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Inez Moore Tenenbaum, Chairman
Consumer Product Safety Commission

Picture of Chairman Tenenbaum

Inez Moore Tenenbaum was nominated by President Barack Obama on June 9, 2009 to serve as the ninth Chairman of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Ms. Tenenbaum was confirmed by the Senate on June 19, 2009 and sworn into office on June 23, 2009 to a term that expires in October 2013.

Ms. Tenenbaum was elected South Carolina's State Superintendent of Education in 1998 and completed her second term in 2007. Throughout her career, Ms. Tenenbaum has been an energetic and determined advocate for children and families and has extensive experience in administrative and regulatory matters.

During her tenure as South Carolina's State Superintendent of Education, student achievement in South Carolina improved at the fastest rate in the nation, with scores increasing on every state, national, and international tests administered. At the end of Ms. Tenenbaum's tenure, the prestigious journal Education Week ranked South Carolina number one in the country for the quality of its academic standards, assessment, and accountability systems.

She previously practiced health, environmental, and public interest law with the firm Sinkler & Boyd, P.A. Before attending law school, Ms. Tenenbaum served as the director of research for the Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee of the South Carolina House of Representatives. She carried out the Committee's responsibilities for all legislation relating to public health, the environment, child welfare, social services, adult and juvenile corrections, state military affairs, and local government.

Ms. Tenenbaum served as special counsel to the McNair Law Firm in the area of public school finance prior to being nominated by the President.

She has also served on numerous task forces that provide oversight on children and family services in the state.

Ms. Tenenbaum received her Bachelor of Science in 1972 and Master of Education degrees in 1974 from the University of Georgia and her law degree in 1986 from the University of South Carolina. She is the recipient of numerous honorary degrees and has been recognized by several state and community organizations for her civic work on behalf of children and families.

Ms. Tenenbaum is married to Samuel J. Tenenbaum.

Chairman Tenenbaum’s APEC Conference Keynote Address, August 1, 2009, Singapore

Good Morning. As a representative of the United States Delegation and as the new Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, it is an honor to have been asked to address this APEC Regulator Dialogue on Toy Safety.

I am pleased to have been nominated by President Barack Obama to serve as the Chairman of one of the key U.S. safety agencies and a partner agency for most of you here in this room. My life’s work has been centered around the well-being of children – that continues to be my mission at CPSC, as I will work tirelessly to ensure the health and safety of our youngest consumers, children. (Read the full speech)
Picture of Chairman Tenenbaum and others at the Port of Hong Kong      Picture Chairman Tenenbaum and others at the Port of Hong Kong      Picture from HKGCC

Fireworks Safety Press Conference: Chairman Inez Tenenbaum’s Remarks, Tuesday, June 30, 2009, National Mall, Washington, D.C.

Good morning and welcome to a new day for the Consumer Product Safety Commission and the start of our renewed commitment to protecting the safety of families and children. I am Inez Tenenbaum, the new Chairman of the Commission and I am so pleased to be joined today by our federal law enforcement and homeland security partners. The public should know that the federal government is truly working together to keep illegal fireworks out of the country, to catch those who bring them in, and to make sure consumer fireworks meet U.S. safety rules. (Read the full speech)
Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference

Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference      Picture from June 30, 2009 fireworks safety press conference

movie icon Video from the Fireworks Safety Press Conference (transcript)

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