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Office Of International Affairs

Treasury International Capital System

U.S. Gross External Debt


The data on the U.S. Gross External Debt Position are presented in three tables showing the gross level of external debt (Table A), its currency composition (Table B), and the repayment schedule of this debt (Table C).

The position data are reported as of the end of each quarter, beginning with June 30, 2003, and are published on the last business day of the following quarter (a one-quarter lag). Press Release, October 8, 2003.

Revised data for the previous June, September and December are normally released on the last business day of June. Revisions include the results of the Survey of Foreign Holdings of U.S. Securities at the end of the previous June.

DEBT as of : Tables. *** Previous release & date

03/31/2009 : A , B , C .
12/31/2008 : A , B , C .
09/30/2008 : A , B , C .
06/30/2008 : A , B , C .
03/31/2008 : A , B , C .
12/31/2007 : A , B , C .***a , b , c , (03/28//2008).
09/30/2007 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (12/31/2007).
06/30/2007 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (09/28/2007).
03/31/2007 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (06/29/2007).
12/31/2006 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (03/30/2007).
09/30/2006 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (12/29/2006).
06/30/2006 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (09/29/2006).
03/31/2006 : A , B , C .
12/31/2005 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (03/31/2006).
09/30/2005 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (12/30/2005).
06/30/2005 : A , B , C .*** a , b , c , (09/30/2005).
03/31/2005 : A , B , C .
12/31/2004 : A , B , C . *** a , b , c , (03/31/2005).
09/30/2004 : A , B , C . *** a , b , c , (12/29/2004).
06/30/2004 : A , B , C . *** a , b , c , (09/30/2004).
03/31/2004 : A , B , C .
12/31/2003 : A , B , C .
09/30/2003 : A , B , C .
06/30/2003 : A , B , C .







Last Updated: June 30, 2009


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    Related EXTERNAL websites for data users

  • Treasury Bulletin: "Capital Movements" tables present quarterly TIC data.
  • BEA reports the official U.S. balance of payments (quarterly) & U.S. international investment position (annually).
  • Federal Reserve reports quarterly Flow of Funds Accounts of the United States.