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About us
This server is maintained by a team of mathematicians and computer scientists led by Peter Hellekalek at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Salzburg.

We present results and links for this fundamental tool in stochastic simulation and in applied cryptography, some of them due to our own research in this field. Enjoy the data and allow for necessary incompleteness and subjectivity.

An unmoderated collection of network-resouces on random number generators is located on this server as part of the WWW Virtual Library.

A short tour of the information we offer:

  • About Us
    On this page, we provide information on our team.
  • Generators
    We discuss different types of random number generators and some of their properties.
  • Links
    We provide rather extensive links to people, software and related sites.
  • Literature
    On this page, you will find references to articles and books that we consider helpful and worth reading.
  • Software
    If you need code for random number generation, even for nonuniform distributions: This is your page!
  • Tests
    All random number generators have their weak points. We discuss the issue of empirical (statistical) testing of RNGs and provide results as well as links.

Research supported by FWF and Jubiläumsfond der OeNB

08/05/12: GTA-RNS 2008, the International Workshop on Generation, Testing and Applications of Random Number Sequences takes place in Timisoara, Romania, September 26 - 29, 2008, in conjunction with SYNASC 2008.

07/11/27: the slides of my survey talk at Hiroshima University, Nov. 27, 2007, are online, click here.

07/09/10: the MCQMC'08, the main conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods, is held in Montreal, July 6-11, 2008, see the conference homepage.

07/02/20: The slides of the Hash & Stream workshop (Salzburg, Feb. 1 and 2) are online, see our Links/Cryptographic Random Numbers page.

06/09/07: The TESTU01 battery of statistical tests of L'Ecuyer and Simard is available now.


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