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The Independent Ethics Commission ("IEC") is a constitutionally created independent commission and is charged with the implementation of Article XXIX of the Colorado Constitution and Article 24-18.5-101 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. The purpose of the IEC is to give advice and guidance on ethics issues arising under Article 29 of the Colorado Constitution and any other standards of conduct or reporting requirements as provided by law, and to hear complaints, issue findings and assess penalties and sanctions where appropriate.  The members of the IEC are appointed by the Governor of Colorado, the Chief Justice of the Colorado Supreme Court, the Senate, the House of Representatives and the IEC itself.  IEC members serve without compensation but are reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in carrying out their duties.   

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 IEC Procedural Rules


The IEC Procedural Rules will not be effective until 9/1/08


Scheduled Meetings





10 a.m.

 Colorado Department of Agriculture 700 Kipling St Lakewood, Commissioners Bd. Rm



If you need to contact the Independent Ethics Commission please call Executive Director, Jane T. Feldman at 303.866.5727 or