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Home » Training » Managers and Supervisors training and resources

Managers/Supervisors Training

The following training is available to managers/supervisors.  All courses, except web-based training, are arranged through Components.  For more information, contact your Component or activity training representative.

Course Title:NSPS 101
Audience:All employees
Duration:1-1/2 hours
Delivery Method:Auditorium
CLICK HERE to view the Merit Principles Card
Summary:Participants will learn about the core NSPS elements. This course serves as a recommended prerequisite for the classroom sessions. Contains conversion calculator to determine career group, pay band and pay schedule as well as estimated prorated Within-grade Increase buy-in.
Learning Objectives:
  • Have basic knowledge of NSPS as described in implementing issuances
    • Conversion
    • Compensation
    • Classification
    • Performance management
    • Staffing flexibilities
  • Recognize need to link individual performance to organizational mission, goals, and results
  • Know performance management principles and cycles within DoD
  • Understand how pay is determined by performance

Course Title:Performance Management for Managers and Supervisors
Audience:Managers and Supervisors
Duration:2 days
Delivery Method:Classroom
CLICK HERE to view the Performance Management for Managers/Supervisors, Version 3 Matrix (used in conjunction with course)
CLICK HERE to view the Performance Management for Managers/Supervisors, Version 3 Participant Guide
CLICK HERE to view the Merit Principles Card
Summary:In this class, participants will learn about supervising employees in a performance-based organization.
Learning Objectives:
  • Work with employees to develop effective performance management plans that tie to organizational mission, goals, and results
  • Help employees understand their new roles and responsibilities under NSPS, and help them locate the resources they need to improve their performance
  • Fairly manage, appraise and rate employees with differing skill sets, job tasks, and career paths
  • Use effective communication skills to provide feedback to employees and identify strategies for dealing with under-performing personnel
  • Create new processes in support of NSPS and eliminate those that are no longer appropriate
  • Develop performance based job objectives

Course Title:Introduction to Pay Pool Management
Audience:Pay pool managers, supervisors and administrators
Duration:3 days
Delivery Method:Workshop and practice
CLICK HERE to view the Introduction to Pay Pool Management,
Version 2 Matrix (used in conjunction with course)
CLICK HERE to view the Introduction to Pay Pool Management, Version 2 Participant Guide
CLICK HERE to view the Merit Principles Card
Summary:In this session, participants will learn how to manage and participate in the pay pool process.
Learning Objectives:
  • Become a steward of pay pool resources and manage distribution of compensation and awards
  • Apply the principles of pay pool management under NSPS on compensating employees
  • Gain practical experience in participating and understanding the pay pool process
  • Understand responsibility and accountability in ensuring fairness and equity in the pay pool process

Course Title:Pay Pool Management for Rating Officials and Employees
Audience:Rating officials and employees
Duration:4 hours
Delivery Method:Instructor-led
CLICK HERE to view the Pay Pool Management for Rating Officials and Employees, Version 1 Matrix (used in conjunction with course)
CLICK HERE to view the Pay Pool Management for Rating Officials and Employees, Version 1 Participant Guide
CLICK HERE to view the Merit Principles Card
Summary: The course is designed to teach rating officials and employees how the performance management and pay pool processes interact, the activities that occur during the phases with an emphasis on writing effective job objectives and assessments, and the important role employees, rating officials and pay pool managers play in ensuring a fair and equitable system.
Learning Objectives:
  • Discuss the importance of the rating official's and employee’s roles in supporting the pay pool process
  • Improve the quality of job objectives, self assessments and evaluations
  • Address the challenges of evaluating performance
  • Explain what the pay pool panel considers as it reconciles ratings
  • List tips for participating in the Annual Appraisal conversation