Colorado Economic Recovery and Accountability

Education - Race to the Top


The $4.35 billion Race to the Top fund is the largest ever federal competitive investment in school reform. The funding will be divided among the states deemed to be in the top tier of education reform, over two phases.


Race to the Top is designed to create incentives for innovative, dynamic and quality education policies that ensure that every child has access to a good education and can compete in the global economy. Since 2007, Colorado has put into place policies designed to boost and measure teacher success, improve student learning and track progress, create new internationally bench-marked standards and assessments and help turnaround underperforming schools.


Colorado is now involved in a public process that will result in a proposal to qualify for the Race to the Top funds, potentially $300-$500 million. This is an investment that could potentially transform our education system. The proposal will be submitted December 1, 2009.

Press Release: Lt. Gov. O'Brien to Kick Off Race to the Top Work Groups - August 11, 2009


Audio: Dr. Garcia, Parental and Family Engagement that Enhances Student Achievement - August 10, 2009

Parental and Family Engagement that Enhances Student Achievement," a keynote address given by Dr. Eugene Garcia, Vice President of Arizona State University, at the 2009 workshop entitled, "Conversation for Fulfilling the Governor's Promise: Parent Engagement that Increases Student Achievement." This workshop was hosted by the Colorado Department of Education's Office of Language Culture and Equity in collaboration with the Governor's Office, Colorado Statewide Parent Coalition and Colorado Parent Information and Resource Center (CPIRC) on August 7, 2009 at the Warwick Hotel in Denver.

Press Release: Colorado Ready for Race to the Top Work - July 24, 2009

Final Meeting Schedule - July 27, 2009

Proposed Requirements and Guidance from US Department of Education - July 24, 2009

Frequently Asked Questions

Information about funds available through the ARRA for K-12 education in Colorado is available on the CDE Web site at: