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ASC @ Sandia

ASC Logo


ASC Program Director
James Peery
(505) 845-9490

ASC Communications
Reeta Garber

Related Links
ASC Management

ASC Focus Areas

Software Quality Engineering (SQE)

UQ V&V Seminar Series

About ASC at Sandia

The Advanced Simulation and Computing program (ASC) is one of NNSA’s Defense Programs Campaigns. The Defense Programs has three components:

ASC is one of six major campaigns:

  1. Science Campaigns
    1. Primary Certification
    2. Dynamic Materials properties
    3. Advanced Radiography
    4. Secondary Certification
    5. Nuclear Systems Margins

  2. Engineering Campaigns
    1. Enhanced Surety
    2. Weapons System Engineering Certification
    3. Nuclear Survivability
    4. Enhanced Surveillance
    5. Advanced Design and Production Technologies

  3. Inertial confinement fusion Ignition and High Yield (ICF) Campaign

  4. Advanced Simulation and Computing

  5. Pit Manufacturing and Certification Campaign

  6. Readiness Campaigns
    1. Stockpile Readiness
    2. High Explosives manufacturing and Weapon Disassembly Readiness
    3. Non-nuclear Readiness
    4. Tritium Readiness

ASC creates simulation capabilities through the development of advanced weapons codes and high-performance computing that incorporate high-fidelity scientific models validated against experimental Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP), which encompasses all National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) efforts to meet its nuclear weapons responsibilities. This includes the means to assess and certify the safety, performance, and reliability of nuclear weapons.

Womb to tomb lifespan of a nuclear weapon

