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IRB Home Page

The NIST Institutional Review Board (IRB)(formerly called the Human Research Ethics Committee) was established by the Director of NIST to review the ethical acceptability of all research conducted internally by NIST where human subjects are used or humans are involved in any role other than that of investigator, except when such research has been determined by the appropriate OU Director, with the advice, if necessary, of the NIST IRB Chair and with the written approval of the NIST Counsel, to be exempt from Title 15 of Part 27 of the Code of Federal Regulations. The IRB is concerned with the protection of human subjects participating in such research. The IRB is constituted to meet the requirements for Institutional Review Boards as set out in Title 15 of Part 27of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Additionally, all research must be approved by the Institutitional Review Board (IRB) prior to the start of the research.

For further information, please contact Janet Brumby ,Secretary for the NIST IRB, Phone number: 301-975-3189, Fax Number: (301) 926-8091, or by internal mail, MS 1710