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REE Administrative Issuances

List of Bulletins

Bulletin Number Title of Bulletin Date
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2009 Bulletins
09-151 ARS Capital Project and Repair Plan (CPRP) 01/26/09
09-224-1 Enhanced Use Leasing Authority (EUL) 01/01/09
09-301 Changes to Privately-Owned Vehicle Mileage Reimbursement Rates 01/01/09
09-302 Treasury Account Symbols (TAS) and Business Event Type Codes (BETC)        02/12/09
09-303 Unliquidated Obligations 03/20/09
09-304 Official Travel File and Receipt Requirement 04/09/09

Local Travel Policy

09-306 Obligation of Appropriations:  Fiscal Year Chargeable   06/30/09
09-307 Year-End Closing Dates and Closing Guidance 07/20/09
09-308 Temporary Suspension of the Split Pay in GovTrip 12/16/08
09-403 REE Child Care Tuition Assistance Program 06/01/10
2008 Bulletins
08-020 ARS-All Employee Email Transmittals  05/05/08
08-151 ARS Capital Project and Repair Plan (CPRP) 11/27/07
08-200 Facilities Construction Authorities 12/03/07
08-220 ARS-Exchange/Sale Authority for Qualified Personal Property 08/26/08
08-213 Purchases to Support the Ability-One Program 02/29/08
08-246 Tracking Sales of Controlled Substances 02/26/08
08-301 GovTrip Transition 02/27/08
08-303 Travel Payments in GovTrip 07/16/08
08-304 Obligation of Appropriations:  Fiscal Year Chargeable 08/07/08
08-305 Restricted Fares for FY 2009 Travel 09/15/08
08-307 Year-End Closing Dates and Closing Guidance 08/07/08
08-403 REE Child Care Tuition Assistance Program 06/01/08

Agricultural Research Information System/Agreements Information Management System Data Entry Requirements for the Research Support Agreement


Authorized Departmental Officers Designated Representative Training Requirements

08-703 Standard Cooperative Agreement 09/16/08
2007 Bulletins
07-001 Research Support Agreements 10/23/06

Information Technology (IT) Acquisition Approval Requests ( AAR) – ARS ONLY

07-003 IT Hardware and Software Policy 09/27/07

National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and Javits-Wagner-O’Day (JWOD) Program Events

07-203 Purchase Card Management System – Changes to
Spending Limits
07-204 Javits-Wagner-O’Day Program Name (Change) 12/06/06

Internal Procedures for Coordinating Acquisition Plans
In Response to AGAR Advisory 83

07-240-ARS Tracking Real Property Assets and Operations and Maintenance Costs in the Corporate Property Automated Information System 12/22/06
07-301 Use and Management of the Travel Charge Card 12/13/06

Change in Approval Requirement of Dollar
Threshold for Incoming Agreements

07-306 Paying for Travel Expenses 04/17/07
07-308 Limited Open Authorizations 12/07/06

ARS Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS)
Support Help Desk Procedures

07-311 Approval of Premium-Class Travel 10/04/07
07-411 Personal Identity Verification (PIV) for New Hires 01/09/07
2006 Bulletins
06-001 Information Technology (IT) Acquisition Waivers for Significant IT
Acquisitions – ARS ONLY
06-002 Electronic Records Preservation 03/30/06
06-151 ARS Facilities as Severe Weather Shelter 06/30/06

Cut off Date for Processing Requisitions in Preparation of the Implementation of the Integrated Acquisition System (IAS).

06-302 Changes to the Travel Charge Card Application Process - Creditworthiness 03/01/06
06-303 Capturing Operations and Maintenance Costs 03/28/06
06-304 Indirect Program Support Costs Policy 04/13/06
06-325.0 Non-Monetary Award Items 05/11/06
06-402.3.1 Travel Between Home and a Temporary Duty Station 09/18/06
06-402.6 Sick Leave Regulatory Changes 10/01/06
06-403 REE Child Care Tuition Assistance Program 06/01/06
06-420 Creditable Service for Annual Leave Accrual 04/19/06
2005 Bulletins
05-001 ARS IT Hardware Life Cycle Management 08/01/05
05-210-12 Acquisition of Oracle Software - Mandatory Use 08/04/05
05-212.0 Conference Planning Overview 05/02/05
05-213-0 Payment for Central Supply Store Purchases 08/04/05
05-304 Procedures for Arranging Leisure Travel in Conjunction with Official Travel 06/28/05
05-305 Change in Processing Reimbursable Type 61 and 63 07/15/05
05-306 Indirect Program Support Costs Policy 07/15/05
05-312 Use of Restricted Fares 09/29/05
05-403 REE Child Care Tuition Assistance Program 06/01/05
05-412.5 Update to P&P 412.5 Section 8 - Relocation Bonuses and Section 7- Relocation Expenses for Current Federal Employees 03/15/05
2004 Bulletins
04-010 New Numbering System for REE Administrative Issuances 10/08/04
04-154 General Administrative Policy for Non-Assistance Cooperative Agreements 09/01/04
04-403 REE Child Care Tuition Assistance Program 06/01/04
2003 Bulletins
03-001 Prohibition on Using PCMS Purchase Cards or Convenience Checks to Acquire Telecommunications 11/24/03
03-002 Amendment to the Mail Management Regulation 08/11/03
03-200 Increasing Achievement in the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act Program  08/01/03
03-201 USDA National Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA) To Boise Cascade (Javits-Wagner-O'Day Products) 08/22/03
WordPerfect Exe file
Billings and Collections Process for Incoming Reimbursable Funds for Federal and Non-Federal Cooperators 08/13/03
03-700 Memoranda of Understanding and Non-Funded Cooperative Agreements 02/22/06
2002 Bulletins
02-200 USDA National Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)
      to Boise Office Solutions (JWOD Products)
02-201 Reporting Excess Property 11/01/02
02-302 Frequent Traveler Benefits and Other Promotional Benefits 01/31/02
02-303 Vendor Coding for FFIS Travel and Other Payments  02/26/02 
02-305Revised Year-End Closing Dates and Preliminary Closing Guidance 09/09/02
02-309 Foreign Travel Procedures Reminder 07/30/02
02-312 Assignment of Budget Object Codes for Personal and Real Property 09/18/02
02-314 Policy and Procedures for Processing Collections in the Foundation Financial Information System (FFIS) 12/02/02
02-315 Official Telephone Calls 12/02/02
Procedures for Obtaining New Vendor Codes for Outgoing Reimbursable Agreements with USDA Agencies 12/18/02
02-402 Payment Methods and Procedures for Processing Training Requests 02/11/02
2001 Bulletins
01-202 Ordering Supplies from USDA's Central Supply Stores 09/27/01
01-312 Error Correction and Management of the Document Suspense File (SUSF) in
the ARS FFIS Application
2000 Bulletins
00-002 Preservation of All Tobacco Records 07/20/00
00-200 Reserving Government Parking and Vehicles 04/11/03
00-302 Reimbursement for Taxes on Lodging Obtained in OCONUS (non-foreign) Locations. 01/28/00
00-304 Conference Planning 04/11/00
00-305 Acceptance of Travel Expenses from Non-Federal Sources 03/13/00
00-307 Reducing Travel Costs 04/05/00


Last updated: 08/18/2009