Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 1-6: Estimated U.S. Roadway Lane-Miles by Functional Systema

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  1980 1985 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 d1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
TOTAL lane-miles 7,922,174 8,017,994 8,051,081 8,087,793 8,124,090 8,132,196 8,143,014 8,158,253 8,178,654 8,242,437 8,160,858 8,177,983 8,224,245 8,251,847 8,295,171 8,315,121 8,338,821 8,371,718 8,420,589 8,457,353
Urban, total 1,395,245 1,542,339 1,670,496 1,682,752 1,758,731 1,803,775 1,825,877 1,840,107 1,857,649 1,882,676 1,891,608 1,895,986 1,915,503 1,967,047 2,006,436 2,108,650 2,199,155 2,263,360 2,308,602 2,343,858
Interstates 48,458 57,295 62,214 62,826 67,266 69,184 70,832 71,377 71,790 72,257 73,006 73,293 73,912 74,463 75,107 79,591 82,926 85,986 87,944 89,270
Other arterialsb 333,673 371,649 399,376 402,360 418,208 435,386 442,474 445,828 449,480 453,623 454,060 450,411 456,181 457,567 462,855 484,171 505,328 523,838 532,933 540,189
Collectors 145,128 162,377 167,770 165,288 176,137 179,653 183,353 185,032 186,923 188,850 187,533 186,334 188,570 189,538 190,843 207,356 217,650 225,548 231,853 233,853
Local 867,986 951,018 1,041,136 1,052,278 1,097,120 1,119,552 1,129,218 1,137,870 1,149,456 1,167,946 1,177,009 1,185,948 1,196,840 1,245,479 1,277,631 1,337,532 1,393,251 1,427,988 1,455,872 1,480,546
Rural, total 6,526,929 6,475,655 6,380,585 6,405,041 6,365,359 6,328,421 6,317,137 6,318,146 6,321,005 6,359,761 6,269,250 6,281,997 6,308,742 6,284,800 6,288,735 6,206,471 6,139,666 6,108,358 6,111,987 6,113,495
Interstates 130,980 131,907 135,871 136,503 133,467 132,138 131,266 131,916 132,963 133,165 133,231 134,198 134,587 134,638 134,570 130,384 127,889 125,564 124,380 123,512
Other arterialsb 507,098 510,005 517,342 517,813 526,714 525,906 529,818 530,706 532,856 536,989 537,993 539,293 540,457 542,337 544,011 534,278 532,045 529,555 525,686 530,476
Collectorsc 1,431,267 1,466,789 1,467,602 1,467,561 1,441,466 1,434,473 1,432,189 1,417,428 1,416,662 1,418,637 1,415,774 1,413,953 1,414,667 1,414,155 1,408,752 1,388,515 1,380,712 1,373,348 1,372,906 1,369,500
Local 4,457,584 4,366,954 4,259,770 4,283,164 4,263,712 4,235,904 4,223,864 4,238,096 4,238,524 4,270,970 4,182,252 4,194,553 4,219,031 4,193,670 4,201,402 4,153,294 4,099,020 4,079,891 4,089,015 4,090,007

a Includes the 50 States and the District of Columbia.

b For urban: the sum of other freeways and expressways, other principal arterials, and minor arterials. For rural: the sum of other principal arterials and minor arterials.

c Includes minor and major collectors.

d Beginning in 1998, approximately 138,400 lane-miles of Bureau of Land Management roads are excluded.


In estimating rural and urban lane mileage, the U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration assumes that rural minor collectors and urban/rural local roads are two lanes wide.


1980-95: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Office of Highway Information Management, Highway Statistics Summary to 1995 (Washington, DC), table HM-260, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/ohpi/hss/hsspubs.cfm as of March 2009.

1996-2007: U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, Highway Statistics (Washington, DC: Annual issues), table HM-60, available at http://www.fhwa.dot.gov/policy/ohpi/hss/hsspubs.cfm as of March 2009.

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