SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2004-121 June 24, 2004 COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS SEC STAFF TO PUBLICLY RELEASE COMMENT LETTERS AND RESPONSES The staff of the Securities and Exchange Commission today announced its position regarding the release of comment letters and filer responses relating to disclosure filings reviewed by the Division of Corporation Finance and the Division of Investment Management. Release of Comment Letters and Responses Disclosure filings made with the SEC are in certain cases selected for review by staff. For many years, the Division of Corporation Finance and the Division of Investment Management have provided filers with comments on filings where they believe the filing could be improved or enhanced. These comments generally are sent after a filing is made with the Commission under the Securities Act of 1933, the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 or the Investment Company Act of 1940. The letters set forth staff positions on a particular filing only and do not constitute an official expression of the Commission's views. Further, these letters set forth the staff's position, are limited to the specific facts of the filing to which they apply, and do not apply to other filings. Staff review of a filing may involve several rounds of comments from the staff and a similar number of responses from the filer. Upon resolution of all issues relating to a filing review, the staff advises the filer that its review is complete. The SEC currently releases staff comment letters and responses to these comment letters only in response to a Freedom of Information Act request after the staff review is complete. In recent months, an increasing number of our comment letters and filer responses to them are being released publicly through the FOIA process, but only to those persons who make FOIA requests for them. We believe it is appropriate to expand the transparency of the comment process so that this information is available to a broader audience, free of charge. We intend to do this through the Commission's Public Dissemination Service and on our website at (EDGAR data on the SEC Public Website). Public access to this correspondence will no longer require a FOIA request. Timing We will begin releasing our comment letters and response letters relating to disclosure filings made after August 1, 2004 that are selected for review. We will announce in the near future a specific date after which these documents will become publicly available; that date will depend on completion of necessary technical modifications. Correspondence will be released not less than 45 days after the staff has completed a filing review. In applying the August 1, 2004 commencement date, we will look to the filing that is the primary focus of the review. For example, if we select for review a Form 10-K filed before August 1, 2004, and in connection with that inquiry we also review a Form 10-Q or Form 8-K filed after August 1, the determination will be based on the filing date of the Form 10-K. Similarly, if a registration statement is filed before August 1, 2004, but an amendment is filed after that date, the determination will be made on the basis of the earlier filing. With respect to investment companies, if we review an amendment to a registration statement filed before August 1, 2004, and in connection with that review also review a Form N-CSR filed after August 1, 2004, we will not make the correspondence publicly available through this process. If we review an amendment filed after August 1, 2004, and in connection with that review also review a Form N-CSR filed before that date, we would make the appropriate information publicly available. Confidential treatment Rule 83 (17 CFR 200.83) is the SEC's rule that allows filers to request confidential treatment for some portions of a written response to a staff comment letter. That rule requires the filer to submit its response letter using two separate documents - a response to the comment letter without the confidential information, which we refer to as the redacted version, and a separate paper document including the confidential information. This separate document must be properly marked as confidential in accordance with Rule 83. While we will release comment and response letters as a matter of course without a FOIA request, we currently intend to release only the redacted version of response letters where there is a Rule 83 request for confidential treatment. Anyone wishing to seek release pursuant to FOIA of the portions of a response letter that are the subject of a confidential treatment request must submit a FOIA request for the information. We will process requests for confidential treatment of information pursuant to FOIA and Rule 83. Consistent with current practice, we also intend to continue to question a request for confidential treatment under Rule 83 that is on its face overly broad. We also remind companies and their counsel that there must be an appropriate basis for a request for confidential treatment. Addition of "Tandy" language to all initial comments The staff may ask companies to represent in writing that they will not use the SEC's comment process as a defense in any securities related litigation against them. This request is known as a "Tandy" letter. Since we will be making all comment letters and responses publicly available, either in response to a FOIA request or pursuant to this announcement, we will ask all companies whose filings are reviewed for such representation. This request and representation should not be construed as confirming that there is or is not, in fact, an inquiry or investigation or other matter involving the filer. * * * * * We will begin releasing comment letters and responses in the manner described above. We are interested in receiving suggestions on how to make the transition and process work efficiently, and ask that any comments be provided promptly. If you wish to send us your views, please submit them by any of the following methods: Electronic comments: * Use the Commission's Internet comment form (; or * Send an E-mail to Please include File Number S7- 28-04 on the subject line. Paper comments: Send paper comments in triplicate to Jonathan G. Katz, Secretary, Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549-0609. All submissions should refer to File Number S7-28-04. This file number should be included on the subject line if e-mail is used. To help us process and review your comments more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission will post all comments on the Commission's Internet Web site ( Comments are also available for public inspection and copying in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549. All comments received will be posted without change; we do not edit personal identifying information from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. For additional information, please contact Ken Fogash, Associate Executive Director, Office of Filings and Information Services, at (202) 942-8938; Herb Scholl, Chief, Office of Edgar and Information Analysis, Division of Corporation Finance, at (202) 942-2930; or, Michael Lainoff, Assistant Director, Division of Investment Management, at (202) 942-0589, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 450 Fifth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20549. (Press Rel. 2004-89) RULES AND RELATED MATTERS DISCLOSURE REGARDING APPROVAL OF INVESTMENT ADVISORY CONTRACTS BY DIRECTORS OF INVESTMENT COMPANIES (RELEASE NOS. 33-8433, 34-49909, IC-26486; FILE NO. S7-08-04) The Commission adopted amendments to Schedule 14A under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and to Forms N-1A, N-2, and N-3 under the Securities Act of 1933 and the Investment Company Act. The amendments will require a registered management investment company to provide disclosure in its reports to shareholders regarding the basis for the board of directors' approval of an investment advisory contract. They will also enhance existing disclosure requirements in proxy statements regarding the basis for the board's recommendation that shareholders approve an investment advisory contract. (Rel Nos. 33-8433, 34-49909, Ic-26486; File No. S7-08-04) For further information, please contact Deborah D. Skeens at (202) 942-0562. ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS SEC OBTAINS EMERGENCY RELIEF AGAINST FRAUDULENT WEB SITE THAT IMPERSONATED A NEW HAMPSHIRE MUTUAL FUND The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that on June 21, it obtained a temporary restraining order and asset freeze to halt fraudulent activity by a Web site,, that impersonated a New Hampshire mutual fund complex and promised investors returns of 657% per year. According to the Commission's complaint, the fraudulent, FairPax, Inc., and the unidentified individuals operating the Web site referred to as John Does 1-5 (FairPax) misappropriated descriptions of the purported mutual funds offered from a registered New Hampshire-based mutual fund, Pax World Funds. The Commission's complaint further alleges that the purported socially responsible high yield mutual fund FairPax offered is fraudulent and has not been registered with the Commission, as required. The Commission's complaint alleges that FairPax violated anti-fraud provisions of the federal securities laws, specifically Sections 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Commission also alleged that FairPax violated the registration provisions of the securities laws, namely Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act of 1933. It seeks an order permanently enjoining the defendants from violating these provisions, and requiring that the defendants disgorge funds received from investors and pay a civil monetary penalty. [SEC v., FairPax, Inc. and John Does 1-5 [United States District Court for the District of New Hampshire, Civil Action No. 04-228-JD]] (LR-18761). SEC FILES INSIDER TRADING CASE AGAINST CALIFORNIA BUSINESSMAN Commission today filed an insider trading case in the United States District Court for the Central District of California against J. Thomas Talbot (Talbot), a businessman in Orange County, California, and a former director of Fidelity National Financial Inc. (Fidelity), a public company traded on the New York Stock Exchange. The Complaint alleges that in April 2003, Talbot bought stock in LendingTree, Inc. (LendingTree), after learning at a meeting of the Fidelity Board of Directors that LendingTree would be acquired by another company. According to the Complaint, on April 22, 2003, at a Fidelity Board Meeting, Fidelity's chief executive officer (CEO) told Talbot and other Fidelity board members that LendingTree would soon be acquired by another company at a significant premium over its then-current trading price. At the time of the meeting, Fidelity owned 12% of LendingTree. At the Fidelity Board meeting, the Complaint alleges, Talbot heard the CEO's comments about the potential acquisition, and wrote "LendingTree" on the top of his meeting agenda. These words constituted the only notes that Talbot made during the four-hour Board meeting. The Complaint alleges that after this information was conveyed to the Board of Directors, a Fidelity Board member cautioned the directors not to trade in LendingTree securities because they had been provided with confidential information. The Complaint alleges that two days after the Board meeting, however, Talbot breached the fiduciary duty he owed to Fidelity and purchased 5,000 shares of LendingTree common stock at $13.50 per share on the basis of the material, non-public information he misappropriated from Fidelity. According to the Complaint, Talbot similarly purchased an additional 5,000 shares of LendingTree at $14.50 per share on April 30, 2003. The Complaint further alleges that on May 5, 2003, the day that USA Interactive announced that it would acquire LendingTree, Talbot sold his 10,000 shares of LendingTree stock, realizing illicit profits of $67,881.20. The Complaint alleges that by engaging in the foregoing conduct, Talbot violated Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act), and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Commission's Complaint seeks a Final Judgment that (i) enjoins Talbot from future violations of the antifraud provisions of the Exchange Act, (ii) requires Talbot to disgorge his illicit profits, with prejudgment interest thereon, (iii) orders him to pay a civil penalty, and (iv) bars him from serving as an officer or director of a public company. The Commission acknowledges the assistance of the National Association of Securities Dealers, Inc. in its investigation of this matter. [Securities and Exchange Commission v. J. Thomas Talbot, No. CV 04- 4556 MMM (PLAx) (C.D. CA.)] (LR-18762) SEC SETTLES INSIDER TRADING MATTER AGAINST FORMER FLEETBOSTON EMPLOYEE The Commission announced that a Massachusetts federal court has entered a final judgment against Guillermo Garcia Simon, a former FleetBoston Financial Group employee residing in Argentina, in an insider trading matter. In its complaint, the Commission alleged that Simon engaged in illegal insider trading when he bought FleetBoston securities late on Friday, October 24, 2003, while in possession of material, non-public information about FleetBoston's acquisition by Bank of America, which was announced the next trading day. The complaint alleged that Simon's conduct violated Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Commission filed its enforcement action against Simon on Monday, October 28, only hours after the acquisition was announced and less than three days after Simon's purchase. The same day it filed its action, the Commission also sought and obtained a temporary restraining order and asset freeze against Simon, prohibiting him from transferring or disposing of the securities or any trading proceeds. Under the terms of the final judgment, Simon was ordered to pay approximately $525,000 in disgorgement, interest, and a penalty. He was also enjoined from further violations of Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. Without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission's complaint, Simon consented to the final judgment, which was entered by the court on June 9. [SEC v. Guillermo Garcia Simon, et al., Civil Action No. 03-12079-PBS (D. Mass.)] (LR-18763) (Press Rel. 2004-88) IN THE MATTER OF LARRY KERSCHENBAUM An Administrative Law Judge issued a Default Order barring Larry W. Kerschenbaum, a resident of Florida, from participating in an offering of penny stock based on Mr. Kerschenbaum's guilty plea on June 13, 2003, in United States v. Kerschenbaum, Case No. 03- 20400-CR-Seitz (S.D. Fla.). Mr. Kerschenbaum was convicted of conspiracy to commit securities fraud by agreeing with others to bribe brokers in order to artificially increase the price of A1, a penny stock. (File No. 3-11419) INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT RELEASES MMA PRAXIS MUTUAL FUNDS, ET AL. A notice has been issued giving interested persons until July 19, 2004, to request a hearing on an application filed by MMA Praxis Mutual Funds, et al., for an order under Section 17(b) of the Investment Company Act that would permit certain entities excluded from the definition of investment company under Section 3(c)(10) or 3(c)(11) of the Act to transfer certain classes of assets held in separate accounts to two series of a registered open-end management investment company in exchange for shares of the series. (Rel. IC-26472-June 23) ORDERS OF DEREGISTRATIONS UNDER THE INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT Orders have been issued under Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act declaring that each of the following has ceased to be an investment company: Millenium Income Trust [File No. 811-8816] (Rel. IC-26473 - June 23) Southeast Interactive Technology Fund I, LLC [File No. 811-9052] (Rel. IC-26474 - June 23) The Dresher Family of Funds [File No. 811-8177] (Rel. Ic-26475 - June 23) The InvestBio Opportunity Fund [File No. 811-10605] (Rel. IC-26476 - June 23) CDC Nvest Tax Exempt Money Market Trust [File No. 811-3658] (Rel. IC-26477 - June 23) Nuveen Tax-Deferred Investment Trust [File No. 811-8695] (Rel. IC-26478 - June 23) Oak Ridge Funds, Inc. [File No. 811-8088] (Rel. IC-26479 - June 23) J.P. Morgan Hedge Fund Series/alpha, L.L.C . [File No. 811-9881] (Rel. IC-26480 -June 23) J.P. Morgan Hedge Fund Series/core, L.L.C. [File No. 811-9883] (Rel. IC-26481 - June 23) The FBR Rushmore Fund, Inc. [File No. 811-4369[ (Rel. IC-26482 - June 23) INVESTORS LIFE SEPARATE ACCOUNT B An order has been issued pursuant to Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act declaring that Investors Life Separate Account B has ceased to be an investment company. (Rel. IC-26483 - June 23) INVESTORS LIFE SEPARATE ACCOUNT D An order has been issued pursuant to Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act declaring that Investors Life Separate Account D has ceased to be an investment company. (Rel. IC-26484 - June 23) EXETER INSURANCE FUND Exeter Insurance Fund filed an application on December 31, 2003, and an amended application on March 25 for an order under Section 8(f) of the Investment Company Act declaring that the Separate Account had ceased to be an investment company. A notice of the filing of the application was issued on May 28 (Investment Company Act Release No. 26459). The notice gave interested persons an opportunity to request a hearing and stated that an order disposing of the matter would be issued unless a hearing should be ordered. No request for a hearing has been received, and the Commission has not ordered a hearing. The matter has been considered and it is found, on the basis of the information set forth in the application, as amended, that the Fund has ceased to be an investment company. ( Rel. IC-26485 - June 23) SELF-REGULATORY ORGANIZATIONS PROPOSED RULE CHANGE The Commission issued a notice of filing of a proposed rule change (SR-MSRB-2004-02) submitted by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board pursuant to Section 19(b)(2) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 related to proposed amendments to the MSRB's Rule G-12(f) on automated comparison and G-14 on transaction reporting, and to the implementation of a facility for real-time transaction reporting and price dissemination. Publication of the notice is expected in the Federal Register during the week of June 27. (Rel. 34-49902) DELISTINGS GRANTED An order has been issued granting the application of Espirito Santo Overseas Limited and Banco Espirito Santo, S.A. to withdraw its Non-Cumulative Guaranteed Preference Shares, Series B, $25 par value, from listing and registration on the New York Stock Exchange effective at the opening on June 24. (Rel. 34-49906) DELISTINGS SOUGHT A notice has been issued giving interested persons until July 19 to comment on the application of Cleco Corporation to withdraw its common stock, $1.00 par value, and associated rights to purchase preferred stock from listing and registration on the Pacific Exchange. (Rel. 34-49907) SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as follows: Form, Name, Address and Phone Number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the securities being offered; Name of the managing underwriter or depositor (if applicable); File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue. Registration statements may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . S-8 XETA TECHNOLOGIES INC, 1814 WEST TACOMA, BROKEN ARROW, OK, 74012, 9186648200 - 600,000 ($2,814,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116745 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-8 REALITY WIRELESS NETWORKS INC, 4106 FACTORIA BLVD. SE, SUITE 214, BELLEVUE, WA, 98006, 4083791716 - 13,729,060 ($54,916.24) Equity, (File 333-116746 - Jun. 23) (BR. 03) S-3 Z TEL TECHNOLOGIES INC, 601 S. HARBOUR ISLAND BLVD, SUITE 220, TAMPA, FL, 33602, 8132736261 - 585,723 ($755,583.00) Equity, (File 333-116747 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-3 TRM CORP, 5208 N E 122ND AVENUE, PORTLAND, OR, 97230-1074, 5032578766 - 5,175,000 ($64,014,750.00) Equity, (File 333-116748 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-4 ATLANTIC EXPRESS TRANSPORTATION CORP, 7 NORTH STREET, STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK, NY, 10302-1205, 7184427000 - 0 ($115,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-116749 - Jun. 23) (BR. 05) S-1 INSIGHT HEALTH SERVICES HOLDINGS CORP, ONE FEDERAL ST, BOSTON, MA, 02110, 6177531100 - 0 ($675,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-116751 - Jun. 23) (BR. 01) S-8 GREAT LAKES BANCORP INC, 2421 MAIN STREET, BUFFALO, NY, 14214, 7169611900 - 200,000 ($1,800,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116753 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-3 EAST PENN FINANCIAL CORP, 250,000 ($2,240.00) Other, (File 333-116754 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-8 KINDRED HEALTHCARE INC, ONE VENCOR PLACE, 680 S FOURTH ST, LOUISVILLE, KY, 40202, 5025967300 - 0 ($81,792,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116755 - Jun. 23) (BR. 08) S-3 DPAC TECHNOLOGIES CORP, 7321 LINCOLN WAY, GARDEN GROVE, CA, 92641, 7148980007 - 0 ($3,874,129.65) Equity, (File 333-116758 - Jun. 23) (BR. 36) S-3 HUNGARIAN TELEPHONE & CABLE CORP, 1201 THIRD AVENUE, SUITE 3400, SEATTLE, WA, 98101, 206-654-0204 - 1,828,572 ($16,603,433.76) Equity, (File 333-116759 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-8 QUEST SOFTWARE INC, 8001 IRVINE CENTER DRIVE, IRVINE, CA, 92618, 9497548000 - 0 ($64,250,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116761 - Jun. 23) (BR. 03) S-8 TEN STIX INC, 3101 RIVERSIDE DRIVE, IDAHO SPRINGS, CO, 80452, 3035670163 - 13,500,000 ($135,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116765 - Jun. 23) (BR. 05) SB-2 SPACEDEV INC, 13855 STOWE DRIVE, PO BOX 2121, POWAY, CA, 92064, 8583752000 - 1,462,721 ($790,625.00) Equity, (File 333-116766 - Jun. 23) (BR. 05) S-8 NATIONAL PENN BANCSHARES INC, PHILADELPHIA AND READING AVE, PO 547, BOYERTOWN, PA, 19512, 1-800-822-3321 - 107,270 ($1,501,780.00) Equity, (File 333-116767 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-4 HIBERNIA CORP, 313 CARONDELET ST, NEW ORLEANS, LA, 70130, 5045335333 - 0 ($100,000,000.00) Non-Convertible Debt, (File 333-116768 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-8 TLC VISION CORP, 5600 EXPLORER DRIVE, SUITE 301, MISSISSAUGA ONTARIO, A6, 00000, 3144346900 - 0 ($25,075,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116769 - Jun. 23) (BR. 01) S-3 J P MORGAN CHASE & CO, 270 PARK AVE, 39TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, 2122706000 - 0 ($1.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-116771 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-4 FEDEX CORP, 942 SOUTH SHADY GROVE ROAD, MEMPHIS, TN, 38120-, 9018187500 - 0 ($1,600,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-116772 - Jun. 23) (BR. 05) S-3 J P MORGAN CHASE & CO, 270 PARK AVE, 39TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, 2122706000 - 0 ($1.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-116773 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-3 J P MORGAN CHASE & CO, 270 PARK AVE, 39TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, 2122706000 - 0 ($1.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-116774 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-3 J P MORGAN CHASE & CO, 270 PARK AVE, 39TH FL, NEW YORK, NY, 10017, 2122706000 - 0 ($1.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-116775 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-8 AQUA AMERICA INC, 762 LANCASTER AVE, BRYN MAWR, PA, 19010, 2155278000 - 3,675,000 ($73,389,750.00) Equity, (File 333-116776 - Jun. 23) (BR. 02) S-8 LIBERTY MEDIA INTERNATIONAL INC, 12300 LIBERTY BLVD, ENGLEWOOD, CO, 80112, 7208755337 - 0 ($36,080,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116777 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-8 VA SOFTWARE CORP, 47071 BAYSIDE PARKWAY, FREMONT, CA, 94538, 4085428000 - 3,468,033 ($7,210,195.13) Other, (File 333-116778 - Jun. 23) (BR. 03) S-3 GENERAL MILLS INC, NUMBER ONE GENERAL MILLS BLVD, MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55426, (763) 764-7600 - 0 ($4,784,524,052.00) Other, (File 333-116779 - Jun. 23) (BR. 04) S-8 GYMBOREE CORP, 700 AIRPORT BLVD STE 200, BURLINGAME, CA, 94010, 4155790600 - 0 ($30,166,672.32) Equity, (File 333-116785 - Jun. 23) (BR. 02) S-8 LIBERTY MEDIA INTERNATIONAL INC, 12300 LIBERTY BLVD, ENGLEWOOD, CO, 80112, 7208755337 - 0 ($82,443,000.00) Equity, (File 333-116788 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-8 LIBERTY MEDIA INTERNATIONAL INC, 12300 LIBERTY BLVD, ENGLEWOOD, CO, 80112, 7208755337 - 0 ($1,948,320.00) Equity, (File 333-116789 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-8 LIBERTY MEDIA INTERNATIONAL INC, 12300 LIBERTY BLVD, ENGLEWOOD, CO, 80112, 7208755337 - 0 ($139,469,100.00) Equity, (File 333-116790 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) SB-2 Davison Arts Management, Inc., 82 MOUNTAIN ROAD, WILBRAHAM, MA, 01095, 413-596-3298 - 1,587,500 ($15,875.00) Equity, (File 333-116791 - Jun. 23) (BR. ) S-4 LUCENT TECHNOLOGIES INC, 600 MOUNTAIN AVE, MURRAY HILL, NJ, 07974, 9085828500 - 0 ($320,012.00) Equity, (File 333-116792 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) S-2 SUMMIT FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC, 980 NORTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, STE 310, BOCA RATON, FL, 33432, 5613382800 - 5,478,000 ($1,780,350.00) Equity, (File 333-116793 - Jun. 23) (BR. 07) S-4 TELLABS INC, ONE TELLABS CENTER, 1415 WEST DIEHL ROAD, NAPERVILLE, IL, 60563, 630-378-8800 - 0 ($1,281,715,837.22) Equity, (File 333-116794 - Jun. 23) (BR. 37) RECENT 8K FILINGS Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events: Item 1. Changes in Control of Registrant. Item 2. Acquisition or Disposition of Assets. Item 3. Bankruptcy or Receivership. Item 4. Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant. Item 5. Other Materially Important Events. Item 6. Resignations of Registrant's Directors. Item 7. Financial Statements and Exhibits. Item 8. Change in Fiscal Year. Item 9. Regulation FD Disclosure. Item 10. Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics. Item 11. Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Registrant's Employee Benefit Plans. Item 12. Results of Operations and Financial Condition. The following companies have filed 8-K reports for the date indicated and/or amendments to 8-K reports previously filed, responding to the item(s) of the form specified. 8-K reports may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . STATE 8K ITEM NO. NAME OF ISSUER CODE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 DATE COMMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8X8 INC /DE/ DE X X 06/21/04 AMEND ABN AMRO MORTGAGE CORP SERIES 2001-1 DE X 03/25/04 ABN AMRO MORTGAGE CORP SERIES 2001-4 DE X 03/25/04 ABRAXAS PETROLEUM CORP NV X 06/23/04 ACCESS WORLDWIDE COMMUNICATIONS INC DE X 06/23/04 ACCLAIM ENTERTAINMENT INC DE X 06/22/04 ACXIOM CORP DE X X 06/23/04 ADVANCED MEDICAL OPTICS INC DE X X 06/22/04 ADVANCED MEDICAL OPTICS INC DE X X 06/22/04 AMERICAN BUILDING CONTROL INC DE X 06/22/04 AMERICAN ITALIAN PASTA CO DE X X 06/23/04 AMERICANA GOLD & DIAMOND HOLDINGS INC CO X 06/22/04 AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC AS DE X X 06/09/04 AMERISOURCEBERGEN CORP DE X 06/17/04 AMETEK INC/ DE X X 06/23/04 ANALYSTS INTERNATIONAL CORP MN X X 06/18/04 ANZ CAPEL COURT LTD C3 X 06/15/04 ARIZONA PUBLIC SERVICE CO AZ X 06/14/04 ARROW INTERNATIONAL INC PA X X 06/23/04 ASSET BACKED FUNDING CORP DE X X 06/23/04 BANC OF AMERICA MORTGAGE SECURITIES P DE X X 06/08/04 AMEND BANK OF AMERICA CORP /DE/ DE X X 06/23/04 BEAR STEARNS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SEC DE X X 06/14/04 BEAR STEARNS COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECU DE X X 06/21/04 BONGIOVI ENTERTAINMENT INC NV X X 06/14/04 BOSTON CAPITAL TAX CREDIT FUND IV LP DE X 10/21/03 BOUNDLESS MOTOR SPORTS RACING INC CO X 06/02/04 BRIDGE BANCORP INC NY X X 06/22/04 CANARGO ENERGY CORP DE X 06/08/04 CAPITOL REVOLVING HOME EQUITY LOAN TR MD X 06/21/04 CARDIMA INC DE X X 06/21/04 CAVALIER HOMES INC DE X X 06/22/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD MASTER TRUST NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2001-1 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2001-4 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2001-5 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-1 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-2 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-3 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-4 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-5 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-6 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-7 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2002-8 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2003-1 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2003-2 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2003-3 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2003-4 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2003-5 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2003-6 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE CREDIT CARD OWNER TRUST 2004-1 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO OWNER TRUST 2000 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO OWNER TRUST 2001 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO OWNER TRUST 2001 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO OWNER TRUST 2002 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO OWNER TRUST 2002 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO OWNER TRUST 2003 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO OWNER TRUST 2003 DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN AUTO TRUST 2004-A DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK CHASE CREDIT CAR DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK CHASE CREDIT CAR DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK CHASE CREDIT CAR DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK USA CHASE CREDIT DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK USA CHASE CREDIT DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK USA CHASE CREDIT DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN BANK USA CHASE MANHAT DE X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN MARINE OWNER TRUST 19 NY X X 06/15/04 CHASE MANHATTAN RV OWNER TRUST 1997-A DE X X 06/15/04 CHENIERE ENERGY INC DE X X 06/21/04 CIT EQUIPMENT COLLATERAL 2004-VT1 DE X X 06/21/04 CLAYTON WILLIAMS ENERGY INC /DE DE X X 05/21/04 AMEND COCA COLA CO DE X X 06/22/04 COEUR D ALENE MINES CORP ID X X 06/21/04 COGNOS INC CA X 06/23/04 COLONIAL REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DE X X 06/23/04 CONSECO INC DE X X X 06/22/04 CORPORATE ASSET BACKED CORP DE X X 06/23/04 CPI CORP DE X 06/22/04 CROSS MEDIA MARKETING CORP DE X X 04/18/04 CRUM & FORSTER HOLDINGS CORP DE X 06/23/04 CWABS INC DE X X 06/22/04 CWABS INC DE X X 06/22/04 CWABS INC ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE X X 05/27/04 CWALT INC X X 05/27/04 CWMBS INC DE X X 03/01/04 DIGIMARC CORP DE X X 06/21/04 DOGS INTERNATIONAL NV X 06/18/04 DOWNEY FINANCIAL CORP DE X X 06/23/04 DYNABAZAAR INC DE X X 06/22/04 ELIZABETH ARDEN INC FL X 06/22/04 ELMERS RESTAURANTS INC OR X X 06/23/04 ENCORE ACQUISITION CO DE X X 06/17/04 ENCYSIVE PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X X 06/23/04 ENDO PHARMACEUTICALS HOLDINGS INC DE X X 06/23/04 ENDURANCE SPECIALTY HOLDINGS LTD X 06/23/04 ENERGY WEST INC MT X X 06/23/04 ENTERTAINMENT PROPERTIES TRUST MD X 06/22/04 EPIC MEDIA INC CA X 06/23/04 EYE CARE INTERNATIONAL INC DE X 06/17/04 FEDEX CORP DE X X 06/23/04 FIRST HORIZON ASSET SECURITIES INC DE X 06/23/04 FIRST SENTINEL BANCORP INC DE X X 06/23/04 FLUSHING FINANCIAL CORP DE X X 06/23/04 FMC CORP DE X 06/22/04 FMC CORP DE X X 06/22/04 FRANKLIN AUTO TRUST 2003-2 DE X X 05/31/04 FRANKLIN RECEIVABLES LLC DE X 06/23/04 FRIEDMANS INC DE X X X 06/22/04 FULLER H B CO MN X X X 06/22/04 GE Capital Credit Card Master Note Tr DE X X 06/23/04 GEMSTAR TV GUIDE INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 06/23/04 GENERAL MILLS INC DE X X 06/23/04 GK INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS INC DE X X 06/16/04 GLYCOGENESYS INC NV X 06/22/04 GREENWICH CAPITAL ACCEPTANCE INC DE X 05/27/04 GSL HOLDINGS INC D8 X 06/17/04 HANMI FINANCIAL CORP DE X X 06/23/04 HarborView Mortgage Loan Trust 2004-3 DE X 06/23/04 HARRAHS ENTERTAINMENT INC DE X X 06/22/04 HARRIS INTERACTIVE INC DE X X 06/23/04 HCC INSURANCE HOLDINGS INC/DE/ DE X 06/23/04 HEALTHEXTRAS INC DE X X 06/16/04 HEALTHSOUTH CORP DE X X 06/23/04 HERCULES INC DE X 05/12/04 HI TECH PHARMACAL CO INC NY X 06/23/04 HOLLINGER INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 06/22/04 HOLLYWOOD MEDIA CORP FL X X 06/14/04 HONDA AUTO REC 2003-3 OWNER TRUST DE X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO REC 2003-4 OWNER TRUST DE X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO REC 2003-5 OWNER TRUST DE X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2001-2 OWNER T DE X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2001-3 OWNER T DE X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2002-1 OWNER T X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2002-2 OWNER T X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2002-3 OWNER T X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2002-4 OWNER T X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2003-1 OWNER T X X 05/31/04 HONDA AUTO RECEIVABLES 2004-1 OWNER T DE X X 05/31/04 HONDA RECEIVABLES CORP AUTO REC 2003 DE X X 05/31/04 IASIS HEALTHCARE CORP DE X X 06/22/04 IBT BANCORP INC /MI/ MI X 06/20/04 IDACORP INC ID X 06/23/04 INDEPENDENCE HOLDING CO DE X 06/23/04 INFOCROSSING INC DE X 06/23/04 INFOCROSSING INC DE X 06/23/04 INNOVO GROUP INC DE X X 06/23/04 INTERDIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS CORP PA X 06/23/04 INTERNATIONAL STEEL GROUP INC DE X X 06/21/04 INTERVOICE INC TX X 06/22/04 IPC ACQUISITION CORP X X 06/18/04 IRVINE SENSORS CORP/DE/ DE X X 06/23/04 IT&E INTERNATIONAL GROUP X 06/23/04 ITLA CAPITAL CORP CA X 06/04/04 AMEND J JILL GROUP INC DE X 06/21/04 JACKSON RIVERS CO FL X X 06/23/04 AMEND JOSTENS HOLDING CORP DE X X 06/22/04 JOSTENS INC MN X X 06/22/04 KERR MCGEE CORP /DE DE X X 06/23/04 LEHMAN ABS CORP GE GLOBAL INSURANCE N DE X X 06/09/04 LINDSAY MANUFACTURING CO DE X X 06/22/04 LNR PROPERTY CORP DE X X 06/23/04 LOCATEPLUS HOLDINGS CORP X X 06/17/04 LUMENIS LTD X X X 06/22/04 M B A HOLDINGS INC NV X X X 06/22/04 MANDALAY RESORT GROUP NV X X 06/22/04 MANUFACTURED HOME COMMUNITIES INC MD X 06/23/04 MARCONI CORP PLC X0 X 06/23/04 MEADE INSTRUMENTS CORP DE X 06/22/04 MEADWESTVACO CORP DE X 03/31/04 MEDIA SERVICE GROUP INC NV X 06/22/04 AMEND MEDICIS PHARMACEUTICAL CORP DE X X 06/22/04 MERCER INSURANCE GROUP INC PA X X 06/16/04 MEREDITH CORP IA X X 06/23/04 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC DE X X 06/03/04 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC DE X X 06/17/04 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC DE X X 06/22/04 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC DE X X 06/14/04 METRON TECHNOLOGY N V X X 06/22/04 MICRON TECHNOLOGY INC DE X X X 06/23/04 MINORPLANET SYSTEMS USA INC DE X X X 06/14/04 MOBILE MINI INC DE X 06/23/04 MORTGAGE ASSET SECURITIZATION TRANSAC DE X 06/23/04 MORTGAGE ASSET SECURITIZATION TRANSAC DE X X 06/22/04 MORTGAGE PASS- THROUGH CERTIFICATES S DE X X 01/25/03 MPW INDUSTRIAL SERVICES GROUP INC OH X X 06/21/03 MYLAN LABORATORIES INC PA X X 06/22/04 NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE X X 06/23/04 NEWALLIANCE BANCSHARES INC X 06/21/04 NMXS COM INC DE X X 06/22/04 NORTEL NETWORKS CORP X X 06/23/04 NORTEL NETWORKS LTD X X 06/23/04 NORTH COUNTRY FINANCIAL CORP MI X 06/23/04 NUTEK OIL INC. NV X 03/31/04 AMEND ODYSSEY MARINE EXPLORATION INC NV X X 06/21/04 OLIN CORP VA X X 06/22/04 OMNIVISION TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X X 06/23/04 OMNOVA SOLUTIONS INC OH X X 06/22/04 OPEN SOLUTIONS INC DE X X 06/18/04 OREGON STEEL MILLS INC DE X X 06/22/04 OSPREY GOLD CORP NV X 06/22/04 PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 200 DE X X 01/25/03 PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2002 DE X X 01/25/03 PASS THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2002 DE X X 01/25/03 PEERLESS SYSTEMS CORP DE X 06/18/04 PER SE TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X X 06/22/04 PER SE TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X 06/22/04 PERFICIENT INC DE X X 06/18/04 PERMIAN BASIN ROYALTY TRUST TX X X 06/18/04 PINNACLE WEST CAPITAL CORP AZ X 06/14/04 PIONEER DRILLING CO TX X X X 06/23/04 PLAYTEX PRODUCTS INC DE X X 06/22/04 PNC FINANCIAL SERVICES GROUP INC PA X 06/23/04 PNC MORTGAGE SEC CORP MORT PASS THR C DE X X 01/25/03 PNC MORTGAGE SEC CORP MORT PASS THR C DE X 04/25/04 POINT 360 CA X 06/23/04 POPE RESOURCES LTD PARTNERSHIP DE X X 06/22/04 PRICELINE COM INC DE X X X 06/21/04 PRICELINE COM INC DE X X 06/22/04 PRIDE INTERNATIONAL INC DE X X 06/22/04 PRIME AIR INC NV X 06/22/04 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA X 06/23/04 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA X 06/23/04 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA X 06/23/04 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA X 06/23/04 PRO PHARMACEUTICALS INC NV X X 06/23/04 PROVIDENT FINANCIAL SERVICES INC DE X X 06/23/04 PROVIDIAN MASTER TRUST X X 06/15/04 PROXYMED INC /FT LAUDERDALE/ FL X X 06/23/04 RAINIER PACIFIC FINANCIAL GROUP INC X X 06/22/04 RANGE RESOURCES CORP DE X X 06/22/04 RENT WAY INC PA X X 06/23/04 RESIDENTIAL ASSET MORTGAGE PRODUCTS I DE X X 06/22/04 RESIDENTIAL ASSET MORTGAGE PRODUCTS I DE X X 06/23/04 RESIDENTIAL ASSET SECURITIES CORP DE X X 06/23/04 RESIDENTIAL FUNDING MORTGAGE SECURITI DE X X 06/23/04 REVLON CONSUMER PRODUCTS CORP DE X 06/23/04 REVLON INC /DE/ DE X 06/23/04 REWARDS NETWORK INC DE X X 06/23/04 SAMSONITE CORP/FL DE X 06/23/04 SAVIENT PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE X 06/17/04 SCARAB SYSTEMS INC NV X X X 06/22/04 SCHLOTZSKYS INC TX X 06/17/04 Securitisation Advisory Services Meda X X 06/21/04 SECURITISATION ADVISORY SEVS PTY LTD X X 06/18/04 SECURITIZED ASSET BACKED RECEIVABLES X X 06/21/04 SERVICE CORPORATION INTERNATIONAL TX X 06/22/04 SHIRE PHARMACEUTICALS GROUP PLC X X 06/23/04 SIERRA PACIFIC RESOURCES /NV/ NV X X 06/23/04 SIGMA ALDRICH CORP DE X 06/23/04 SOHU COM INC DE X 11/24/03 AMEND SONIC SOLUTIONS/CA/ CA X X 06/23/04 SONTRA MEDICAL CORP MN X X 06/22/04 SOUTHERN UNION CO DE X 06/22/04 SOUTHTRUST CORP DE X 06/21/04 STERLING GROUP VENTURES INC NV X X 06/17/04 AMEND STONE ENERGY CORP DE X X 06/22/04 STRUCTURED ASSET SEC CORP II LB-UBS C X X 06/17/04 STRUCTURED ASSET SECURITIES CORP DE X 06/23/04 AMEND SUMMA INDUSTRIES/ DE X X 06/23/04 SYNERGY 2000 INC X X 06/21/04 SYNERGY FINANCIAL GROUP INC /NJ/ NJ X X 06/22/04 SYNOVIS LIFE TECHNOLOGIES INC MN X X 06/23/04 TARRAGON REALTY INVESTORS INC NV X X 06/14/04 TERAYON COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS DE X X 06/22/04 TETRA TECHNOLOGIES INC DE X X 06/23/04 TRANSCAT INC OH X X 06/21/04 UNITED AMERICAN HEALTHCARE CORP MI X 06/17/04 UNITED COMPANIES CORP X X 03/23/04 AMEND US MEDSYS CORP CO X X 06/22/04 US UNWIRED INC LA X X 06/23/04 USAA ACCEPTANCE LLC TRUST 2004-1 X 05/31/04 USF CORP DE X 06/23/04 VIEWPOINT CORP DE X 06/23/04 VIISAGE TECHNOLOGY INC DE X 06/22/04 VISTA GOLD CORP X 06/23/04 WACHOVIA COMM MORT SEC INC COM MORT P NC X X 06/21/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT PASS THR CER NC X X 06/17/04 Wachovia Commercial Mort Pass Thr Cer NC X X 06/17/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT PASS THRU CE NC X X 06/21/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT PASS THRU CE NC X X 06/21/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT SEC INC PAS NC X X 06/21/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT SEC INC COM NC X X 06/15/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORT SEC INC COM NC X X 06/17/04 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITI NC X 06/18/04 WAMU MOR PASS THRU CERT SER 2001-AR1 DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MOR PASS THRU CERT SER 2001-AR1 DE X 01/25/04 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT 2002- DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT SER 2 DE X X 03/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT SERIE DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT SERIE DE X 04/25/04 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT SERIE DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT SERIE DE X 04/25/04 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERT SERIE DE X X 03/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X 04/25/04 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X 04/25/04 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 05/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 05/25/03 AMEND WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THRU CERTIFICATE S DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THRU CERTIFICATES DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THRU CERTIFICATES DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS THRU CERTS SERIES DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WAMU MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MORTGAGE SEC CORP MORT PAS DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X 04/25/04 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X 03/25/04 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X 04/25/04 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PA DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MOR SEC CORP MOR PS DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP MORT DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP MORT DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP PAS T DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP PAS T DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP WAMU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP WAMU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP WAMU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP WAMU DE X X 07/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP WAMU DE X X 07/25/03 AMEND WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC CORP WAMU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORT SEC WAMU MOR P DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE SEC CORP M DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE SEC CORP M DE X X 05/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE SEC CORP M DE X X 05/25/03 AMEND WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PAS THR CE DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PASS THROU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PASS THROU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PASS THROU DE X X 11/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PASS THROU DE X X 11/25/03 AMEND WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PASS THROU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PASS THRU DE X X 03/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORT PASS-THROU DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORTGAGE PASS T DE X X 03/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORTGAGE PASS T DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORTGAGE PASS T DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORTGAGE PASS T DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORTGAGE PASS T DE X X 01/25/03 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MSC MORTGAGE PASS-T DE X X 01/25/03 WILLIS GROUP HOLDINGS LTD D0 X X 06/23/04 WIRELESS AGE COMMUNICATIONS INC NV X 06/22/04 WMAU MORTGAGE PASS THROUGH CERTIFICAT DE X X 01/25/03 WORKSTREAM INC X 06/21/04 WORLD HEALTH ALTERNATIVES INC FL X 06/23/04 WORLD HEALTH ALTERNATIVES INC FL X X 06/23/04 WORLDWIDE RESTAURANT CONCEPTS INC DE X X 05/05/04 WORTHINGTON INDUSTRIES INC OH X 06/23/04 XTO ENERGY INC DE X 06/22/04 ZIX CORP TX X X 06/16/04