SEC NEWS DIGEST Issue 2005-188 September 29, 2005 COMMISSION ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE OF MEETING OF SEC ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON SMALLER PUBLIC COMPANIES The Securities and Exchange Commission Advisory Committee on Smaller Public Companies is providing notice that it will hold a public meeting on Friday, October 14, 2005, at Columbia Law School, Jerome Green Hall, Room 103, 435 West 116th Street, New York, New York, at 1:00 p.m. The meeting will be audio webcast on the Commission's Web site at The agenda for the meeting includes hearing oral testimony, primarily from investors in small cap companies, and considering written statements that have been filed with the Advisory Committee in connection with the meeting. DUE DATE: Written statements should be received on or before October 7, 2005. ADDRESSES: Written statements may be submitted by any of the following methods: Electronic statements: * Use the Commission's Internet submission form (; or * Send an e-mail message to Please include File Number 265-23 on the subject line; or Paper statements: * Send paper statements in triplicate to Jonathan G. Katz, Committee Management Officer, Securities and Exchange Commission, 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549-9303. All submissions should refer to File No. 265-23. This file number should be included on the subject line if e-mail is used. To help us process and review your statement more efficiently, please use only one method. The Commission staff will post all statements on the Advisory Committee's Web site ( Statements also will be available for public inspection and copying in the Commission's Public Reference Room, 100 F Street, NE, Washington, DC 20549. All statements received will be posted without change; we do not edit personal identifying information from submissions. You should submit only information that you wish to make available publicly. Persons wishing to provide oral testimony at the meeting should contact the SEC staff person listed below by October 7, 2005 and submit a written statement by the deadline for written statements. Sufficient time may not be available to accommodate all those wishing to provide oral testimony. The Co-Chairs of the Advisory Committee have reserved the right to select and limit the time of witnesses permitted to testify at the Advisory Committee meeting. (Rel. 33-8619) ARI GABINET, DISTRICT ADMINISTRATOR OF THE SEC'S PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, TO LEAVE THE COMMISSION On September 29, Ari Gabinet, District Administrator of the Securities and Exchange Commission's Philadelphia District Office, announced today that he will leave the Commission at the end of October to head the securities regulation group at the Vanguard Group, Inc. Gabinet joined the Commission as the District Administrator of the Philadelphia District Office on Jan. 6, 2003, and was responsible for the Commission's examination and enforcement programs in Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia. Gabinet has overseen a 55% increase in the PDO's staff and its relocation to new offices. Since he took over as District Administrator, the Philadelphia Office has been responsible for a number of high profile enforcement cases, notably with respect to undisclosed revenue sharing and directed brokerage payments in the mutual fund industry. They include the Commission's $50 million settled revenue sharing action against Morgan Stanley DW and $20 million settled action against CitiGroup Global Markets, both brought jointly with NASD; the Commission's directed brokerage cases against mutual fund giants MFS, PIMCO and Putnam; and the Commission's $260 million market timing litigation against Harold Baxter, Gary Pilgrim, and the PBHG funds, coordinated with the New York Attorney General's office. The office's examination staff monitor regulatory compliance at some of the largest mutual fund complexes and broker dealers in the country. Under Gabinet's leadership, the PDO exam staff undertook broad examination initiatives in pay-to-play, performance advertising, variable annuity switching, and transfer agent lost-security holder functions, among other things. SEC Director of Enforcement Linda Thomsen said, "Ari has been a dedicated and energetic public servant. He has approached the work of protecting investors with intelligence, energy and creativity. He has also been a wonderful and inspiring colleague and leader." Lori Richards, Director of the SEC's Office of Compliance Inspections and Examinations stated, "Ari is a superb manager and challenged his staff to identify creative solutions to difficult problems. His passion for the work of the SEC and for the examination program resulted in meaningful protection for investors in the region served by the Philadelphia Office." In announcing his plans to leave the Commission, Gabinet said, "It's been a thrill to work at the Commission during one of its most exciting and challenging periods. I've learned from amazing people in the home office, from my colleagues in the field offices, and most of all from the staff of the Philadelphia office. Their teamwork, creativity, and high professional standards have been an inspiration to me, and I will miss them all." Prior to joining the Commission, Gabinet was a partner at Dechert LLP. Gabinet received his BA degree with honors from Swarthmore College in 1979 and received his law degree, cum laude, from the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1982. (Press Rel. 2005-108) RULES AND RELATED MATTERS ORDER GRANTING EXEMPTION TO LIQUIDNET, INC. The Commission issued an order conditionally exempting Liquidnet, Inc. from Rule 301(b)(5)(ii)(B) of Regulation ATS under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 relating to the fair access provisions of that Rule. The exemption took effect on September 28. Publication is expected in the Federal Register during the week of October 3, 2005. (Rel. 34-52514) ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS IN THE MATTER OF ST. GEORGE METALS, INC. An Administrative Law Judge has issued an Initial Decision in St. George Metals, Inc., Administrative Proceeding No. 3-11971. The Initial Decision finds that Respondent St. George Metals, Inc., failed to file required annual reports since April 26, 2002, and required quarterly reports since Nov. 14, 2002, while its securities were registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission. As such, the Initial Decision concludes that St. George Metals violated Section 13(a) of the Exchange Act of 1934, and Rules 13a-1 and 13a-13 thereunder. The Initial Decision revokes the registration of each class of securities of St. George Metals. (Initial Decision No. 298; File No. 3-11971) COMMISSION REVOKES REGISTRATION OF SECURITIES OF INTERNATIONAL BIOFUEL AND BIOCHEMICAL CORPORATION f/k/a J-BIRD MUSIC GROUP LTD. On September 29, the Commission instituted settled public administrative and cease-and-desist proceedings against International Biofuel and Biochemical Corporation f/k/a J-Bird Music Group Ltd. (IBBC). The Order Instituting Administrative and Cease-and-Desist Proceedings, Making Findings, Imposing a Cease-and-Desist Order Pursuant to Section 21C, and Revoking Registration of Securities Pursuant to Section 12(j) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 finds that IBBC failed to comply with and committed violations of Sections 10(b), 13(a), 13(b)(2)(A) and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act and Exchange Act Rules 10b-5, 13a-1 and 13a-13, by failing to file required periodic reports with the Commission, making materially false and misleading statements in Commission filings, failing to file audited financial statements in its 2002 annual report, and failing to make and keep books and records and maintain internal controls in 2002. Based on the above, the Order revokes the registration of IBBC's common stock and orders that IBBC cease and desist from committing or causing any violation, and any future violations, of Sections 10(b), 13(a), 13(b)(2)(A) and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act and Exchange Act Rules 10b-5, 13a-1 and 13a-13. IBBC consented to the issuance of the Order without admitting or denying any of the findings in the Order. (Rel. 34- 52525; File No. 3-12059) IN THE MATTER OF THOMAS STEINBACH, ASHLEY SOSNER, TIM RICE, HOWARD KERBEL, BARRY BERMAN,VINCENT BARONE, AND BRUCE BIDDICK The United States Securities and Exchange Commission announced today the issuance of an Order Making Findings and Imposing Remedial Sanctions Pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as to Vincent Barone (Order). The Order finds that on March 21, 2003, Barone pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud and securities fraud before the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida arising from his participation in an offering of ThermoElastic Technologies, Inc. (TMRO), which is a penny stock. The count of the criminal indictment to which Barone pled guilty alleged that Barone and his co-defendants conspired to unjustly enrich themselves by defrauding a fund, by artificially affecting the supply and demand for TMRO stock and by inflating the price of TMRO stock through illegal means. It was also alleged that the purpose and object of the conspiracy for Barone and his co-defendants was to unjustly enrich themselves by defrauding the public shareholders of TMRO. Based on the above, the Order bars Barone from participation in any offering of a penny stock. (Rel. 34-52528: File No. 3-119388) IN THE MATTER OF THOMAS STEINBACH, ASHLEY SOSNER, TIM RICE, HOWARD KERBEL, BARRY BERMAN,VINCENT BARONE, AND BRUCE BIDDICK The United States Securities and Exchange Commission announced today the issuance of an Order Making Findings and Imposing Remedial Sanctions Pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as to Ashley Sosner (Order). The Order finds that on November 15, 2002, Sosner pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit securities fraud before the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida arising out of his role as a registered representative affiliated with several broker-dealers registered with the Commission. The count of the criminal indictment to which Sosner pled guilty alleged that Sosner and his co-defendants conspired to unjustly enrich themselves by defrauding a mutual fund through paying undisclosed kickbacks to certain persons affiliated with the fund in exchange for causing it to purchase large amounts of Equity Technologies & Resources, Inc. ("ETCR") stock and Movie-O-Network, Inc. ("MVEO") stock from Sosner and his co-defendants. The count of the criminal indictment also alleged that the purpose and objective of the conspiracy was for Sosner and his co-defendants to unjustly enrich themselves by defrauding the shareholders of ETCR and MVEO by artificially affecting the supply and demand for the stocks in order to inflate the market price of them through illegal means. Based on the above, the Order bars Sosner from association with any broker or dealer and from participation in any offering of a penny stock. (Rel. 34-52529; File No. 3-11939) IN THE MATTER OF THOMAS STEINBACH, ASHLEY SOSNER, TIM RICE, HOWARD KERBEL, BARRY BERMAN,VINCENT BARONE, AND BRUCE BIDDICK The United States Securities and Exchange Commission announced today the issuance of an Order Making Findings and Imposing Remedial Sanctions Pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as to Howard Kerbel (Order). The Order finds that on March 14, 2003, Kerbel pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud and securities fraud before the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida arising from his participation in an offering of ThermoElastic Technologies, Inc. (TMRO), which is a penny stock. The count of the criminal indictment to which Kerbel pled guilty alleged that Kerbel and his co-defendants conspired to unjustly enrich themselves by defrauding a fund, by artificially affecting the supply and demand for TMRO stock and by inflating the price of TMRO stock through illegal means. It was also alleged that the purpose and object of the conspiracy for Kerbel and his co-defendants was to unjustly enrich themselves by defrauding the public shareholders of TMRO. Based on the above, the Order bars Kerbel from participation in any offering of a penny stock. (Rel. 34-52530; File No. 3-11940) IN THE MATTER OF THOMAS STEINBACH, ASHLEY SOSNER, TIM RICE, HOWARD KERBEL, BARRY BERMAN,VINCENT BARONE, AND BRUCE BIDDICK The United States Securities and Exchange Commission announced today the issuance of an Order Making Findings and Imposing Remedial Sanctions Pursuant to Section 15(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as to Bruce Biddick (Order). The Order finds that on April 7, 2003, Biddick pled guilty to one count of conspiracy to commit wire fraud, mail fraud and securities fraud before the United States District Court for the Southern District of California arising out of his role as a principal and a securities broker at Centex Securities, Inc., a securities broker- dealer registered with the Commission. The count of the criminal indictment to which Biddick pled guilty alleged that Biddick and his co-defendant conspired to unjustly enrich themselves by defrauding a mutual fund, through paying undisclosed kickbacks to an undercover agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigations and certain persons affiliated with the Fund, in exchange for their causing the mutual fund to purchase a large amount of overpriced stock. Based on the above, the Order bars Biddick from association with any broker or dealer and from participation in any offering of a penny stock. (Rel. 34-52531; File No. 3-11941) ORDER OF DEFAULT JUDGMENT OF PERMANENT INJUNCTION AND OTHER RELIEF ENTERED AGAINST DEFENDANTS WON SOK LEE AND YUNG BAE KIM The Securities and Exchange Commission announced that on Aug. 15, 2005, the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida entered an Order of Default Judgment of Permanent Injunction and Other Relief against Defendants Won Sok Lee and Yung Bae Kim. The Default Judgment enjoins Lee and Kim from violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder; and Section 206(1) and 206(2) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Additionally, the Default Judgment provides for disgorgement and the imposition of civil penalties in amounts to be determined by the Court upon the SEC's motion. The SEC commenced this action by filing its complaint on March 2, 2005, against various hedge funds, investment advisers and the hedge funds and investment advisers' principals, Lee and Kim, among others. The complaint alleged that from approximately 1999 to March 2005, the Defendants raised at least $81 million from investors nationwide by boasting annualized returns of 125 to 150% over the last several years and by sending false account statements to investors showing similar gains. According to the complaint, the hedge funds were suffering tremendous trading losses and only about $11 million remained of the more than $81 million that investors put into the hedge funds. The complaint charged the defendants with violating Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The complaint further charged the Advisers with violations of Section 206(1) and (2) of the Investment Advisers Act and charged defendants Lee and Kim with aiding and abetting violations of Section 206(1) and 206(2) of the Advisers Act. [SEC v. K.L. Group, LLC, et al. Case No. 05-80186-CIV-RYSKAMP, S.D.Fla.] (LR- 19399) COURT FINDS ROBERT RADANO AND WASHINGTON INVESTMENT NETWORK VIOLATED FEDERAL SECURITIES LAWS; ORDERS INJUNCTIONS AND PENALTIES On September 22, the United States District Court for the District of Columbia found that Robert Radano and Washington Investment Network (WIN) committed fraud by failing to disclose to WIN's clients that the Securities and Exchange Commission had barred Steven Bolla, the firm's co-founder, from associating with an investment adviser. The Court also found that Radano and WIN permitted Bolla to violate the SEC order barring Bolla. The Court entered final judgments against Radano and WIN, both of Bethesda, Maryland, permanently enjoining them from violating the antifraud and investment adviser bar provisions of the Investment Advisers Act. The judgment also imposes penalties of $15,000 against Radano and $50,000 against WIN. Following a bench trial, the Honorable Colleen Kollar-Kotelly held that Radano and WIN committed securities fraud by failing to disclose to the firm's clients that, in June 2000, the SEC had barred Bolla from associating with any investment adviser based on his role in an earlier securities fraud. See SEC v. James L. Foster et al., Litigation Release No. 16567 (May 30, 2000); In the Matter of James L. Foster et al., Securities Exchange Act Release No. 42863 (June 20, 2000). Following the imposition of the bar, Bolla continued to associate with WIN by managing the firm's finances, serving as the point of contact for WIN clients, and providing investment advice to WIN clients. Judge Kollar-Kotelly held that as a principal of WIN, Radano had a duty to inform the firm's clients that the SEC had barred Bolla from acting as an investment adviser. Radano's statements to WIN's clients that Bolla was "out of the office" or "had left the firm" were, according to Judge Kollar-Kotelly, "simply insufficient and -- without more -- constitute material omissions." By failing to make the appropriate disclosures to WIN's clients, Radano and WIN violated Sections 206(1) and (2) of the Advisers Act. Judge Kollar-Kotelly also ruled that Radano and WIN violated Section 203(f) of the Advisers Act by allowing Bolla to associate with WIN in violation of the SEC bar order. Judge Kollar-Kotelly found that, at the time they formed WIN in 1998, Radano and Bolla believed the SEC would likely bar Bolla from associating with any investment adviser. Judge Kollar-Kotelly found that WIN was established "as a front for Mr. Bolla to continue to operate with his wife as a mere nominee [owner] to officially mask his true interest and control." Judge Kollar-Kotelly further found that after the SEC had barred Bolla, Radano took instructions from Bolla regarding client accounts, permitted Bolla to remain a point of contact for WIN clients and allowed Bolla to continue concealing his association with the firm by using his wife as a nominee. Judge Kollar-Kotelly held that Radano's actions and omissions, individually and on behalf of WIN, permitted Bolla to continue associating with WIN in violation of his bar. In addition to Radano and WIN, the SEC's complaint charged Steven and Susan Bolla with various violations of the federal securities laws. See SEC v. Steven M. Bolla, Washington Investment Network, Susan Bolla and Robert Radano, LR-17642 (July 31, 2002). After filing the complaint, the SEC settled its charges against Steven and Susan Bolla, and Judge Kollar-Kotelly entered final judgments on July 27, 2004, permanently enjoining Steven and Susan Bolla from violating certain provisions of the federal securities laws, and requiring Steven Bolla to pay $175,000. See SEC v. Steven M. Bolla, Washington Investment Network, Susan Bolla and Robert Radano, LR-18837 (Aug. 18, 2004); In the Matter of Steven M. Bolla and Susan Bolla, Rel. 34-50222 (Aug. 20, 2004). [SEC V. Steven M. Bolla, Washington Investment Network, Susan Bolla and Robert Radano, Civil Action No. 1:02CV01506, D.D.C., CKK] (LR-19400) SEC CHARGES FORMER EXECUTIVE WITH ACCOUNTING FRAUD AT THE PENN TRAFFIC COMPANY The Securities and Exchange Commission today filed a complaint in the Northern District of New York, charging Michael J. Lawler (Lawler), the former Director of Manufacturing at Penny Curtiss, the bakery manufacturing subsidiary of The Penn Traffic Company (Penn Traffic), with orchestrating and carrying out a scheme to fraudulently manipulate Penn Traffic's books and records. The Complaint alleges that Lawler, as the highest-ranking Penny Curtiss employee, made, and directed Penny Curtiss' employees to make, improper accounting adjustments to Penny Curtiss' books and records so that Penny Curtiss would meet or come close to meeting internal sales targets set forth by management. In the most significant of the falsified adjustments, Lawler made and directed his subordinates to make fraudulent entries on Penny Curtiss' general ledger that overstated inventory. Penny Curtiss' general ledger was incorporated in Penn Traffic's books and records and, as a result, its public financial statements. By reducing the costs of goods sold, these false entries had the effect of overstating Penn Traffic's Earnings Before Income, Taxes, Depreciation, and Amortization (EBITDA), as well as its net income. As a result of Lawler's willful misconduct, Penn Traffic overstated more than $11 million of income and issued restated financial results for a three year period. The Commission alleges that, as a result of the foregoing, Lawler violated Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 (Securities Act) and Sections 10(b) and 13(b)(5) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Rules 10b-5 and 13b2-1 thereunder, and aided and abetted Penn Traffic's violations of Sections 13(a), 13(b)(2)(A), and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act, and Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, and 13a-13 thereunder. Lawler has agreed to a resolution of this matter, subject to the Court's approval. Without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission's complaint, Lawler has consented to the entry of a permanent injunction against future violations of Section 17(a) of the Securities Act and Sections 10(b) and 13(b)(5) of the Exchange Act, and Rules 10b-5 and 13b2-1 thereunder, and from aiding and abetting violations of Sections 13(a), 13(b)(2)(A), and 13(b)(2)(B) of the Exchange Act, and Rules 12b-20, 13a-1, and 13a-13 thereunder. The Commission acknowledges the assistance and cooperation of the United State's Attorney's Office for the Northern District of New York and the Federal Bureau of Investigation in this matter. The Commission's investigation is continuing. [SEC v. Michael Lawler 05 Civ. 1233, N.D.N.Y., DRH] (LR-19401) FOUR FORMER EXECUTIVES OF IMPATH INC., INCLUDING ITS FORMER CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER, CONSENT TO PERMANENT INJUNCTIVE RELIEF The Commission announced today that four former executives of IMPATH Inc. have now consented to permanent injunctive and other relief sought by the Commission in its pending federal court action against those and other defendants and in a related administrative proceeding. Impath was a public company that provided laboratory services used in the treatment of cancer. Impath filed for bankruptcy protection in September 2003 and is currently in liquidation. The SEC's complaint alleges that from 1999 until 2003, the defendants engaged in fraudulent accounting practices and committed other violations of the federal securities laws. As a result of the accounting fraud, Impath falsely reported multimillion dollar profits when it had actually suffered huge losses. To meet financial projections and boost Impath's stock price, the defendants made, or directed others to make, phony accounting entries that artificially increased revenue and improperly reduced operating expenses. Since the Commission filed its complaint in March 2005, the Honorable Jed S. Rakoff, United States District Judge for the Southern District of New York, has entered partial final consent judgments imposing a range of injunctive relief against the following defendants. * David J. Cammarata, Impath's former chief financial officer, was permanently enjoined on July 25, 2005 from acting as an officer or director of a public company and from violations of the relevant antifraud, corporate reporting, books and records, internal control and proxy solicitation provisions of the federal securities laws. Specifically, Cammarata is enjoined from violating Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Sections 10(b), 13(a), 13(b)(2), 13(b)(5) and 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Rules 10b-5, 13b2-1, 13b2-2, 12b-20, 13a-1, 13a-13, 14a-3 and 14a- 9. In addition, on Sept. 21, 2005, the Commission also instituted and simultaneously settled an administrative proceeding pursuant to Rule 102(e) of the Commission's Rules of Practice against Cammarata, a certified public accountant licensed to practice in the state of New Jersey. The administrative proceeding was based on the entry of the partial final consent judgment against Cammarata. In the administrative proceeding, Cammarata consented, without admitting or denying the Commission's findings, to an order suspending him from appearing or practicing before the Commission as an accountant. * Peter Torres, Impath's former vice president for corporate finance, was permanently enjoined on May 18, 2005, from acting as an officer or director of a public company and from violating Section 17(a) of the Securities Act, Sections 10(b), 13(a), 13(b)(2) and 13(b)(5) of the Exchange Act, and Rules 10b-5, 13b2-1, 13b2-2, 12b-20, 13a-1 and 13a-13. * Karin Gardner, Impath's former controller, and Kenneth Jugan, its former national billing director, were permanently enjoined on May 18, 2005, from violating Sections 10(b), 13(a), 13(b)(2) and 13(b)(5) of the Exchange Act and Rules 10b-5, 13b2-1, 12b-20, 13a-1 and 13a-13. Each of these defendants consented to the foregoing relief without admitting or denying the allegations of the Commission's complaint. The Commission's claims for disgorgement and civil penalties against them remain pending. In March 2005 all four of these defendants pled guilty to criminal charges brought by the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York based on the same conduct alleged in the Commission's complaint. The Commission's claims against the other two defendants remaining in the case -- Anuradha D. Saad, Impath's former chief executive office, and Richard P. Adelson, Impath's former president and chief operating officer -- are also pending. [SEC v. Saad, et al., 05 CV 3308, JSR, SDNY] (LR-19402; AAER-2322) FORMER DEL GLOBAL BOARD MEMBER DAVID MICHAEL AGREES TO SETTLEMENT WITH SEC The Securities and Exchange Commission announced today that it has reached a settlement of its pending case against David Michael, former director and chair of the audit committee of Del Global Technologies Corp., Inc. (Del), a company based in Valhalla, New York. The Commission's complaint, filed June 1, 2004 in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York, alleged as to Michael that he signed a false confirmation letter in connection with the 2000 year-end audit of Del Global's financial statements. The Commission's complaint also alleged that certain former senior officers and/or directors of Del participated in a multi-year financial fraud at Del between 1997 and 2000. Michael consented to the entry of a final judgment against him without admitting or denying the allegations in the Commission's complaint. On Sept. 19, 2005, the Honorable Colleen McMahon, U.S. District Judge for the Southern District of New York, entered a final judgment permanently enjoining Michael from violating the books and records, internal controls, and lying-to-auditors provisions of the federal securities laws (Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") Section 13(b)(5) and Exchange Act Rules 13b2-1 and 13b2-2). The final judgment also permanently bars Michael, pursuant to Exchange Act Section 21(d)(5), from serving as an officer or director of a public company, and requires him to pay a $20,000 civil money penalty. The Commission's complaint alleged, as to Michael, that near the end of Del's 2000 fiscal year, Del's CFO attempted to improperly capitalize certain general expenses to an unrelated Del acquisition of a subsidiary. According to the Commission's complaint, when Del's auditors requested back-up documentation concerning these expenses as part of its final audit fieldwork, Del's CFO, with Michael's assistance, generated a confirmation letter falsely stating that Michael, a CPA, had performed accounting work directly related to the acquisition. The complaint further alleged that Michael, who knew that the confirmation letter was false and suspected that Del's CFO might be engaged in wrongdoing, signed and returned the false confirmation letter. Within days of Michael submitting the confirmation letter, according to the Commission's complaint, Del's outside auditors discovered the fraudulent accounting scheme and an internal investigation was initiated. In a prior action unrelated to Michael's conduct at Del Global, on April 14, 1999, the Commission permanently suspended Michael (and his accounting firm) from appearing or practicing before the Commission as an accountant. See Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Release No. 41284; Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Release No. 1125. Michael was the last defendant in the Commission's litigation arising out of the Del financial fraud. The Commission originally sued, in addition to Michael, Del, Leonard Trugman (the former CEO), Michael H. Taber (the former CFO), David Engel (the former Executive Vice President and CFO), and Seymour Rubin (a former director and senior executive) for their participation in the fraud. Del, Taber, Engel and Rubin settled with the Commission in June 2004 when the case was filed. Trugman settled with the Commission in August 2005. For additional information, see Litigation Release No. 18732 (June 1, 2004) and Litigation Release No. 19360 (September 6, 2005). [SEC v. Del Global Technologies Corp., Inc., et al., 04 CV 4092, S.D.N.Y.] (LR-19403; AAER-2323) COMMISSION CHARGES HEDGE FUND MANAGER, FORMER CITIZENS BANK EMPLOYEE, AND OTHERS WITH INSIDER TRADING THAT PROFITED OVER $750,000 The Commission today filed a civil injunctive action against a Massachusetts hedge fund manager, a former Citizens Bank employee and three other defendants for allegedly engaging in insider trading that netted total profits over $750,000 in connection with Citizens' May 4, 2004 announcement that it was acquiring Charter One Financial, Inc., a Cleveland-based bank. The action, filed in federal district court in Massachusetts, charges Global Time Capital Management, LLC, a Burlington, Massachusetts-based investment adviser; its portfolio manager and principal, Michael K.C. Tom of Waltham, Massachusetts; former Citizens employee Shengnan Wang of Natick, Massachusetts; her husband, Hai Liu of Natick, Massachusetts; and Michael Tom's brother, David Tom of Denver, Colorado, with trading or tipping others to trade in Charter One securities on the basis of material non-public information, in violation of a fiduciary or similar duty of trust and confidence. The Commission also named GTC Growth Fund, L.P., a Burlington, Massachusetts-based hedge fund, as a relief defendant in the action, alleging that it received approximately $199,630 in unjust enrichment and/or ill-gotten gains from the illegal trading in Charter One securities. The United States Attorney's Office for the District of Massachusetts has also brought related criminal insider trading charges against Shengnan Wang and Hai Liu. According to the Commission's complaint, on May 4, 2004, just after the market closed, Rhode Island-based Citizens Financial Group, Inc., a subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Scotland Group, PLC, announced that it planned to acquire Charter One in a cash transaction for $44.50 per share. Charter One's stock closed at $35.95 per share that day (May 4), and closed at $43.86 per share on May 5, 2004, the first trading day after the announcement, a rise of $7.91 per share, or over 22%. The Commission's complaint alleges that in late April and early May 2004, Shengnan Wang, then an employee of Citizens, learned that Citizens was performing final due diligence for the acquisition of a Cleveland, Ohio- based bank. According to the complaint, Wang conveyed certain material, non-public information relating to Citizens' planned acquisition to her husband, Hai Liu, and to Michael Tom, a former employee of Citizens who ran a hedge fund in which Wang and her husband had invested approximately $60,000. The complaint alleges that between April 29, 2004 and May 4, 2004, Michael Tom purchased numerous Charter One call options, which increase in value with a rise in the stock price, for his personal account and for his hedge fund, GTC Growth Fund. Michael Tom also traded Charter One securities prior to Citizens' announcement in a joint account he held with his wife and in accounts he managed for his wife and in-laws. According to the complaint, Michael Tom's illegal insider trading in Charter One securities resulted in total imputed profits of approximately $743,505. The Complaint also alleges that Michael Tom and Wang's husband, Hai Liu, tipped their brothers, David Tom and Zheng Liu, respectively, about Citizens' acquisition plan. As a result, both David Tom and Zheng Liu traded in Charter One securities prior to Citizens' announcement. David Tom's trading resulted in imputed profits of approximately $39,089, while Hai Liu's brother, Zheng Liu, made imputed profits of approximately $2,736. In its complaint, Commission charged Michael Tom, David Tom, Wang, Hai Liu, and Global Time Capital Management with violating Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The Commission is seeking the entry of permanent injunctions; disgorgement of the profits from each defendant's insider trading, plus pre-judgment interest; and the imposition of civil monetary penalties. The Commission is also seeking the disgorgement of the alleged unjust enrichment and/or ill-gotten gains that GTC Growth Fund received as a result of any illegal insider trading. The Commission acknowledges the assistance of the United States Secret Service in its investigation. [SEC v. Michael K.C. Tom, et al., United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts, C.A. No. 05-CV- 11966-NMG, filed September 29, 2005] (LR-19404) SEC CHARGES LEEROY ALLEN, JR., FORMER CEO OF INTERNATIONAL BIOFUEL AND BIOCHEMICAL CORPORATION, WITH SECURITIES FRAUD On September 29, 2005, the Securities and Exchange Commission filed a civil injunctive action in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against LeeRoy Allen, Jr. ("Allen"), the former chairman, chief executive officer and president of International Biofuel and Biochemical Corporation ("IBBC"). The Complaint alleges that from December 2002, through August 30, 2004, Allen made numerous materially false and misleading statements in filings IBBC made with the Commission which created the illusion that IBBC was a viable business that would use cutting edge technology to produce, distribute and market biodiesel fuel (also known as biofuel). In reality, IBBC never produced, distributed or marketed any biofuel. As Allen knew, IBBC was nothing more than a startup company with no assets, funding or viable product. In its Complaint, the Commission seeks a final judgment permanently enjoining Allen from violating Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 ("Exchange Act") and Exchange Act Rules 10b-5 and 13a-14. The Commission also seeks an order: that Allen disgorge all ill-gotten gains he received by virtue of his misconduct, with prejudgment interest; that Allen pay civil penalties; barring Allen from acting as an officer or director of a public company; and barring Allen from any future participation in the offering of any penny stock. [SEC v. LeeRoy Allen, Jr., Civil Action No. 1:05CV01919, D.D.C., September 29, 2005] (LR19405; AAER- 2324) THE COMMISSION CHARGES SAMUEL ISRAEL III, DANIEL E. MARINO, BAYOU MANAGEMENT, AND BAYOU FUNDS FOR DEFRAUDING HEDGE FUND INVESTORS AND MISAPPROPRIATING INVESTOR ASSETS On September 29, the Commission filed a civil injunctive action against Samuel Israel III of New York and Daniel E. Marino of Connecticut, the managers of a group of hedge funds known as the Bayou Funds (Funds), based in Stamford, Connecticut. The Commission's complaint alleges that, beginning in 1996 and continuing through the present, Israel and Marino have defrauded investors in the Funds and misappropriated millions of dollars in investor funds for their personal use. The Commission is seeking permanent injunctions for violations of the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws against Israel, the founder of and investment adviser to the Funds; Bayou Management, the investment adviser to the funds; and Marino, the chief financial officer of Bayou Management. Additionally, the Commission has requested that the court freeze the defendants' assets and appoint a receiver to marshal any remaining assets for the benefit of defrauded hedge fund investors. All of the defendants have consented to the freeze of assets and appointment of a receiver. The requested relief is subject to court approval. The Commission alleges in its complaint that from 1996 through 2005, investors deposited over $450 million into the Funds and a predecessor fund. During that period, Israel and Marino defrauded current investors, and attracted new investors, by grossly exaggerating the Funds' performance to make it appear that the Funds were profitable and attractive investments, when in fact, the Funds had never posted a year- end profit. The Commission's complaint further alleges that, in furtherance of their fraud, Israel and Marino concocted and disseminated to the Funds' investors periodic account statements and performance summaries containing fictitious profit and loss figures and forged audited financial statements in order to hide multimillion dollar trading losses from investors. The Commission's complaint also seeks to permanently enjoin: Bayou Management, Israel, Marino, and the Bayou Funds from violating Section 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933, Section 10(b) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Exchange Act) and Exchange Act Rule 10b-5 thereunder, which are general antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws; Bayou Management and Israel from violating the antifraud provisions of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (Advisers Act), Sections 206(1) and 206(2); and Marino from aiding and abetting violations of Sections 206(1) and 206(2) of the Advisers Act. The Commission also seeks disgorgement of ill-gotten gains, prejudgment interest, and civil money penalties from Israel, Marino, and Bayou Management. The Commission's investigation continues. [SEC v. Samuel Israel III; Daniel E. Marino; Bayou Management, LLC; Bayou Accredited Fund, LLC; Bayou Affiliates Fund, LLC; Bayou No Leverage Fund, LLC; and Bayou Superfund, LLC; Civil Action No. 05-CIV-8376, S.D.N.Y.] (LR-19406; Press Rel. 2005-139) SEC SUES FORMER CEO AND PRESIDENT OF JAG MEDIA HOLDINGS, INC. FOR MAKING UNREGISTERED SALES AND TRANSFERS OF SECURITIES On September 29, the Commission filed a civil injunctive action in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia against Gary L. Valinoti, the former CEO, president and chairman of the board of directors of Jag Media Holdings, Inc., for making unregistered sales and transfers of securities of the company in violation of Section 5 of the Securities Act of 1933. The Commission's complaint alleges that a privately-held company, of which Valinoti was an officer, reverse merged with a publicly-traded shell company in March 1999 to become (subsequently renamed Jag Media). The complaint further alleges that an officer of the publicly-traded shell company arranged for 250,000 shares of the shell company to be sold to Valinoti in connection with the merger. According to the complaint, the sale of 250,000 shares to Valinoti was not registered with the Commission, as required under Section 5 of the Securities Act. The Commission's complaint further alleges that Valinoti improperly realized $1.83 million by selling 130,000 of his 250,000 shares on the Nasdaq over-the-counter bulletin board ("OTCBB") between March and April 1999. The complaint also alleges that, between April and June 1999, Valinoti: (i) transferred 112,000 of his 250,000 shares as consideration for an ownership interest in another company; and (ii) transferred an additional 6000 shares to a public relations firm as compensation for services rendered to The sales and transfers for value, the complaint alleges, were not registered with the Commission, as required under Section 5 of the Securities Act. According to the complaint, within one year of having received the 118,000 shares from Valinoti, the transferees subsequently sold them on the OTCBB for approximately $1.1 million. Without admitting or denying the allegations of the complaint, Valinoti agreed to settle the Commission's charges by consenting to the entry of a final judgment that would permanently enjoin him from violating Section 5 of the Securities Act and hold him liable to disgorge approximately $2.9 million in illicit gains and to pay $1.39 million in pre-judgment interest thereon. In partial discharge of approximately $571,700 of Valinoti's $2.9 million disgorgement obligation, the final judgment would also order Valinoti to: (i) pay $50,000 in cash; (ii) direct the cancellation of his existing holdings of Jag Media securities, valued at approximately $421,700 for settlement purposes; and (iii) relinquish his existing options to purchase shares of the company, which were granted to him by Jag Media and are valued at approximately $100,000 for settlement purposes. [SEC v. Gary L. Valinoti, Civil Action No. 1:05CV01922, D.D.C., JR] (LR-19407) INVESTMENT COMPANY ACT RELEASE FIFTH THIRD FUNDS, ET AL. An order has been issued on an application filed by Fifth Third Funds, et al., for an exemption from Section 15(a) of the Investment Company Act and Rule 18f-2 under the Act. The order permits the applicants to enter into and materially amend subadvisory agreements without shareholder approval and grants relief from certain disclosure requirements. (Rel. IC-27106 – September 28) HOLDING COMPANY RELEASE AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC., ET AL. An order has been issued modifying the terms of a prior order and authorizing AEP Credit, Inc., a nonutility subsidiary of American Electric Power Company, Inc., a registered holding company, to factor accounts receivable of affiliated public-utility companies. The Commission reserved jurisdiction over factoring accounts receivable generated by customers located in West Virginia. (Rel 35-28037) SELF REGULATORY ORGANIZATIONS IMMEDIATE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROPOSED RULE CHANGES The Philadelphia Stock Exchange filed a proposed rule change (SR-Phlx- 2005-50) under Rule 19b-4 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to reduce the value of Phlx Housing Sector Index Options by Half. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register during the week of Oct. 3, 2005. (Rel. 34-52512) A proposed rule change (SR-PCX-2005-106) filed by the Pacific Exchange rescinding pilot rules relating to the waiver of the California Ethics Standards for Neutral Arbitrators in Contractual Arbitration and Section 1281.92 of the California Code of Civil Procedure. Publication of the proposal is expected in the Federal Register is expected during the week of Oct. 3, 2005. (Rel 34-52513) SECURITIES ACT REGISTRATIONS The following registration statements have been filed with the SEC under the Securities Act of 1933. The reported information appears as follows: Form, Name, Address and Phone Number (if available) of the issuer of the security; Title and the number and/or face amount of the securities being offered; Name of the managing underwriter or depositor (if applicable); File number and date filed; Assigned Branch; and a designation if the statement is a New Issue. Registration statements may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . S-1 DynCorp International Inc, 8445 FREEPORT PARKWAY SUITE 400, IRVING, TX, 75063, 212-756-2000 - 0 ($450,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-128637 - Sep. 28) (BR. 08) S-1 ORBIMAGE INC, 21700 ATLANTIC BLVD, DULLES, VA, 20166, 7034807500 - 16,652,477 ($203,992,843.25) Equity, (File 333-128638 - Sep. 28) (BR. 11C) S-8 INFORMEDIX HOLDINGS INC, GEORGETOWNE PARK, 5880 HUBBARD DR, ROCKVILLE, MD, 20852, 3019841566 - 134,667 ($20,200.05) Equity, (File 333-128639 - Sep. 28) (BR. 10B) S-8 CYBERLUX CORP, 4625 CREEKSTONE DRIVE, SUITE 100, DURHAM, NC, 27703, 919-474-9700 - 0 ($30,000.00) Equity, (File 333-128640 - Sep. 28) (BR. 10A) S-8 WENTWORTH ENERGY, INC., 115 WEST 7TH STREET, #1400, FORT WORTH, TX, 76102, 8773298388 - 840,000 ($798,000.00) Equity, (File 333-128641 - Sep. 28) (BR. 09A) SB-1 First Responder Systems & Technology Inc., 8000 GSRI AVENUE, BUILDING 3000, BATON ROUGE, LA, 70820, 225-578-0333 - 0 ($8,000,000.00) Other, (File 333-128642 - Sep. 28) (BR. 09) SB-2 IMEDIA INTERNATIONAL INC, 1721 21ST STREET, SANTA MONICA, CA, 90404, 310-453-4499 - 54,525,488 ($30,727,018.40) Equity, (File 333-128643 - Sep. 28) (BR. 09A) S-3 PROTEIN DESIGN LABS INC/DE, 34801 CAMPUS DR, FREMONT, CA, 94555, 5105741400 - 0 ($112,026,606.00) Equity, (File 333-128644 - Sep. 28) (BR. 01B) S-8 IKANOS COMMUNICATIONS, 47669 FREMONT BLVD., FREMONT, CA, 94538, (510) 979-0400 - 0 ($28,342,565.00) Equity, (File 333-128645 - Sep. 28) (BR. 11) S-2 GRAHAM CORP, 20 FLORENCE AVE, POST OFFICE BOX 719, BATAVIA, NY, 14020, 5853432216 - 99,123 ($3,951,042.78) Equity, (File 333-128646 - Sep. 28) (BR. 10B) S-8 SUNESIS PHARMACEUTICALS INC, 341 OYSTER POINT BOULEVARD, SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CA, 94080, 650-266-3500 - 0 ($29,906,010.00) Equity, (File 333-128647 - Sep. 28) (BR. 01C) SB-2 EDEN ENERGY CORP, SUITE 1925, 200 BURRARD STREET, VANCOUVER, A1, V6C 3L6, 604.693.0179 - 5,134,220 ($27,160,023.80) Equity, (File 333-128649 - Sep. 28) (BR. 08A) S-4 CIT Group Funding CO of Canada, 1 CIT DRIVE, LIVINGSTON, NJ, 07039, (973) 740-5000 - 1,700,000,000 ($1,700,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-128652 - Sep. 28) (BR. 07) S-3 RAMTRON INTERNATIONAL CORP, 1850 RAMTRON DR, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO, 80921, 7194817000 - 1,951,389 ($5,502,916.98) Equity, (File 333-128653 - Sep. 28) (BR. 10C) S-8 SEAGATE TECHNOLOGY, P.O. BOX 309GT, UGLAND HOUSE, SOUTH CHURCH STREET, GEORGE TOWN, GRAND CAYMAN, E9, 00000, 345-949-8066 - 27,500,000 ($407,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-128654 - Sep. 28) (BR. 03A) S-3 DDI CORP, 1220 SIMON CIRCLE, AHAMEIM, CA, 92806, 7146887200 - 56,600,714 ($42,733,539.00) Equity, (File 333-128655 - Sep. 28) (BR. 10A) S-8 DDI CORP, 1220 SIMON CIRCLE, AHAMEIM, CA, 92806, 7146887200 - 15,000,000 ($11,325,000.00) Equity, (File 333-128656 - Sep. 28) (BR. 10A) S-8 CEMEX SA DE CV, AVE CONSTITUTION 444 PTE, MONTEREY MEXICO, O5, 64000, 0115283283000 - 160,000,000 ($202,800,000.00) Other, (File 333-128657 - Sep. 28) (BR. 06C) S-3 NELNET STUDENT LOAN FUNDING LLC, 1215 13TH ST, SUITE 301, LINCOLN, NE, 68508, 4024239583 - 10,000 ($1,000,000.00) Asset-Backed Securities, (File 333-128658 - Sep. 28) (BR. 05D) F-1 Secunda International LTD, ONE CANAL STREET, DARTMOUTH, A5, B2Y 2W1, 902-465-3400 - 0 ($115,000,000.00) Equity, (File 333-128659 - Sep. 28) (BR. 05C) RECENT 8K FILINGS Form 8-K is used by companies to file current reports on the following events: 1.01 Entry into a Material Definitive Agreement 1.02 Termination of a Material Definitive Agreement 1.03 Bankruptcy or Receivership 2.01 Completion of Acquisition or Disposition of Assets 2.02 Results of Operations and Financial Condition 2.03 Creation of a Direct Financial Obligation or an Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement of a Registrant 2.04 Triggering Events That Accelerate or Increase a Direct Financial Obligation under an Off-Balance Sheet Arrangement 2.05 Cost Associated with Exit or Disposal Activities 2.06 Material Impairments 3.01 Notice of Delisting or Failure to Satisfy a Continued Listing Rule or Standard; Transfer of Listing 3.02 Unregistered Sales of Equity Securities 3.03 Material Modifications to Rights of Security Holders 4.01 Changes in Registrant's Certifying Accountant 4.02 Non-Reliance on Previously Issued Financial Statements or a Related Audit Report or Completed Interim Review 5.01 Changes in Control of Registrant 5.02 Departure of Directors or Principal Officers; Election of Directors; Appointment of Principal Officers 5.03 Amendments to Articles of Incorporation or Bylaws; Change in Fiscal Year 5.04 Temporary Suspension of Trading Under Registrant's Employee Benefit Plans 5.05 Amendments to the Registrant's Code of Ethics, or Waiver of a Provision of the Code of Ethics 6.01. ABS Informational and Computational Material. 6.02. Change of Servicer or Trustee. 6.03. Change in Credit Enhancement or Other External Support. 6.04. Failure to Make a Required Distribution. 6.05. Securities Act Updating Disclosure. 7.01 Regulation FD Disclosure 8.01 Other Events 9.01 Financial Statements and Exhibits 8-K reports may be obtained in person or by writing to the Commission's Public Reference Branch at 450 Fifth Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549 or at the following e-mail box address: . In most cases, this information is also available on the Commission's website: . STATE 8K ITEM NO. NAME OF ISSUER CODE DATE COMMENT 99 CENTS ONLY STORES CA 4.01,9.01 09/14/05 AMEND ABLEAUCTIONS COM INC FL 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 ACCELR8 TECHNOLOGY CORP CO 1.01,7.01,9.01 09/27/05 Accredited Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-3 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 ACTIVISION INC /NY DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 ACUSPHERE INC DE 7.01,8.01,9.01 09/28/05 ADC TELECOMMUNICATIONS INC MN 2.05 09/27/05 ADVANCED ENERGY INDUSTRIES INC DE 1.01 09/22/05 Advaxis, Inc. CO 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 AEHR TEST SYSTEMS CA 2.02,9.01 09/27/05 AMEND ALKERMES INC PA 5.03,9.01 09/23/05 ALLIANCE GAMING CORP NV 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-10CB 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-13CB 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-14 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-17 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-18CB 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-21CB 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-23CB 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-27 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-28CB 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-30CB 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-31 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-32T1 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-33CB 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-36 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-4 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-6CB 9.01 09/25/05 ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-7CB 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-9CB 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-J4 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-J6 9.01 09/25/05 Alternative Loan Trust 2005-J7 9.01 09/25/05 AMBER RESOURCES CO OF COLORADO DE 5.03 09/27/05 AMERICAN BANK NOTE HOLOGRAPHICS INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 AMERICAN CAPITAL STRATEGIES LTD 1.01,2.03,9.01 09/23/05 American Home Mortgage Investment Tru DE 9.01 09/25/05 AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE SECURITIES LLC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL VENTURES INC / DE 5.02 09/15/05 AMERICAN RETIREMENT CORP TN 1.01,2.03,7.01,9.01 09/22/05 AMERICAN RETIREMENT CORP TN 1.01 09/22/05 AMERICAN WAGERING INC NV 7.01 09/26/05 AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/16/05 AMERIQUEST MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/16/05 AON CORP DE 8.01,9.01 09/22/05 APEX SILVER MINES LTD 3.02 09/27/05 ASPECT MEDICAL SYSTEMS INC DE 5.02 09/23/05 AUDIOVOX CORP DE 8.01 09/27/05 AUTO UNDERWRITERS OF AMERICA, INC. CA 5.02 09/27/05 AUTOLINE GROUP INC UT 1.01,2.01,3.02,5.01,9.01 08/18/05 AMEND AVITAR INC /DE/ DE 1.01,3.02,9.01 09/21/05 AZTEC OIL & GAS, INC. NV 7.01,9.01 09/27/05 BANC OF AMERICA MORTGAGE SECURITIES I DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 BANC OF AMERICA MORTGAGE SECURITIES I DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BEAR STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECURITIES DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities DE 9.01 05/31/05 AMEND Bear Stearns Asset Backed Securities DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 BELL INDUSTRIES INC /NEW/ CA 1.02 09/22/05 Blue Wireless & Data, Inc. CO 5.02 09/27/05 BROADWAY FINANCIAL CORP \DE\ DE 5.02 09/21/05 BSABS 2005-1 DE 9.01 01/31/05 AMEND CALIPER LIFE SCIENCES INC DE 5.02,7.01 09/26/05 Cambridge Display Technology, Inc. DE 1.02,5.02 09/26/05 Carrington Home Equity Loan Trust, Se DE 8.01 09/26/05 CARROLLTON BANCORP MD 1.02 09/28/05 CARTERS INC DE 2.01,9.01 07/14/05 AMEND CASCADE FINANCIAL CORP DE 5.03,9.01 09/27/05 CATALYTICA ENERGY SYSTEMS INC DE 1.01,1.02,9.01 09/22/05 CATALYTICA ENERGY SYSTEMS INC DE 1.01,1.02,5.02,9.01 06/20/05 AMEND CATERPILLAR FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP DE 2.03 09/22/05 CELLEGY PHARMACEUTICALS INC CA 3.01 09/23/05 CENTER BANCORP INC NJ 5.02,9.01 09/22/05 Centex Home Equity Loan Trust 2005-A DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Centex Home Equity Loan Trust 2005-B DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Centex Home Equity Loan Trust 2005-C DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 CENTURY CASINOS INC /CO/ DE 1.01,2.03,9.01 09/27/05 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP OK 3.02 09/19/05 CHESAPEAKE ENERGY CORP OK 5.03,9.01 09/27/05 CHINA DIRECT TRADING CORP FL 1.01,8.01,9.01 09/27/05 CHL MORTGAGE PASS - THROUGH TRUST 200 DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRUST 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRUST 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRUST 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRUST 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CHL Mortgage Pass-Through Trust 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 CIMAREX ENERGY CO DE 7.01,9.01 09/27/05 CITICORP MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE 2.01 09/28/05 CITICORP MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 CITIGROUP DIVERSIFIED FUTURES FUND LP 8.01 07/01/05 AMEND CITIGROUP INC DE 9.01 09/27/05 Citigroup Mortgage Loan Trust Inc., S 2.01,9.01 08/25/05 CITY NETWORK INC NV 4.02 09/23/05 CLINICAL DATA INC DE 1.01 09/23/05 COACTIVE MARKETING GROUP INC DE 4.02 09/27/05 COLOMBIA GOLDFIELDS LTD 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 COLONIAL PROPERTIES TRUST AL 8.01 09/27/05 COLONIAL REALTY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP DE 8.01,9.01 09/21/05 COMET TECHNOLOGIES INC NV 3.02,9.01 09/26/05 COMMAND SECURITY CORP NY 9.01 09/28/05 Community Bancorp NV 1.01,2.03,9.01 09/23/05 COMPREHENSIVE HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS IN DE 1.01,5.03 09/20/05 CONSOL ENERGY INC 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 CONSTELLATION BRANDS, INC. DE 7.01,9.01 09/27/05 CONTINENTAL AIRLINES INC /DE/ DE 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 CONVERSION SERVICES INTERNATIONAL INC DE 2.03,9.01 09/28/05 COSI INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 COSMO COMMUNICATIONS CORP FL 4.01 06/30/05 AMEND Countrywide Home Loans 2005-J8 9.01 09/25/05 COVE APPAREL INC NV 9.01 09/28/05 AMEND CRITICAL THERAPEUTICS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 Crusade Global Trust No. 1 of 2005 8.01,9.01 09/19/05 CRYOLIFE INC FL 1.01,2.03,9.01 09/27/05 CSFB Home Equity Pass-Through Certifi DE 8.01,9.01 09/25/05 CSFB Mortgage-Backed Pass-Through Cer DE 8.01,9.01 05/25/05 AMEND CSK AUTO CORP DE 7.01,9.01 09/27/05 CURATIVE HEALTH SERVICES INC 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 CWABS ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES TRUST DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 CWABS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET BACKED CERTIFICATES S DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC Asset-Backed Certificates T DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWABS INC ASSET-BACKED CERTIFICATES T DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWALT INC 9.01 09/28/05 CWALT INC 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 CWALT INC - ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 20 9.01 09/25/05 CWALT INC - ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 20 9.01 09/25/05 CWALT, INC. - Alternative Loan Trust 9.01 09/25/05 CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 20 9.01 09/25/05 CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 20 9.01 09/25/05 CWALT, Inc. Alternative Loan Trust 20 9.01 09/25/05 CWMBS INC - CHL MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH DE 9.01 09/25/05 CWMBS, Inc. - CHL Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 9.01 09/25/05 CYBER DEFENSE SYSTEMS INC FL 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems DE 1.01,3.02,9.01 09/26/05 DAKTRONICS INC /SD/ SD 5.02 09/27/05 AMEND DAOU SYSTEMS INC DE 1.01 09/26/05 DEPOMED INC CA 5.02 09/22/05 DIAL THRU INTERNATIONAL CORP DE 3.02 09/22/05 DIAMOND OFFSHORE DRILLING INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/27/05 DIONEX CORP /DE CA 8.01 09/28/05 DOMINION HOMES INC OH 1.01,9.01 09/26/05 DOT HILL SYSTEMS CORP NY 1.01 09/27/05 DOVER CORP DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 DRAGON PHARMACEUTICAL INC FL 2.01,9.01 01/12/05 DRAVCO MINING INC NV 5.02,9.01 09/23/05 DREW INDUSTRIES INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 DUCKWALL ALCO STORES INC KS 1.01,9.01 09/28/05 DYNACQ HEALTHCARE INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 ECOLLEGE COM DE 8.01 09/28/05 EDGEWATER FOODS INTERNATIONAL, INC. NV 9.01 09/28/05 AMEND EDISON INTERNATIONAL CA 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 EDUCATION MANAGEMENT CORPORATION 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 EGPI FIRECREEK, INC. NV 8.01 02/15/05 AMEND ELECTRO RENT CORP CA 2.02 09/28/05 EMAK Worldwide, Inc. DE 1.01 09/22/05 EMCORE CORP NJ 1.01 09/23/05 ENCORE CREDIT RECEIVABLES TRUST 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 ENCORE CREDIT RECEIVABLES TRUST 2005- DE 9.01 09/25/05 ENDO PHARMACEUTICALS HOLDINGS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 ENER1 INC FL 5.02 09/28/05 ENERGY WEST INC MT 2.02,9.01 09/27/05 ENNIS, INC. TX 2.02,7.01,9.01 09/26/05 ENTERGY CORP /DE/ DE 1.01,1.03,2.03,5.02,8.01,9.01 09/20/05 EP GLOBAL COMMUNICATIONS INC 1.01,5.02,9.01 09/13/05 EPLUS INC DE 1.01,1.02,9.01 09/23/05 ESTEE LAUDER COMPANIES INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/26/05 EURONET WORLDWIDE INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 eXegenics Inc DE 4.01,9.01 09/23/05 EXELON CORP PA 7.01 09/27/05 FAMILY DOLLAR STORES INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 FBO AIR, INC. NV 1.01,2.01,3.02,5.02,9.01 09/23/05 FBR Securitization, Inc. 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 FEDERAL SIGNAL CORP /DE/ DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 FEDEX CORP DE 1.01,8.01,9.01 09/26/05 FINLAY ENTERPRISES INC /DE DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 FINLAY FINE JEWELRY CORP DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 FIRST ACCEPTANCE CORP /DE/ DE 5.02 09/26/05 First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 20 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 20 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 First Franklin Mortgage Loan Trust 20 DE 8.01 09/26/05 First Horizon Alternative Mortgage Se DE 9.01 09/25/05 First Horizon Asset Sec Mort Pas Thr DE 9.01 09/25/05 FIRST HORIZON ASSET SECURITIES INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 First Horizon Mort Pass Thr Trust 200 DE 9.01 09/25/05 FIRST INDUSTRIAL REALTY TRUST INC MD 7.01,9.01 09/27/05 FISCHER IMAGING CORP DE 1.01,9.01 09/27/05 FLOTEK INDUSTRIES INC/CN/ DE 3.01,9.01 09/28/05 FMS FINANCIAL CORP NJ 8.01 09/28/05 FNB FINANCIAL CORP /PA/ PA 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 FOAMEX INTERNATIONAL INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/22/05 FPL GROUP INC FL 7.01 09/28/05 FREEPORT MCMORAN COPPER & GOLD INC DE 3.02,8.01,9.01 09/28/05 FRIEDMANS INC DE 1.01,8.01,9.01 09/22/05 GAMEZNFLIX INC NV 1.01,9.01 09/25/05 GANDER MOUNTAIN CO MN 2.03,9.01 09/23/05 GAP INC DE 1.01,1.02,9.01 09/27/05 GENERAL MILLS INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/26/05 GEORGIA GULF CORP /DE/ DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 GLIMCHER REALTY TRUST MD 2.05,2.06,7.01,9.01 09/28/05 GLOBAL INNOVATIVE SYSTEMS INC NV 5.02 09/22/05 GLOBALSANTAFE CORP 8.01 09/26/05 GMACM Mortgage Loan Trust 2005-AR2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 GOLD BANC CORP INC KS 8.01 09/20/05 GOLDEN PATRIOT CORP NV 8.01 09/27/05 Grande Communications Holdings, Inc. DE 9.01 09/27/05 AMEND GRIDLINE COMMUNICATIONS HOLDINGS INC DE 5.02 09/28/05 GROUP 1 AUTOMOTIVE INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 GS MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORP DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 GUESS INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/27/05 H&R BLOCK INC MO 1.01,2.03,5.02 09/22/05 HARRINGTON WEST FINANCIAL GROUP INC/C 1.01,9.01 09/27/05 HARTMARX CORP/DE DE 2.02,9.01 09/27/05 HARVEY ELECTRONICS INC NY 8.01 09/28/05 HAWK CORP DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 HAYNES INTERNATIONAL INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/20/05 HEALTHRENU MEDICAL INC CO 3.02,9.01 09/14/05 HERSHEY CO DE 1.01,2.03,9.01 09/23/05 HEWLETT PACKARD CO DE 1.01,5.02,5.03,9.01 09/22/05 HIGHWOODS PROPERTIES INC MD 2.02 09/28/05 HIGHWOODS REALTY LTD PARTNERSHIP NC 2.02 09/28/05 HOME PRODUCTS INTERNATIONAL INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 HOMEBANC CORP GA 1.01,9.01 09/27/05 IMH ASSETS CORP., COLLATERALIZED ASSE DE 8.01 05/25/05 AMEND IMH ASSETS CORP., COLLATERALIZED ASSE DE 8.01 06/27/05 AMEND IMH ASSETS CORP., COLLATERALIZED ASSE DE 8.01 07/25/05 AMEND IMH ASSETS CORP., COLLATERALIZED ASSE DE 8.01 08/25/05 AMEND IMPAC MORTGAGE HOLDINGS INC MD 8.01 09/27/05 IMPAX LABORATORIES INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/26/05 AMEND INCYTE CORP DE 8.01 09/28/05 INDYMAC MBS INC 9.01 09/28/05 INDYMAC MBS INC 9.01 09/28/05 ING INSURANCE CO OF AMERICA CT 8.01 09/28/05 ING LIFE INSURANCE & ANNUITY CO CT 8.01 09/28/05 ING USA ANNUITY & LIFE INSURANCE CO IA 8.01 09/28/05 INSIGHT COMMUNICATIONS CO INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 INSIGHT ENTERPRISES INC DE 5.02 09/23/05 INSIGHT MIDWEST LP DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 INSITUFORM TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 INSMED INC VA 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 INTELLIGENT MOTOR CARS GROUP INC DE 5.02,9.01 09/28/05 INTERGRAPH CORP DE 1.01,7.01,9.01 09/28/05 INTERMAGNETICS GENERAL CORP DE 2.02,9.01 09/28/05 IT&E INTERNATIONAL GROUP 1.01,5.03,9.01 09/26/05 ITC DELTACOM INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 JMG Exploration, Inc. NV 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 KONA GRILL INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/26/05 KOSAN BIOSCIENCES INC CA 8.01 09/23/05 LABARGE INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 LABORATORY CORP OF AMERICA HOLDINGS DE 7.01 09/28/05 LANDEC CORP \CA\ CA 2.02,9.01 09/28/05 LCA VISION INC DE 5.02 09/23/05 Lehman ABS Corp. Home Equity Loan Tru DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 LEHMAN SARM 2005-9 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Lehman XS Trust Series 2005-2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 LESCO INC/OH OH 3.01,9.01 09/23/05 LMI AEROSPACE INC MO 1.02,5.02 09/20/05 LOCKHEED MARTIN CORP MD 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 LODGIAN INC DE 1.02,5.02 09/27/05 Logistical Support, Inc UT 1.01 09/22/05 MAGNUS INTERNATIONAL RESOURCES, INC. NV 1.01,9.01 09/23/05 MAIR HOLDINGS INC MN 8.01 09/28/05 MANARIS CORP NV 8.01,9.01 09/22/05 MANOR CARE INC DE 4.02,9.01 09/23/05 MARITRANS INC /DE/ DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 MARKET CENTRAL INC DE 5.02,9.01 09/27/05 MASSEY ENERGY CO DE 7.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages 2005- DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages 2005- DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR Adjustable Rate Mortgages Trust DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-1 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-3 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-4 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-5 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ALTERNATIVE LOAN TRUST 2005-NC1 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ASSET BACKED SECURITIES TRUST 2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR Asset Backed Securities Trust 2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MASTR ASSET SECURITIZATION TRUST 2003 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MCCORMICK & CO INC MD 2.02 09/28/05 MERGE TECHNOLOGIES INC WI 1.01 09/27/05 MERRILL LYNCH MORT INV TRUST SERIES M DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 Merrill Lynch Mortgage Investors Trus DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS TRUS DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MERRILL LYNCH MORTGAGE INVESTORS, INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MGI PHARMA INC MN 8.01 09/28/05 MICROSEMI CORP DE 1.01,9.01 09/26/05 MICROSOFT CORP WA 1.01,8.01,9.01 09/20/05 MICROSOFT CORP WA 8.01,9.01 08/26/05 MILLENNIUM BANKSHARES CORP VA 1.01,8.01,9.01 09/27/05 MILLER HERMAN INC MI 1.01,8.01 09/26/05 ML MEDIA PARTNERS LP NY 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 MOHAWK INDUSTRIES INC DE 7.01 09/28/05 MOLIRIS CORP FL 4.01,9.01 08/09/05 AMEND MOLSON COORS BREWING CO CO 1.01,2.03 09/22/05 MONSTER WORLDWIDE INC DE 1.01,8.01,9.01 09/28/05 MORGAN BEAUMONT INC NV 8.01,9.01 09/16/05 MORTGAGE ASSET SEC TRANS INC MASTR AS DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MORTGAGE ASSET SECZT TRANS INC MORT P DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, S DE 8.01,9.01 09/25/05 MORTGAGEIT TRUST 2005-4, Mortgage-Bac DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 MS STRUCTURED ASSET CORP CBT SERIES 2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 NAAC Alternative Loan Trust, Series 2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 NAAC Alternative Loan Trust, Series 2 8.01,9.01 08/25/05 NAAC Alternative Loan Trust, Series 2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 NANOGEN INC DE 1.01,7.01,8.01,9.01 09/28/05 NEKTAR THERAPEUTICS DE 1.01,2.03,3.02,7.01,9.01 09/22/05 NELNET INC NE 1.01,9.01 09/27/05 NEORX CORP WA 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 NEUROBIOLOGICAL TECHNOLOGIES INC /CA/ DE 1.01 09/22/05 NEW CENTURY MORTGAGE SECURITIES INC DE 9.01 09/16/05 NEW VALLEY CORP DE 1.02,9.01 09/27/05 NEWFIELD EXPLORATION CO /DE/ DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 NEWMONT MINING CORP /DE/ DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 NEWS CORP 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 NGP Capital Resources CO MD 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 NORFOLK SOUTHERN CORP VA 5.02 09/28/05 NorMexSteel, Inc. FL 4.01,9.01 09/28/05 NorMexSteel, Inc. FL 4.01,9.01 09/28/05 AMEND NOVADEL PHARMA INC DE 1.01,3.02,5.02,7.01,9.01 09/26/05 NOVAVAX INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 NOVEN PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE 8.01 09/28/05 NU SKIN ENTERPRISES INC DE 1.01 09/22/05 NYER MEDICAL GROUP INC FL 1.02 07/25/05 NYMEX HOLDINGS INC DE 5.02 09/28/05 OLD DOMINION FREIGHT LINE INC/VA VA 1.01,1.02,2.03,9.01 09/22/05 OMNOVA SOLUTIONS INC OH 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 ONEOK INC /NEW/ OK 1.01,9.01 09/28/05 ONESOURCE TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/22/05 ORASURE TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 1.01,5.02 09/23/05 PACIFIC ENERGY PARTNERS LP 1.01,2.03,9.01 09/23/05 PANACOS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 PANACOS PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 PARAGON REAL ESTATE EQUITY & INVESTME MD 1.01,9.01 09/26/05 PARKERVISION INC FL 7.01 09/28/05 PEOPLES FINANCIAL SERVICES CORP/ PA 8.01 09/28/05 PERFECTDATA CORP CA 5.02,8.01,9.01 09/14/05 AMEND PHARMACEUTICAL FORMULATIONS INC DE 2.01,9.01 09/23/05 PHOENIX COMPANIES INC/DE DE 1.01,9.01 09/28/05 PIONEER OIL & GAS UT 8.01 09/27/05 PLURISTEM LIFE SYSTEMS INC NV 5.02 09/26/05 PMC SIERRA INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/27/05 Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Tru DE 8.01 09/26/05 POPULAR ABS MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRU DE 8.01 09/26/05 POPULAR ABS MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH TRU DE 8.01 09/26/05 Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Tru DE 8.01 09/26/05 Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Tru DE 8.01 09/26/05 Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Tru DE 8.01 09/26/05 Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Tru DE 9.01 09/27/05 Popular ABS Mortgage Pass-Through Tru DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRSUT DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 Principal Life Income Fundings Trust DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 Principal Life Income Fundings Trust DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 Principal Life Income Fundings Trust DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INCOME FUNDINGS TRUST DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA 9.01 09/23/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA 9.01 09/23/05 PRINCIPAL LIFE INSURANCE CO IA 9.01 09/23/05 PROGINET CORP DE 2.02,9.01 09/28/05 PROLIANCE INTERNATIONAL, INC. DE 2.05 09/23/05 PROSPECT ENERGY CORP MD 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 PUBLIC MEDIA WORKS INC 5.02 09/23/05 RAINDANCE COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 RED HAT INC DE 2.02,9.01 09/28/05 REGEN BIOLOGICS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/23/05 RELIASTAR LIFE INSURANCE CO OF NEW YO NY 8.01 09/28/05 RES CARE INC /KY/ KY 1.01,7.01,9.01 09/23/05 RESIDENTIAL ACCREDIT LOANS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 RESOURCES CONNECTION INC DE 2.02,9.01 09/28/05 Ruths Chris Steak House, Inc. DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 SABR TRUST 2005-EC1 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 SABRE HOLDINGS CORP DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 SACO I TRUST, 2005-WM1 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 SAFECO CORP WA 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 SAFETEK INTERNATIONAL INC DE 4.01,8.01,9.01 09/26/05 SASCO Mortgage Pass Through Certifica DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 SASCO Mortgage Pass-Through Certifida DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 SASCO Mortgage Pass-Through Certifida DE 8.01,9.01 07/25/05 AMEND SASCO Mortgage Pass-Through Certifida DE 8.01,9.01 08/25/05 AMEND SAVVIS, Inc. DE 5.02,9.01 09/26/05 SCHICK TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 1.01,3.03,9.01 09/25/05 SCHNITZER STEEL INDUSTRIES INC OR 5.02 09/23/05 SCIENTIFIC INDUSTRIES INC DE 8.01 09/27/05 SECURED DIVERSIFIED INVESTMENT LTD NV 5.02 09/26/05 SECURITY NATIONAL FINANCIAL CORP UT 9.01 09/26/05 Seneca Gaming Corp XX 8.01 09/27/05 SEQUA CORP /DE/ DE 8.01 09/28/05 Services Acquisition Corp. Internatio DE 5.02 09/23/05 SERVOTRONICS INC /DE/ DE 5.02 09/22/05 SHIRE PHARMACEUTICALS GROUP PLC 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 SIERRA HEALTH SERVICES INC NV 7.01 09/27/05 SIGA TECHNOLOGIES INC DE 3.01,9.01 09/22/05 SIGHT RESOURCE CORP DE 8.01,9.01 09/22/05 SIMMONS BEDDING CO DE 3.02 09/26/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Private Credit Student Loan Trust 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2002-4 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2002-5 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2002-6 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2002-7 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2002-8 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-1 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-11 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM STudent Loan Trust 2003-12 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-2 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-3 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-4 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-5 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-6 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-7 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loan Trust 2003-9 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SLM Student Loant Trust 2003-8 DE 8.01,9.01 09/15/05 SONIC SOLUTIONS/CA/ CA 8.01 09/28/05 SONTRA MEDICAL CORP MN 8.01 09/28/05 SPECIALTY UNDERWRITING & RESIDENTIAL DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 SPX CORP DE 1.01,9.01 09/23/05 SSA GLOBAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 ST JOSEPH INC CO 8.01 09/28/05 ST PAUL TRAVELERS COMPANIES INC MN 8.01 09/25/05 STAGE STORES INC NV 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 STANDARD PARKING CORP DE 5.01 09/27/05 STEEL TECHNOLOGIES INC KY 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 STRATEGIC HOTEL CAPITAL INC 1.01,5.02,9.01 09/22/05 Structured Asset Investment Loan Trus DE 8.01,9.01 09/25/05 Structured Asset Investment Loan Trus DE 8.01,9.01 09/25/05 STRUCTURED ASSET MORTGAGE INVESTMENTS DE 8.01,9.01 09/22/05 Structured Asset Securities Corp Trus DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Structured Asset Securities Corp. 200 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Structured Asset Securities Corp. Mor DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 SUN NETWORK GROUP INC FL 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 SUNSET FINANCIAL RESOURCES INC 5.02 09/26/05 TASTY BAKING CO PA 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 TBS INTERNATIONAL LTD 7.01,9.01 09/26/05 Terwin Mortgage Trust Asset-Backed Ce DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Terwin Mortgage Trust, Series TMTS 20 DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Terwin Mortgage Trust, Series TMTS 20 DE 2.01,9.01 09/13/05 THREE FIVE SYSTEMS INC DE 5.02,9.01 09/27/05 TIGER TELEMATICS INC DE 3.02,8.01 09/28/05 TOPPS CO INC DE 2.02,9.01 09/28/05 TOREADOR RESOURCES CORP DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 TOREADOR RESOURCES CORP DE 1.01,2.03,3.02 09/22/05 TORRENT ENERGY CORP CO 3.02,7.01,9.01 09/26/05 TRI VALLEY CORP DE 2.01,9.01 07/15/05 AMEND TRIBEWORKS INC DE 5.02 09/22/05 TRIBUNE CO DE 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 Trinsic, Inc. DE 5.03,9.01 09/23/05 TRIZETTO GROUP INC DE 7.01,8.01,9.01 09/28/05 TRM CORP OR 1.01,9.01 09/01/05 TUPPERWARE CORP DE 1.01,9.01 09/23/05 U S GLOBAL INVESTORS INC TX 2.02 06/30/05 UAL CORP /DE/ DE 5.02,9.01 09/28/05 UIL HOLDINGS CORP CT 1.01,9.01 09/28/05 UNITED DOMINION REALTY TRUST INC MD 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 UNITED FINANCIAL INC 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 UNIVERSAL DETECTION TECHNOLOGY CA 8.01,9.01 08/19/05 UROPLASTY INC MN 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 US AIRWAYS GROUP INC DE 7.01,9.01 09/28/05 USA TECHNOLOGIES INC PA 7.01 09/28/05 VALENCE TECHNOLOGY INC DE 5.02 09/26/05 VALUECLICK INC/CA DE 8.01,9.01 09/28/05 VECTOR GROUP LTD DE 1.01,3.03,5.02,9.01 09/27/05 VERIDIUM CORP DE 5.02,9.01 09/22/05 VERIZON COMMUNICATIONS INC DE 8.01 09/22/05 VERMONT PURE HOLDINGS LTD/DE DE 1.01,5.02,9.01 09/22/05 VERSO TECHNOLOGIES INC MN 1.01,9.01 09/22/05 VION PHARMACEUTICALS INC DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 VISTEON CORP DE 5.05,9.01 09/23/05 VOYAGER ENTERTAINMENT INTERNATIONAL I NV 8.01,9.01 09/27/05 WACHOVIA ASSET SECURIT ISSUANCE LLC 2 NC 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WACHOVIA ASSET SECURITIZATION INC 200 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WACHOVIA COMMERCIAL MORTGAGE SECURITI NC 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WAL MART STORES INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/28/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WaMu Mortgage Pass-Through Certificat DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 Washington Mutual Mortgage Pass-Throu DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES DE 9.01 09/27/05 WASHINGTON MUTUAL MORTGAGE SECURITIES DE 9.01 09/27/05 Washington Mutual MSC Mortgage Pass-T DE 8.01,9.01 09/26/05 WCI COMMUNITIES INC 1.01,2.03,9.01 09/22/05 Westpac Securitisation Mgt Pty Ltd Se 9.01 09/23/05 WILLBROS GROUP INC R1 1.01,8.01,9.01 09/22/05 WINDOW ROCK CAPITAL CORP NV 1.02 09/27/05 WORTHINGTON INDUSTRIES INC OH 7.01,9.01 09/27/05 XPONENTIAL INC DE 1.01,9.01 09/23/05 ZONE 4 PLAY INC NV 8.01,9.01 09/28/05