encouraging entrepreneurship.” (complete text)

Protecting Intellectual Property Rights - U.S. Embassy Organizes Training Course for Mexican Officials
July 27, 2007 – Garza: “Based on this successful training and our mutual interest in advancing the protection of intellectual property rights on both sides of our border, the U.S. Embassy will continue to cooperate with Mexican customs and law enforcement officials, and will plan additional IPR training courses.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Scholarships for 57 Indigenous Teachers and Students
July 19, 2007 – Garza: “The scholarships, funded by the United States government through its Agency for International Development, will allow these students (plus a group of students with disabilities) to attend community colleges in the United States for two years and earn a technical degree.” (complete text)

Dr. Norman Borlaug Receives Congressional Gold Medal
July 17, 2007 – Garza: “Dr. Borlaug’s accomplishments are a shining example of teamwork between the public and the private sectors of our two countries, which has had such a positive impact on the lives of people around the world. I heartily congratulate Dr. Borlaug on receiving this most prestigious award and on his many lifetime achievements.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza on reported threats against American journalists working along the US-Mexico border
July 13, 2007 – Garza: “Threats against journalists, in an attempt to intimidate them from reporting the truth, must be condemned by all of us who understand the important role of a free press in a democratic society.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Addresses University of Texas Alumni in Monterrey at an Event Honoring Adrian G. Sada Treviño, Honorary President of the Vitro Glass Company Board of Directors
June 28, 2007 – Garza: “I am certain our alumni will successfully meet the challenges our two great nations face: creating meaningful employment; expanding opportunities for higher learning; bringing security to our region; and preserving an environment that will allow future generations to enjoy and thrive in a region known for its great spirit and beauty.” (complete text)

The Aquarium of Veracruz Designated First Coastal America Partner Outside the United States
June 14, 2007 – Garza: “As the newest member of the Coastal America Partnership, the Aquarium of Veracruz takes its place as a leader in efforts of the United States and Mexico to preserve our shared marine heritage. With its formal designation today as a Coastal Ecosystem Learning Center, the aquarium will enable marine scientists and experts to share the information they need to protect and restore the ecosystem of the Gulf of Mexico.” (complete text)

Garza: TIES and Peace Corps are Outstanding Examples of Cooperation between the U.S. and Mexico
June 13, 2007   In the city of Queretaro, Amb. Garza announced five new U.S.-Mexico partnerships that were selected under a joint initiative with the Mexican Council for Science and Technology (CONACYT). He also inducted into service 13 new Peace Corps volunteers who will join the 32 volunteers already working with Mexico’s Secretariat of the Environment and CONACYT. (complete text)

Endangered California Condors Welcomed to Chapultepec Zoo
June 4, 2007 — “It is my pleasure to be here today as we celebrate one of the latest examples of cooperation between Mexico and the United States in the area of wildlife conservation. And I cannot think of a better way to commemorate World Environment Day than to wish Chapultepec Zoo every success in this important project and to welcome the condors to their new home in Mexico City.” (complete text)

President Bush Designates Three Individuals and Organizations With Operations in Mexico as Drug Kingpins under U.S. Law
June 1, 2007 – Garza: "President Bush identified six individuals and organizations (three with a direct tie to Mexico) as ‘Drug Kingpins’ today (allowing) the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control to use financial sanctions against them, their key associates, and front companies." (complete text)

“Most-Wanted” Fugitive who Allegedly Murdered U.S. Soldier on Home Leave from Iraq and Two Other Violent Criminals Extradited to U.S. by Mexico
June 1, 2007 – “Mexico extradited Fabian Urrea, who allegedly murdered a U.S. soldier on home leave from Iraq; Isaias Martinez Reyes, wanted on charges of rape; and convicted drug trafficker Ismael Terrazas Torres, making the total number of extraditions by Mexico to the United States 47 so far this year.“Joint American and Mexican law enforcement cooperation will continue to prevent wanted fugitives like these from escaping justice,” said Amb. Garza. (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Visits Rural Schools in Huichol Communities of the State of Jalisco
May 30, 2007 – Garza: “Today, I had the opportunity to visit four Huichol communities in the Sierra de Jalisco and witness partnership and change in action. Indigenous rural teachers who struggle with limited resources ―but with skill and unlimited commitment― are changing their communities and transforming children’s lives.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Commemorates America’s Sacrifice
May 28, 2007 – Garza: “There have been times, some distant and some not so distant, when the nations represented here were in conflict with each other. And yet, here we sit in this beautiful garden and cemetery – as friends and allies... Ultimately, we know that those ideals cherished by democracies – freedom of expression, worship – only happen through service and sacrifice.” (complete text)

Americas Competitiveness Forum: Promoting Prosperity and Economic Opportunity
May 25, 2007 – Garza: "Given Mexico's sustained focus on economic reform and further improvements to the business climate, the Americas Competitiveness Forum is well-timed to network knowledge and resources to contribute to economic prosperity in the United States, Mexico, and throughout the region. I invite Mexican business and government leaders to take advantage of this opportunity.” (complete text)

White House and U.S. Senate Announce Bipartisan Agreement on Immigration Reform
May 17, 2007 – Garza: “While our path to immigration reform has been a long one, I feel confident that ultimately our government is going to act consistently with the desire of Americans to have both a secure and a welcoming country. I am sure that in the coming weeks we will continue to see vigorous and, at times, heated debate by our lawmakers as they work towards a final resolution of these difficult issues.” (complete text)

Major Mexican Drug Trafficker’s Assets in U.S. Frozen
May 17, 2007 – Garza: "Today the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) identified twelve Mexican individuals and six organizations in the financial network of notorious drug kingpin Ismael Zambada Garcia of Sinaloa.... This action by the Treasury Department is one more step in a concerted and coordinated effort by the U.S. government to find and undermine criminal activity world-wide." (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Expresses his Condolences to the Family of Jose Nemesio Lugo Felix
May 14, 2007 — “On behalf of the U.S. Mission in Mexico, I extend my deepest condolences to Mr. Lugo’s family, colleagues, and friends. It is my sincere hope that the perpetrators of this cowardly crime can be arrested and brought to justice immediately.” (complete text)

The State of Hidalgo Creates a Brighter Financial Future
May 11, 2007 – Garza: “I congratulate the State of Hidalgo for its innovative and successful debt restructuring through certificate sale this week.... The United States government is particularly pleased to have provided technical assistance through our Global Development Alliance partner Evensen Dodge. The vision and leadership of Governor Osorio Chong and state officials were instrumental in achieving this milestone.” (complete text)

Mayor Antonio R. Villaraigosa of Los Angeles Will Lead Delegation to Mexico, May 3-9
May 2, 2007 — Garza: “No U.S. city has more Americans of Mexican origin than Los Angeles. As the first mayor of Mexican ancestry to serve as mayor of that city in modern times, Antonio Villaraigosa can make a genuine and lasting contribution towards bringing the people of our two countries closer together.” (complete text)

U.S. Partners with Mexico for New Trauma Center at Agua Prieta General Hospital
April 28, 2007 – “Access to high quality emergency health care in border areas is a vital need for the U.S. and Mexico. This new trauma center is an excellent example of a joint effort to bring together public and private collaborators to improve access to public health facilities,” said U.S. Ambassador Antonio O. Garza. “Mexican and American border health groups, working together in partnership, have achieved significant and tangible results for their communities.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Officiates at the Opening of the Veteran’s Bridge SENTRI Lane in Brownsville-Matamoros
April 27, 2007 — “Americans and Mexicans who live in and near Brownsville and Matamoros have friends and families on both sides of the border and ties that have endured for generations. The Veteran’s Bridge ‘Secure Electronic Network for Travelers Rapid Inspection’ lane, known by the initials SENTRI, will allow trusted travelers who are enrolled in the SENTRI program to cross the border faster,” said Ambassador Garza. (complete text)

65th Anniversary of the Benjamin Franklin Library
April 26, 2007 — Garza: “My congratulations to the Benjamin Franklin Library for being so healthy and robust on its 65th birthday. May it enjoy many more years of outstanding support to the public and continue to bring together the people of Mexico and the United States. Happy Birthday!” (complete text)

U.S. Secretary Paulson Visits Successful Example of U.S. Embassy Project Promoting Small Businesses
April 24, 2007 — Garza: “Through the promotion of micro, small and medium-sized businesses, Mexico can grow its economy to provide employment for its own people. I believe strongly in this idea and hope that the cooperation that exists today between the Embassy, the Mexican people, and the financial sector will continue until all Mexicans have the opportunity to support their families and pursue their dreams for the future here in Mexico.” (complete text)

Michael Bloomberg, Mayor of New York City, Visits Mexico
April 24, 2007 — Garza: “An exchange of ideas and vision involving mayors, and state and federal government officials, will go a long way towards improving conditions for our citizens who live in large metropolitan areas.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Visit of U.S. Secretary of Treasury Henry M. Paulson
April 23, 2007 — Garza: “As in other bilateral meetings between Mexican and U.S. government officials, Secretary Paulson will reiterate that the people of the United States stand ready to cooperate across a wide spectrum of themes to better the quality of lives for both our people.” (complete text)

Earth Day 2007 Celebrates Species Preservation
April 20, 2007 — Garza: “...I am especially delighted to announce that, as part of the U.S./releases Condor Conservation Program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, in partnership with the San Diego Zoo, will soon be bringing two California condors to Chapultepec Zoo to be used as part of an educational exhibit.” (complete text)

Guidance for Americans Traveling to Mexico
April 19, 2007 — Garza: “We ask U.S. citizens to exercise all due caution while in Mexico and remain vigilant for any situation that could become dangerous. While demonstrations in Mexico are almost always peaceful, there exists the potential for violence, and U.S. citizens should avoid any such demonstrations.” (complete text)

Accused Murderer Rodolfo Negrete, Wanted In California For Brutal 24-Hour Killing Spree, Extradited
April 18, 2007 – “By working closely together, law enforcement agencies in the United States and Mexico are tracking down and arresting more and more fugitives. The determination of our two governments to pursue criminals and wanted felons is an essential part in our determined efforts to make our communities safer.” (complete text)

Condolences to the Families of the Students Who Were Tragically Killed at Virginia Tech
April 17, 2007 — Garza: “On behalf of the U.S. Mission in Mexico, I extend my deepest condolences to the families of the young victims of this horrible act. For the remainder of the week, the U.S. Embassy will fly the flag of the United States at half-mast in honor of the students who lost their lives yesterday.” (complete text)

U.S. Congressional Delegation Concludes Successful Visit to Mexico
April 11, 2007 – Garza: “This was an important visit by our U.S. lawmakers. Open dialogue between governmental leaders from our two countries is a key part of the success of the American and Mexican relationship and a necessity to keep our countries secure.” (complete text)

Daniel Perez, Wanted By California Authorities For Brutal Murder And Kidnapping, Is Extradited To The U.S.
March 29, 2007 – Garza: “In recent years, American and Mexican law enforcement agencies have greatly escalated their collaborative efforts to find and arrest wanted felons. The results are obvious and very positive. Perez is the 31st fugitive Mexican authorities have extradited to the United States this year.” (complete text)

Treasury Takes Action Against Major Medellin-Based Trafficker and His Financial Empire
Washington, D.C., March 28, 2007 – The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today named Fabio Enrique Ochoa Vasco (a.k.a."Carlos Mario"), a major Colombia-based drug trafficker, as a principal individual on its list of Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers (SDNTs). At the same time, OFAC designated 45 companies and 64 individuals in Ochoa Vasco's extensive criminal and financial network, across Colombia, Belize, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, and Panama. (complete text)

"Largest Cash Seizure in History Product of U.S.-Mexico Counter-Narcotics Cooperation"
March 20, 2007 – Garza: “The seizure and arrests underscore our two countries’ deep commitment to fighting the drug kingpins who bring corruption and violence to communities on both sides of the border. President Calderon’s administration has demonstrated firm resolve in fighting the criminals who undermine our societies and terrorize our citizens.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Celebrates International Women’s Day 2007
March 8, 2007 — “Today, we celebrate International Women’s Day around the world. It is a day when societies unite to speak out against violence against women and the gender inequalities that still exist. It is a day to remember that the empowerment of women is deeply intertwined with the safety, security and prosperity of all nations. Most importantly, it is a day to applaud the millions of women around the world who, despite intimidation, are leading their nations to freedom and democracy.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Visit of U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns
March 5, 2007 — “U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Mike Johanns is visiting Mexico March 5-7 to meet with senior Mexican officials.... Secretary Johanns... understands complex agricultural issues and recognizes the importance of improving access to markets, protecting the environment, and investing in technology." (complete text)

Release of 2007 International Narcotics Control Strategy Report (INCSR) by the U.S. Government
March 1, 2007 – “In the last month, three cabinet-level U.S. officials have visited Mexico to stress their admiration of President Calderon’s demonstrated commitment to battling organized crime and narco-traffickers. The United States government today issued a report that both describes the threats posed by these illegal organizations around the world and underscores the successes the U.S. and Mexico have shared when confronting these threats together,” said Ambassador Garza. (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Welcomes the Visit of John P. Walters, Director of the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy
February 27, 2007 - “Walters... recognizes that the problem is not merely the sale of narcotics, but its consumption as well. Today, he discussed with his Mexican counterparts methods of improving our law enforcement cooperation to better fight the war on drugs, including increased extraditions and information sharing to combat drug cartels.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Cross-Border Truck Initiative
February 23, 2007 — “Under this program, approximately 100 Mexican trucking companies will begin to carry international shipments to and from destinations in the U.S. American trucking companies will soon begin the same cross-border transportation in Mexico.... Every time our nations cooperate to overcome another obstacle to free trade, we strengthen our relationship and improve the lives of our citizens.” (complete text)

U.S. Government Supports Rural Electrification Using Renewable Energy Sources
February 23, 2007 – Joint effort of the U.S. and Mexican governments and the private sector to provide isolated rural communities with electricity produced by solar, wind and micro-hydro sources. Garza: “Not only will these communities benefit from electricity, but with support from the private sector and access to micro-enterprises, they will now have the opportunity to become active participants in local, national and global markets.” (complete text)

Statement by Ambassador Garza regarding the alleged border incursion by U.S. officials on Tuesday, February 20
February 22, 2007 - "The United States wants to make clear that it has the deepest respect for the integrity of the sovereignty of Mexican soil and for the importance of the border shared by our two countries." (complete text)

U.S. Embassy’s “Give Your Heart to a Child with Cancer” Campaign Raises USD $15,000 for Mexican Charity
February 14, 2007 - For their part, U.S. companies Whirlpool and Church & Dwight donated an industrial-sized washer and a year’s worth of laundry detergent, respectively. Garza: “The Embassy’s efforts demonstrate our continuing commitment to helping those in need, to remembering our shared humanity that knows no borders, and to our belief that by giving generously to others, we enrich our own lives immeasurably.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Visit of U.S. Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff
February 14, 2007 — Amb. Garza announced that U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff will make an official visit to Mexico on February 15-16, 2007 to meet with key Mexican officials. “These meetings... attest to the close relationship and deep cooperation between the United States and Mexico on security issues that affect both our nations.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Welcomes U.S. Under Secretary of State Karen Hughes to Mexico
February 13, 2007 - U.S. Ambassador Antonio O. Garza, Jr. welcomed U.S. Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs Karen Hughes to Mexico for a four-day visit. Garza: “Mexico’s richness lies in its people, history, and heritage. When we share our countries and cultures with visitors, we strengthen our mutual bonds of friendship and understanding.” (complete text)

U.S. Under Secretary of State Karen Hughes to Visit Mexico
February 8, 2007 - Garza: "Under Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy Karen Hughes will visit Mexico City, Chiapas and Guadalajara February 12-15. I am looking forward to sharing with the Under Secretary some of Mexico’s treasures – both people and places – and projects in which the U.S. and Mexico are working together to promote prosperity and our common values." (complete text)

President Bush to Visit President Calderon in Mexico in March, 2007
February 8, 2007 – Garza: "The White House announced today that President Bush will travel to Mexico, March 12-14, to meet with President Calderon. Building on the very positive meeting between the two leaders at the White House in November 2006, the two Presidents will address a broad agenda of bilateral issues with the goal of enhancing our cooperation and strengthening our relationship." (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces Visit of Secretary of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez
January 30, 2007 — "In his meetings with high level Mexican government officials, the Secretary will highlight the solid commitment of the United States to improving our economic and trade ties, as well as our strong will to work with the administration of President Felipe Calderon." (complete text)

Presidents Bush and Calderon Speak By Telephone
January 24, 2007- Garza: "Today, U.S. President George Bush called Mexican President Felipe Calderón to commend him for his leadership and the efforts of the Government of Mexico to bring law and order and combat drug trafficking and violence in Mexico." (complete text)

Important Changes in Requirements to Enter the U.S. - New Passport Rules
January 23, 2007 - Garza: “Beginning today all persons – including U.S. citizens – traveling by air to the United States will be required to present a valid passport upon entry into the country. This includes Americans who live in Mexico.” (complete text)

Historic Day of Extraditions from Mexico to the United States
January 20, 2007 -- Garza: “Today, both the Mexican and the American people can celebrate a monumental moment in our two nations’ battle with the vicious drug-traffickers and criminals who threaten our very way of life.” (complete text)

Ambassador Garza Announces a USD $2 Million Partnership between the U.S. and Mexican Governments
January 18, 2007 — U.S. Ambassador Antonio O. Garza announced a new $2 million dollar partnership between the U.S. government and the Mexican National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) to increase collaboration between Mexican and U.S. higher education institutions. (complete text)

U.S. Government Sponsors “Living Laboratory” Course for International Students
January 18, 2007 — U.S. Ambassador Antonio O. Garza announced today that a field course sponsored by the U.S. government called the “Living Laboratory” was held in Veracruz and attended by international students hoping to learn more about local agricultural and development issues in Veracruz. (complete text)

Information for Americans Considering Travel to Oaxaca City
January 17, 2007- Garza: “On November 18, the U.S. Embassy issued a public announcement to all U.S. citizens to avoid travel to Oaxaca City, Oaxaca due to mounting violence and disorder in the city. That announcement expires tomorrow, and I have directed that we instead advise U.S. citizens to ‘use caution when traveling to Oaxaca City.’ This new public announcement will expire on March 29, 2007.” (complete text)

U.S. Government supports anti-trafficking in persons conference in the state of Chihuahua
January 17, 2007 - The U.S. government is supporting the state of Chihuahua's efforts to combat trafficking in persons (TIP) by sponsoring speakers and providing technical assistance for the international conference, “Trafficking in Persons: The current situation, perspectives and challenges,” January 16-17th in Ciudad Juarez. (complete text)

U.S. Embassy Announces New Visa Information Web Service for Easier and Faster Visa Appointments
January 12, 2007 - Garza: “Our new web service will provide visa applicants with a convenient and modern method to make their appointments. Available 24 hours, it will provide immediate access to information and expand our customer service options.” (complete text)

Productive Meetings Between U.S. Attorney General Gonzales and Mexican Attorney General Medina Mora
January 11, 2007- Garza: "During very productive meetings today here in Mexico City, U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and Mexican Attorney General Eduardo Medina Mora discussed a broad range of issues characteristic of the depth of our law enforcement relationship." (complete text)

Extradition of Jorge Arroyo Garcia
January 9, 2007 - Garza: “With this very important extradition, it is clear that under the Calderon administration, the governments of Mexico and the U.S. will continue our unprecedented law enforcement cooperation (that resulted in a record number of 63 extraditions from Mexico to the U.S. last year) and that we will bring to justice anyone who does harm to the law enforcement officials who protect our way of life.” (complete text)

Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative
Beginning January 23, 2007, all citizens of the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda will be required to present a passport or other authorized document to enter the United States when arriving by air from any part of the Western Hemisphere. (complete text)

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