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DoD 1348.33-M; Manual for Military Decorations and Awards:

Individual Joint Awards

Preparation of Award Recommendations:

Award recommendations should be submitted 90 days prior to the desired presentation date and include the following elements:

  1. Narrative – the Defense Distinguished Service Medal (DDSM) and the Defense Superior Service Medal (DSSM) shall not exceed three single-spaced pages. The Defense Meritorious Service Medal (DMSM) shall not exceed two single-spaced pages, the Joint Service Commendation Medal (JSCM), and Joint Service Achievement Medal (JSAM) shall not exceed one single-spaced page.
  2. Citation – the citation shall be submitted on bond paper, not to exceed 16 single-spaced typed lines.
    1. Defense Agencies close with "Department of Defense".
    2. The Immediate Office of the Secretary of Defense, Offices of the Under Secretaries of Defense, and Offices of the Assistant Secretaries of Defense, close with "Office of the Secretary of Defense".
    3. When using duty title omit "the" or "an"; for example, use "service as Administrative Assistant, ..." vice as "the".
    4. For compound grade titles, such as first lieutenant, staff sergeant, and so on, spell out the complete grade title in the opening sentence, and then use the short title in the balance of the citation. Example: lieutenant, sergeant, etc.
    5. Omit the parentheses when using the organization; for example, Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and Readiness), use Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness.
    6. When speaking of the CINCs collectively, it is Commanders in Chief.
    7. Dollar amounts – $200 million; numbers one through ten should be written out; 11 and above are numerical.
  3. Memorandum – address the memorandum to Director, Military Personnel, Washington Headquarters Services. The package must go through the organizational chain of command before reaching the Awards Section.
  4. Copies – the package must consist of the original plus three copies.

Approval Authority

DSSM, DMSM, JSCM, and JSAM for service members assigned to multilateral and bilateral organizations; and other offices within the Executive Branch, Executive Agencies and Departments, or independent establishments and Government corporations, is the Director for Administration and Management. The approval authority for the DDSM is the Deputy Secretary of Defense.

Approval authority for the JSAM for Service members assigned to either OSD, the DoD Field Activities, or the joint DoD activities for which a Principal Staff Assistant has been designated "Executive Agent for the Secretary of Defense," is delegated to the OSD Principal Staff Assistants.

Orders Distribution

Two (2) copies of the orders are given to the recipient of the award. Recipients are responsible for ensuring that a copy of the award is placed in their personnel records.

Sample Award Recommendation:


THROUGH: (if applicable)

SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of the (as applicable)

Under the provisions of DoD 1348.33-M, the following Service member is recommended for award of the (as applicable):

  1. Grade, name, Service, and social security number.
  2. Organization of assignment.
  3. Title and duty assignment at the time of act or service. Include Joint Manpower Program paragraph, and/or line number or JDAL number as applicable.
  4. Inclusive dates for which recommended.
  5. Indicate the reason for the submission (i.e. Service member is to be reassigned permanent change of station on _____, separated from active duty on _____, or retired from active duty on _____.) If award recommended is for meritorious achievement, indicate "Impact Award."
  6. Requested date of presentation and provide the telephone number and a point of contact.
  7. Previous Defense awards and inclusive dates.
  8. No other award for this Service member for this action is pending, and no previous award has been made for the act or service described herein. (It is the responsibility of the recommending official to ensure compliance with this policy.)

Attached is a narrative description of (achievement performed or service rendered):

(Signature of Recommending Official)


  1. Narrative
  2. Citation
  3. Supporting Documentation (if appropriate)

Sample Narrative:

Instructions: The narrative should be specific and factual, giving concrete examples of exactly what the Service member did, how it was done, what benefits or results were realized, and why or how such benefits or results significantly exceeded superior performance of duty. DDSM and DSSM narratives shall not exceed three single-spaced pages. DMSM shall not exceed two-single spaced pages. JSCM and JSAM narratives shall not exceed one single-spaced page. An example of a narrative is provided below.

Sergeant First Class John E. Doe, United States Army, distinguished himself by exceptionally meritorious service as Army Personnel Services Representative, and as Joint Military Personnel Technician, Military Personnel, Washington Headquarters, from July 1988 to August 1993. With a broad background of Army personnel experience, Sergeant Doe had an immediate positive impact on the personnel support provided to the Army personnel assigned to the staff of the Office of the Secretary of Defense, raising it to a previously unachieved level of efficiency. As he and his subordinate performed the duties of at least five personnel, he took upon himself the duties of First Sergeant, effectively performing duties normally far above those for someone of his grade. Not satisfied to be an outstanding noncommissioned officer and an expert in Army personnel matters, Sergeant Doe proceeded to apply himself to learning the personnel policies and procedures of the other military services, the joint manning policies, and the job functions of every other section in the Military Personnel.

This naturally led to his serving in innumerable valuable capacities, to include: providing primary training in office procedures and policies, and OSD peculiarities, and acting as mentor for all newly assigned Military Personnel staff, which has been significant; functioned as office NCOIC and Senior Enlisted Advisor as a permanent additional duty; performed the duties of the Deputy Director, Military Personnel in the absence of the Director or Deputy Director; and handled all hot projects, sensitive issues, and joint personnel taskers for the Director, Military Personnel. This last area deserves special note because it included such items as: being sent Temporary Duty to subordinate organizations outside the Military District of Washington to represent and assess the quality of personnel support being provided to and by them; establishing Standard Operating Procedures for the office overall, requiring his high level of joint expertise, and knowledge of every job with the division, and their interrelationships; providing overall manpower analysis of Military Assistant Positions for the Director of Administration and the Deputy Secretary of Defense requiring the ability to "see the big picture," understand the organization overall, and still pay strict attention to detail; serving as the single point of contact other than the Division Chief for coordination of SERB actions and assisting officers after notification had been made; serving as Action Officer to develop plans, which were coordinated with the Services to provide for evaluation of all officers assigned to the Secretary of Defense's Base Transition Office. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Doe reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Army, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

Sample Citation:



Colonel John E. Doe, United States Air Force, distinguished himself by exceptional superior service as Special Assistant to the President, The White House, from January 1994 to December 1996. The outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Colonel Doe resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of various national critical programs. Applying extensive knowledge and substantial experience, he aggressively pursued and resolved countless political-military issues and led all efforts to reorganize and focus the staff for greater efficiency. He personally directed several key action groups that made sweeping changes, significantly impacting on the Command's mission and resulting in increased staff efficiencies and resource savings. The distinctive accomplishments of Colonel Doe reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense.

Opening Statement

DDSM use exceptionally distinguished service

DSSM use exceptionally superior service

DMSM/JSCM/JSAM use exceptionally meritorious service (use exceptionally meritorious achievement for impact awards)

Closing Statement

PCS/IMPACT AWARD: The distinctive accomplishments of Colonel Doe reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense (or Office of the Secretary of Defense). Note: Do not use the word "great" in the closing sentence for impact awards.

Retirement Award

The distinctive accomplishments of Colonel Doe culminate a (long and) distinguished career in the service of his country and reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense (Office of the Secretary of Defense). Note: Use "long end" if member has 30 years or more of service.

Separation Award

The distinctive accomplishments of Major Doe while serving his country reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense (Office of the Secretary of Defense).

Posthumous Award

The distinctive accomplishments of Colonel Doe in the dedication of his service to his country reflect great credit upon himself, the United States Air Force, and the Department of Defense (Office of the Secretary of Defense).

WHS will no longer prepare citations for activities outside of the Immediate Offices of the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, and the Offices of the Principal Staff Assistants. Activities may prepare citations on bond paper, command letterhead, parchment paper or other suitable paper stock.

Preparation of JMUA Recommendations:

  1. 1. A recommendation for the Joint Meritorious Unit Award (JMUA) will consist of the following elements:
    1. (a) Narrative – The narrative justification must contain specific and factual data about what the activity accomplished, how it was done, what the benefits or results were, and why or how the achievement or service significantly exceeded normal unit duty performance. The narrative justification shall not exceed three single-spaced pages.
    2. (b) Citation – the citation shall be submitted on bond paper, not to exceed 20 typed lines.
    3. (c) Personnel roster – a roster of all eligible personnel must be submitted with each JMUA recommendation to be retained by Military Personnel.
    4. (d) Eligible subordinate unit roster.
    5. (e) Copies – the original plus three copies.
    6. (f) Endorsing official – the award recommendations must be endorsed by commanders at all levels.
  2. 2. Approval Authority – authority to award the JMUA is delegated to the Director, Administration and Management.
  3. 3. Orders Distributions – orders are distributed to the originator of the award. The responsibility to notify the individuals eligible to receive the award remains with the originator.

Sample JMUA Recommendation:


THROUGH: (if applicable)

SUBJECT: Recommendation for Award of the Joint Meritorious Unit Award

Under the provisions of DoD 1348.33-M, the following DoD Activity is recommended for award of the Joint Meritorious Unit Award:

  1. Unit, activity, or organization.
  2. Location, such as installation, city, state, and country.
  3. Inclusive dates for which recommended.
  4. Previous JMUAs awarded to this DoD activity and inclusive dates.

No other unit award is pending for this DoD activity regarding this action, and no unit award has been made previously for achievement or service described herein.

(Signature of Recommending Official)


  1. Narrative
  2. Citation
  3. Supporting Documentation (if required)
  4. Service member listing

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