USDA Economic Research Service Briefing Room
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Cotton: Related Links


U.S. Department of Agriculture

National Agricultural Statistics Service, Crops and Plants. For cotton, data on U.S. cotton acreage, ginnings, monthly marketings, prices, production, and value.

World Agricultural Outlook Board. Monthly supply and demand estimates for the United States and other countries.

Foreign Agricultural Service, Cotton: World Markets and Trade. Information on world cotton markets and trade.

Farm Service Agency, Commodity Operations. Information on agricultural programs and other commodity information.

Agricultural Marketing Service, Cotton Market News Reports. Weekly cotton market review, cotton quality, and prices.

Other U.S. Government

Bureau of the Census, Consumption on the Cotton System and Stocks. Information on U.S. cotton consumption and stocks.

U.S. Department of Commerce, Office of Textiles and Apparel. Textile agreements, trade data, and import quotas.


University of Texas, Natural Fibers Information Center. Information center on natural fibers and related industries.

Texas Tech University, Cotton Economics Research Institute. Cotton economic information in published reports and ongoing research projects.

North Carolina State University, Cotton Information. A cotton production guide prepared by the Extension Service.

Mississippi State University, Delta Research and Extension Center, Cotton Research. Ongoing cotton research and extension work.


International Cotton Advisory Committee. Information on world cotton supply and use to member countries having an interest in cotton production, consumption, or trade.


For more information, contact: Leslie Meyer or Stephen MacDonald

Web administration:

Updated date: July 14, 2006